Chapter 1250 God damn compassion, bomber power

"Lying grass, this is not the photo you took last time on the Northeast Island of the Gangster Alliance!"

"Fart, I just took this picture, did you see, there is a date on my picture!"

"What's the point of having a date? This can be done!"

"Believe it or not, anyway, the boss' fleet will pass through our alliance to attack the ancient empire!"

"Yesterday, the boss seemed to have said that he was going to counterattack, did he do it today? This action is too powerful!"

"According to the boss, of course, the sooner the better! If we can't rescue those survivors who were captured by the natives, we will really be trapped here for the rest of our lives!"

"By the way, your alliance won't follow the past to have a drink of soup?"

"Forget it, those imperial powers are too powerful, the bosses were all suppressed and beaten yesterday, we estimated that we would be instantly killed in the past, so we should stay on our own island honestly!"

"That's true! I don't know if the boss brought the yacht there this time?"

"No, I checked. There are only five huge aircraft carriers, and the rest seem to be the natives captured yesterday!"

"Lying grass, it turns out that's the case, I finally understand why the boss was moved with compassion yesterday!"

"God damn compassion, this is for the captives to take the lead!"

"This is a trick. The ancient empire won't fight, and it won't fight if it doesn't fight. The boss is a bull!"

"Who the hell will talk about the big brother's Holy Mother in the future, I will definitely spray him to death with a mouthful of salt soda!"

All the teams of the Yiranpin Alliance have been transferred here. Following Jiang Yuntian's order, the entire fleet began to rush towards the direction of the ancient empire.

"Hey, are we being used as guns?"

"Yeah, who made us captives, we can only do what they want!"

"Are you saying Ogu will order an attack on us?"

"Of course, he gave up on us long ago!"

"Yeah, I feel like the whole world has given up on us!"

Seeing the demoralization of the soldiers on the other ships, Xiao Yi immediately understood the thoughts of the native captives, so he started to say with the loudspeaker: "Don't worry, everyone, this time I'm not sending you to die, nor is it blocking you from the front , The performance of the battleship you are on is exactly the same as that of the Augu Empire, don’t you want to win them once? Let Augu completely regret the decision he made for him, and regret giving up you elite soldiers!”

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the prisoners immediately reacted. They just hadn't changed their minds just now, and there was a gleam of light in their eyes.

Xiao Yi continued: "And I promise you, after this battle is over, you will become members of the Yiranpin Alliance, and you can live in the Yiranpin Alliance!"

Hearing this, eager light burst out in the eyes of these soldiers.

Although they were only locked up by the Yiranpin Alliance for one night, this night made them full of imagination about the life of the Yiranpin Alliance.

The bright prison cell and the rich prison meals all showed them the strength of the Yiranpin Alliance!
"Okay, we will go all out and try to defeat the team of the Ancient Empire!"

"Yes, in order to become a member of the Yiranpin Alliance in the future, we will definitely do our best!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Seeing that the morale of those captives had improved, Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, and Jiang Yuntian at the side gave him a thumbs up!
"When the time comes, let them fight the army of the ancient empire, or use bombers directly!" Jiang Yuntian asked.

These are all captives after all, and it doesn't hurt to consume some of them!
Xiao Yi replied: "While fighting, use bombers at the same time! Solve the battle as soon as possible, there are three other empires waiting for us!" "Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Two hours later, the fleet of the Yiranpin Alliance was already approaching the alliance occupied by the August Empire!
Seeing the five huge aircraft carriers and the warship he just lost yesterday, Aogu's face was gloomy, and he ordered: "Be sure to keep them at sea! Anti-aircraft guns are ready and they will definitely use fighter jets!"

"Yes!" The ancient empire was already ready!
Five aircraft carriers approached the South Island of the August Empire Alliance. Xiao Yi used the loudspeaker to shout: "Please surrender immediately, otherwise we will launch an attack immediately, and I will give you a minute to think!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's shout, Ao Gu replied angrily with the loudspeaker: "You should surrender immediately, you won't be able to attack!"

Xiao Yi ignored his words, and 1 minute passed quickly.

"Action!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

The six hundred captive ships immediately approached the South Island of the August Empire Alliance.

And the fleet of the ancient empire also rushed out.

The parameters of both warships are the same, so they entered each other's range at the same time and started shooting at the same time.

Seeing them fighting, Jiang Yuntian got into a bomber directly and ordered: "Fighters cover, pay attention to the opponent's anti-aircraft guns, the bomber is dispatched, only one is required, everyone throw all the bombs on the bomber to the opponent's pile !"

"Yes!" The rest of the soldiers flying the bomber responded immediately.

Fighters and bombers took off from the aircraft carrier.

"Prepare the anti-aircraft guns, shoot them down!" Aogu said with a sneer.

When the fighter plane approached the ships of the ancient empire, it was specially taken care of by those anti-aircraft guns.

After yesterday's battle, the pilots of the Yiranpin Alliance have gained a little, not to mention a big increase in experience.

Coupled with the professional teacher and professor Jiang Yuntian, their tactical evasion techniques are used very well today!
Almost dodged the opponent's anti-aircraft gun bullets.

The fighter jets greeted the anti-aircraft guns' attention, and the bombers behind them came over the ships of the ancient empire and dropped all the bombs they carried!
Jiang Yuntian drove the bomber along the battle line of the ancient empire's battleships.

A rain of bombs fell from the sky!

"What is this?"

"How can it be so big?"

"This should be something like a shell, everyone dodge immediately!"

But the warships of the ancient empire are all crowded together, there is not much room to hide!
Those bombs fell on the ships of the ancient empire with the sound of wind.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xiao Yi who was behind the battlefield felt his ears ringing!

He was shocked to see that more than half of the warships of the ancient empire were directly blown to pieces. Even the island monument could not be repaired due to this level of damage.

Not to mention the soldiers on the ship, there were broken arms and limbs everywhere, these soldiers who were blown to pieces were lucky, unfortunately those who were seriously injured but did not die could only groan in pain!

"It's too powerful!" Xiao Yi said in shock.

Aogu, who was watching the battle on the shore, was completely dumbfounded, and murmured: "How could this be?"

(End of this chapter)

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