Chapter 1269 The problem is solved, don't worry
Hearing Anyue's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the joy on their faces disappeared instantly.

Everyone understands the meaning of Anyue's words. After all, this world is ending and the next stage of testing is about to begin. Pregnancy at this time is not a good time.

"It would be great if the next test was a team battle!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Anyue shook his head: "Even if it's a team battle, without the current conditions, everything will become extremely troublesome!"

Zhan Xue frowned and said: "There is a high probability that it will not be a team battle! Now many of us in the Yiranpin Alliance rely on the island owner to live so comfortably, and the rules of the world will definitely not allow us to continue to live comfortably!"

"If Ranran is pregnant alone, what should I do?" Anyue frowned.

Xiao Yi looked at the sad faces of everyone, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the matter has been resolved!"

Everyone looked at the smiling Xiao Yi suspiciously, not knowing what he meant by that.

"I have already suggested to the people behind the scenes that the Survivors should not erase the Wudao Monument, and they have already accepted it!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

Jiang Yuntian asked in shock: "Island Master, what do you mean by this, can you continue to survive in this world if there are no survivors on the island monument?"

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded.

"Great!" Anyue said in surprise, "There will be no problem now!"

Nong Bihong frowned and asked, "Why did the person behind the scenes adopt your suggestion? What conditions does he have?"

There will be no pies in the sky, since the other party has adopted Xiao Yi's suggestion, Xiao Yi must pay something!
"There is only one condition, I must enter the next stage!" Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied.

"Sure enough, the people behind the scenes are only optimistic about the island owner!" Nong Bihong said helplessly, "Other people probably don't think much of it!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and said, "If I were behind the scenes, I would only be optimistic about the island owner!"

At this time, An Ran had already walked downstairs with Li Yan, and naturally heard what Xiao Yi said about the conditions of the people behind the scenes.

An Ran burst into tears instantly, she knew that Xiao Yi must agree to such a condition because of her and the child.

If it wasn't for him, Xiao Yi could live a carefree life in this world!

Pregnant people have greater emotional ups and downs, and are prone to get into a dead end.

Normal people can figure it out, no matter whether An Ran is pregnant or not, Xiao Yi will never escape!
Hearing the movement behind him, Xiao Yi hurriedly got up and walked over, while gently wiping An Ran's tears with a tissue, he said, "Why are you crying? This is good news. You and our children are safe and sound." survived, right?"

An Ran nodded while weeping.

"Okay, if you keep crying like this, the baby won't know what's going on, what should I do if he will cry a lot in the future?" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "You should smile more."

An Ran finally stopped her tears slowly.

There was no threat of death, and everyone relaxed.

"Island owner, since those who stay will not be obliterated now, do we need to continue searching for the island monument? Should the distribution of the island monument be rearranged!" Anyue asked while eating fried eggs .

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "There's no need to rush to find the island monument. The distribution of the island monument must be redistributed. However, everyone should be unwilling to leave this world now!"

Since there is no need to die, it must be comfortable in this slightly familiar world.

I don't know what the next stage is, but it is definitely more dangerous than this world.

Du Kang suddenly said: "Then if we destroy all the island monuments, don't we even have to leave?"

Jiang Yuntian gave him a thumbs up and said, "You have a big brain! But, I'm sure you're thinking too much!"

"Island owner, how about I give it a try?" Du Kang pointed to the island monument in the living room of the villa and asked. "Well, let's try it!" Xiao Yi nodded.

Du Kang walked up to the island monument and punched it, ready to violently destroy the island monument.

As a result, the island monument did not move at all!

Now Du Kang is an SSS-level master, but he cannot damage the island monument.

"Sure enough, there is no option to destroy and recover the cornerstone!" Du Kang said helplessly.

"That is to say, how many people need to enter the next stage for as many island monuments as there are now?" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Others have agreed to my rude request to change the rules, so please don't push yourself!"

Everyone nodded.

"However, according to the current situation of gradually escalating tests, it is estimated that many people are unwilling to stay here!" Anyue said.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Then what if there is no test in the future?"

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"This party is over. Survivors who continue to participate in the test have entered the next stage, and the test will naturally disappear." Xiao Yi explained.

"If that's the case, then everyone probably wants to stay!" Du Kang said excitedly, "Including me!"

"You are young, you don't want to make progress!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"It's not that you don't want to make progress, but the instinct of living beings to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!" Du Kang made a high-sounding excuse!

Anyue thought for a while, and asked, "Do you want to tell the other survivors?"

"No, let them find it first!" Xiao Yi waved his hands and replied.

"Yes!" Anyue replied.

At this time, Nana called Xiao Yi: "Island owner, Li Xiang's level has been upgraded to SS level. His speed has accelerated. Maybe he will be promoted to SSS level tomorrow!"

Hearing Nana's reaction, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "It seems that the people behind the scenes don't want to continue playing, they just want to end this dungeon as soon as possible!"

The rest of the people nodded, and Xiao Yi picked up his phone and said in the group: "The last survivor's level up is speeding up, everyone estimates that it's only today, everyone, hurry up!"

"What? Damn, you really know how to play the rules of the world!"

"That's right, our alliance hasn't found any island monuments yet!"

"I feel that the efficiency is much lower than yesterday! It seems that our alliance can't reach the reputation of everyone!"

"Hey, who can discuss with the rules of the world, just don't obliterate those who don't have island monuments."

"If you think too much, the rules of the world won't pay attention to us survivors."

"Yeah, in their eyes, we don't even count as ants! It's just a grain of sand in the desert!"

"Let's not talk about it, today's prehistoric monsters are stronger, they can't handle it, and we still need the big boss's team to solve it!"

"There are still foreign alliances attacking in our alliance. They just strengthened their defenses. Do you feel so good about yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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