Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1262 It's really hard to beat, the test has been improved

Chapter 1262 It's really hard to beat, the test has been improved

"Of course the other survivors have no objections. Except for a few island owners, the rest of the survivors have used contract cards. Do they dare to object?"

"No wonder, it turned out that they were all contracted. In fact, this is also good, so as to save trouble!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that I don't have enough contract cards, otherwise I would have all contracted, and I can play as I want?"

"Has everyone published a book about Kung Fu?"

"Of course, the familiar kung fu has come out, such as Tai Chi, Wing Chun and Baguazhang, you can do whatever you want!"

"There are still two in our alliance that haven't reached the SSS level, so today's supply boxes haven't been opened yet!"

"Is it so inked?"

"Yeah, but they're coming soon. It's estimated that all members will be able to advance to the SSS rank this afternoon!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian did encounter stubborn resistance from the natives.

Originally, it was very simple to attack the natives, and it could basically be done by throwing a few intercontinental missiles.

But now even the natives have an anti-missile system. Although it is not [-]% intercepted, it has indeed caused a lot of trouble for Jiang Yuntian!

When fighter jets and bomber jets performed missions, they also encountered powerful air defense systems.

The first Survivor Alliance supported today, a fighter jet was shot down by the enemy natives. Fortunately, the pilot ejected in time, otherwise Yi Ranpin's first sacrificed pilot would have been born!

"Instructor, the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower is too strong!" The pilot who was lucky enough to fly back said with lingering fear.

Jiang Yuntian looked at them, and said in a deep voice: "This is the real battle. In the past, those were just offensive and defensive drills. What? Are you afraid?"

The pilots immediately stood at attention and shouted in unison: "No!"

"Since you don't, then go back to your fighter plane, continue to fight and bomb, when you can pass through the opponent's air defense system, you will graduate!" Jiang Yuntian roared. .

"Yes!" The pilots responded, and then all got back into their fighter planes.

Jiang Yuntian picked up the communicator and said: "This is the last time I will show you the flying skills of the fighter plane, you can see it clearly for me!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Jiang Yuntian got into a fighter jet, took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier, and rushed towards the indigenous defensive position.

The indigenous air defense system started working immediately!

All kinds of air defense weapons fired over in unison, forming a firepower net, but Jiang Yuntian turned the fighter directly sideways, drilled through the gap in the firepower net, and at the same time attacked the air defense system on the ground !

Whoosh whoosh!
Machine guns and air-to-ground missiles were all thrown over in one go!

Boom boom boom!
The opponent's air defense system was immediately torn open by Jiang Yuntian's fighter jet!
"Don't stand still, take advantage of his illness to kill him!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


The fighters and bombers following behind immediately rushed in through this opening and began to bombard wildly!
After careful observation, Jiang Yuntian rushed directly to the team that was trying to complete the air defense system again. They had already shipped some brand new air defense equipment here!

The machine gun of the fighter rang again, and most of that team was eliminated by the fighter in an instant!

They also tried to struggle with the original anti-aircraft rockets.

But how can a ruthless person who can rush out of the firepower network of the air defense system be hit by these simple anti-aircraft rockets?Jiang Yuntian controlled the fighter jet, moved coquettishly, dodged the opponent's anti-aircraft rockets, and then continued to attack with machine guns, completely eliminating this team.

Before leaving, he left the air-to-ground missiles on the fighter jets on the air defense equipment!

These anti-aircraft equipment just made from the island monument were destroyed again by Jiang Yuntian!
At this time, the indigenous air defense system was completely paralyzed under the attack of other fighters and bombers.

The natives persisted for a while, and finally surrendered helplessly!
Before, it took only a dozen or 10 minutes to get a support, but this time it took more than an hour!

Not only did it consume a lot of ammunition, but it also lost a fighter jet!

The supported Survivor Alliance immediately stated that they would be responsible for the lost fighter.

After all, the cornerstone island occupied by the aborigines in front of them has an area of ​​500 million square meters!
Xiao Yi and the others made a total calculation and asked the other party to pay [-] cornerstones.

Originally thought that the other party would not be able to offer so many cornerstones for a while, but Jiang Yuntian just told the other party the price, and the other party immediately traded [-] cornerstones to the Yiranpin Alliance!

"I didn't expect that everyone I met was a rich man!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi nodded, and then asked, "How does it feel to fight today?"

"Very troublesome!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice, "According to the situation of the natives, it would be very difficult for us to defeat the Survivor Alliance in Yitong Country! Even if we do, we will have to pay a very heavy price!" Jiang Yuntian Shen Said loudly.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, then asked, "What if we keep using intercontinental missiles to deliver the courier?"

"It would be very wasteful, and it might not be fruitful!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head.

"Well, I understand. If there is no support mission, then find the nearest Yitong National Survivor Alliance and try it first!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The aborigines still have to deal with all of them first, and the cornerstone islands occupied by the aborigines are likely to have captured survivors.

Rescue this part of the survivors first!
The matter of the island monument can only be done slowly!

Su Wan sent a message to Xiao Yi at this time: "Island Master, many survivors have reported that today's prehistoric giant beasts and marine life are stronger!"

Xiao Yi replied, and then switched to Yi Tianqun.

"Made, you also said that if you attack the Survivor Alliance in Yitong Country, we won't be able to solve the troubles in our own alliance!"

"That's right, the reminder on the island tablet is really true! The attack of marine life has been completely strengthened!"

"The prehistoric behemoths have also been strengthened. In the past, the boss's team could be dealt with at most two wire-guided torpedoes, but now four may not be able to deal with it!"

"Fuck, I feel like I can't hold on until all of you can advance to the SSS class."

"Don't be discouraged, I looked at the map of the promoted, it seems that there are only the last 5000 people left!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi came to the island monument, switched to the map interface, and the map of those promoted showed that the number of people promoted to SSS level/total number: 196941/202204.

The difference between the two data is 5263!

In other words, there are only 5263 survivors who have not advanced to the SSS rank!

Now Xiao Yi was a little conflicted, he hoped that they could advance quickly, but also hoped that they would slow down!
(End of this chapter)

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