Chapter 1241 Come to observe, the desperate anchor

Survivors from other alliances began to request.

Since Yi Ranpin said that it was more difficult, it meant that the opponent's strength must be extraordinary. Being able to observe the battle between the two big forces, everyone's interest was high.

"That's fine, but each alliance can come with a maximum of three people, and declare again that we don't guarantee their safety!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes, thank you, boss!" Everyone replied one after another.

All the Xia Kingdom alliances, each alliance arranged for three people to teleport over, and they were shocked when they heard the rumble of cannons in the distance.

They started the live broadcast one after another.

"Made, it's so scary. Ever since the teleportation array came out, the cannons haven't stopped for a moment. If this kind of artillery bombardment is switched to our alliance, it is estimated that they will surrender after a few minutes!"

"Has the opponent already hit the island of the Big Brother Alliance?"

"Yeah, the boss didn't solve the opponent at sea?"

"I see, that strengthened rule!"

"No way, the items obtained by the natives will be strengthened by the world rules? Are these rules still there?"

"It must still be there. No wonder the boss said it was difficult. The boss just took out several high-end items, and the natives called the next day. Isn't it obvious? The natives must have bought the boss's weapons and equipment from some channel. "

"Boss, does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?"

"Laughing and crying, it really means something like that!"

A live broadcaster said in his live broadcast room: "Do you want to go to the front line to see, if you want to deduct 1!"

In an instant, a bunch of 111s floated up in his live broadcast room.

"Okay, then I will risk my life and show you how the front line plays out!"

"Lying on the grass, anchor, are you dying?"

"Yeah, the shelling is so intensive, you are looking for death in this way?"

"Fuck, he really went!"

The anchor found the edge of the shelling and went to the beach. Under the fearful eyes of everyone, the anchor actually touched a jungle by the sea.

"Brothers, I've come to the beach!" The anchor said in the live broadcast room, "Everyone, let's go for a wave of gifts, and I will show you the situation on the sea!"

Immediately, there was a wave of rewards in the live broadcast room, including fish balls, rockets, planes and yachts!
"You guys are so awesome, now I switch the camera to the sea, everyone hold your chins up!" said the anchor.

"Fuck, you still hold your chin up, can it still fall off?"

"That's right, switch quickly, I want to see if the scene on the sea is shocking!"

"Hurry up, stop the ink stains!"

The anchor immediately switched the camera to the sea, and the densely packed ships immediately appeared in the camera!

"Don't worry, this is just a part, I'll take pictures of the entire fleet!" the anchor continued, and then moved his phone.

At this time, there seemed to be no audience in the live broadcast room, no barrage appeared, and no speeches!

Until the anchor finished filming all the warships, he said, "How do you feel? Are you shocked? Or did you lose your jaw and fell to the ground?"

Hearing the anchor's words, everyone reacted.

"Lying grass, what kind of indigenous force is this, there are so many ships?"

"So many ships are just a little tricky for the boss? Made, this kind of force attacked our alliance, and we surrendered directly!"

"Nonsense, so many ships are coming together, and they are all equipped with more advanced equipment than ours. There is no way to fight well?"

"Do you want to see how the boss will deal with this crisis?" the anchor said at the right time.

"Of course I want to! I have to! Otherwise, why would we watch your live broadcast?"

"That's right, if you can show us how the boss handles it, I'll give you ten yachts!" "I'll give you a rocket!"

When the anchor saw everyone saying this, he became excited and said: "One word"


The people in the live broadcast room only felt that the camera circled several times and landed on the ground, and stopped.

"The anchor won't receive a lunch box, will he?"

"Well, the front line is really dangerous, he may have encountered a stray bullet by chance!"

"Hey, three seconds of silence for the anchor, change to another anchor!"

At this time, the camera flickered, and a person with blood on his face appeared, most of the people watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"Lying grass, what the hell, I threw my phone away!"

"Made, I'm too dizzy to look at it, don't forget to call me when this scene is over!"

"Looks like he's a host?"

"Ahem, hello everyone, a cannonball landed beside me just now, I couldn't dodge it in time, and was sent flying by the shock wave, and the shrapnel scratched my forehead!" The anchor wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and said .

"Lying grass, you're really an anchor, your life is really tough!"

"I haven't got your tip yet, how could I die?" The host grinned.

"Made, anchor, you want to pay me for my phone. I just threw the phone out with your makeup just now!"

The anchor continued: "You want me to pay for your phone? You are insulting the quality of the boss's phone! I have been baptized by shells, and the phone is still in the live broadcast. You just threw it out and it broke?"

"It's not bad if it's bad, but you scared me just now, so you have to give me some spiritual comfort money!"

"Then you give me some physical comfort money first, I am injured, and you still ask me for spiritual comfort money?" The anchor joked with netizens while watching the situation on the sea.

"Fuck, don't talk about what's missing, hurry up and broadcast the situation at sea!" Some netizens urged.

The anchor smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is no other situation at sea right now, the indigenous ships are approaching slowly, I'll find a safe place first!"

As he spoke, the anchor started to move, but stopped after feeling that he hadn't gone too far.

"I said anchor, you only took these few steps, are you sure it's safe?" a netizen asked in the live broadcast room.

The anchor immediately switched to the rear camera and said, "Everyone, look at where I am? There will be a prize for guessing right!"

"It looks like a pit?"

"That's right, it's a dirt pit, what's the point of guessing!"

"No, this is the crater of the shell just now!"

Seeing that someone had already guessed it, the anchor said with a smile, "Congratulations to this veteran who has carried a gun together. If you answered correctly, I will reward you with a kiss!"

As he spoke, the host blew a kiss to the camera.

Everyone in the live broadcast room retched!
"Lying grass, can the host stop being so disgusting?"

"I vomited out all the giant beast meat I ate just now, you pay me for the giant beast meat!"

“Just in time for another meal!”


The anchor looked at the protests of netizens on the screen, and said with a smile: "Tell everyone a little trick for surviving on the battlefield. If you want to improve your survival rate on the battlefield, then find a bomb crater and hide!"


(End of this chapter)

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