Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1234 The Shock of Synthesizers, Selling Wire Guided Torpedoes

Chapter 1234 The Shock of Synthesizers, Selling Wire Guided Torpedoes

Hu Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "There is only that point left, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yi had no choice but to talk about the super synthesizer again.

Hu Zhe's eyes widened, and he asked, "You mean, you turned the ordinary food we harvested into SSS-grade food?"

"Of course, what I said just now wasn't clear enough?" Xiao Yi asked rhetorically.

Hu Zhe shook his head and replied, "I just find it incredible!"

Jia Zhente and the two of them had already confirmed that the remaining food was SSS grade, so they turned their heads and said in shock, "My lord, what kind of machine is this in your hand?"

"The super synthesizer can combine two low-level items into a high-level item, so now you know that there is no shortage of SSS-level food in our alliance!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I definitely wouldn't have believed it!" Mith said with emotion.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "I couldn't believe it at first, but after we use this machine to turn ordinary water into SSS-grade water, I don't have any doubts anymore!"

Jia Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "Then we will always have SSS food in the future?"

"Of course, you can ask other people in our alliance, they rarely have food below the SSS level!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Well, thank you, Island Master!" Jia Zhente said.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "If you are short of food in the future, you can apply directly to us, you're welcome!"

"Don't worry, island owner, since we already know that the alliance has no shortage of SSS-grade food, we will definitely not be polite!" Mith said with a smile.

"If there are no other questions, I'll go back first." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Well, send off the island owner!" Jia Zhente and the three said respectfully.

Xiao Yi directly used the city return stone to leave the giant clan.

After Xiao Yi left, Hu Zhe still asked in disbelief: "Boss, don't we have SSS-level food every day from now on?"

"Of course, the island owner has such a powerful machine in his hands, so why do we have to work hard on ourselves?" Jia Zhente replied with a smile.

"In the future, I will find the island owner to synthesize SSS-level food in time, so it will be difficult for everyone to eat food below SSS-level in the future!" Misi said with a smile.

After Xiao Yi returned to the villa, he thought about it, and used the island tablet to contact the team near the space crack.

"Are there any undead rushing out of the space crack?" Xiao Yi asked.

"There are more, but not many, occasionally one will rush over, and they are all dealt with by the giants guarding around the space crack!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then continued to ask: "Have the scientific research robots near the space crack gained anything?"

"Island owner, wait a moment, I'll call a robot to answer your question!"

Soon, the robot's electronically synthesized voice came from the island tablet: "Island Master, we are still researching, but there is no result yet. Our space science is still far behind!"

"Well, you guys continue to study, if there is any breakthrough, please contact me in time!" Xiao Yi nodded and said.

"Yes!" The scientific research robot responded.

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi sighed helplessly, and muttered: "It seems that space technology is still too profound!"

At this moment, Xiao Yi's phone rang.

Jingle Bell!
"Hey, Brother Jiang, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"There are more and more alliances that need our support now, and we simply don't have time to support them!" Jiang Yuntian replied helplessly. "Is that so much?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, thought for a moment, and then asked, "What do you think of us selling submarines?"

"Sell the submarine?" Jiang Yuntian was surprised in his tone, and then said, "There is no need to sell the submarine, and the price is not easy to determine!"

Xiao Yi frowned, and said, "If we don't sell the submarine, we have no way to support them, so they are doomed?"

Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile: "We can only sell wire-guided torpedoes!"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback.

"Wire-guided torpedoes can be launched not only from submarines, but also from various ships!" Jiang Yuntian explained.

"It's okay on the boat?" Xiao Yi hasn't carefully understood the wire-guided torpedo yet.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian said with certainty.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Since this is the case, there is no need to hesitate, just sell the wire-guided torpedo!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Jiang Yuntian immediately posted a message in Yitian Group.

"In view of the increasing number of prehistoric monsters encountered by survivors, the Yiranpin Alliance is now selling wire-guided torpedoes. This torpedo can be launched on various ships. If necessary, you can buy it yourself. If you need our alliance's Team support, need to line up."

Seeing this news, the Yi Ranpin group immediately became excited.

"Wire guided torpedo? What kind of torpedo is this?"

"You don't have to ask, it must be a very advanced torpedo, at least much more advanced than the steam gas torpedo!"

"That's right, the hit rate and power of wire-guided torpedoes are much higher than those of steam gas torpedoes!"

"Great man, just now we were still worried about encountering a prehistoric monster. The Yiranpin Alliance team was not free to come to support. Now that we have this torpedo, we finally don't have to worry about it."

"That's right, we don't have to worry about it, hurry up and buy some wire-guided torpedoes!"

"Hahaha, just now a foreign alliance privately chatted with me about buying this wire-guided torpedo!"

"You won't sell it to him, will you?"

"How is it possible? Such advanced weapons must not be sold to them casually!"

"However, some countries with good relations can still sell them some!"

"Yes, like the one-tube country and the free country, then there is no need to sell it!"

Xiao Yi didn't participate in the discussion in the group, because it was beneficial to him whether he sold it or not.

Selling to foreign countries can also allow foreign alliances to easily handle giant beasts, obtain giant beast meat, and increase the speed of everyone's level improvement.

If it is not sold to foreign countries, the behemoth is likely to destroy those alliances, and those survivors who are lagging behind will also be eliminated, which can also increase the speed of all members to advance to the SSS level.

So Xiao Yi didn't bother to care about whether they would resell them abroad.

After Jiang Yuntian hung the wire-guided torpedo in the group, everyone rushed to buy it.

Fortunately, the resources of the Yiranpin Alliance are extremely rich now, and they can support the panic buying by everyone.

"It seems that everyone still has a lot of cornerstones!" Jiang Yuntian sighed in the internal group when he saw the number of transactions in that instant!
(End of this chapter)

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