Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1228 Too calm, because the rules of the world are confusing

Chapter 1228 Too calm, because the rules of the world are confusing
"What about those alien races? Has everything been arranged for their positions?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"It's all been arranged!" Anyue replied, "We are currently surveying and mapping the buildings and layout of their original tribe. When the time comes, we will directly use the island tablet to reproduce their tribe on our island."

"If there is any problem that needs my help to solve, please come to me in time!" Xiao Yi urged.

"En!" Anyue responded.

After instructing Anyue, Xiao Yi returned to his bedroom and continued to study Daozang.

If one concentrates on one's study, time will pass without knowing it.

"Island owner, you can come down for dinner!" Su Wan's voice came from outside the door.

Xiao Yi looked outside, and the sky had already darkened.

When Xiao Yi walked downstairs, everyone was already sitting at the dining table.

There is no urgent matter now, everyone will sit together to eat and chat by the way.

"Brother Jiang, the team you loaned out has been widely praised!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, I heard that the loaned team from our alliance is invincible!" Du Kang also said excitedly.

Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile: "Don't be six in the basics!"

Anyue continued: "Now the area of ​​our survivor island is expected to double again!"

"That's fine. Didn't the island tablet prompt say before that the island area is related to the advantage in the next stage!" Nong Bihong said, "This way, we survivors will have a greater advantage!"

Everyone nodded.

"Island Master, what kind of test do you think the next stage will be?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and replied, "I don't know!"

"Could it be another planet to start over? This planet has a higher degree of civilization. Now this world probably doesn't even have a first-level civilization. Will it enter a first-level civilized planet in the next stage?" Du Kang opened his brain hole again. .

"You don't want to say that we have to go from level one to level nine, and go through nine planets?" Jiang Yuntian said speechlessly.

"That's not sure!" Du Kang replied, and then continued to imagine, "Maybe the next stage is to enter a world of martial arts, or a world of swords and magic!"

"Why don't you talk about entering the fantasy world?" Jiang Yuntian said, rolling his eyes.

"That's right, maybe it's the fantasy world. Look at the black light that attacked the island owner before, and the white light that defended the island owner. Maybe it's fighting spirit!" Du Kang let himself go completely!

Xiao Yi didn't bother to care about Du Kang, who had an infinite brain, and concentrated on cooking rice.

"Island Master, do you think what I said is possible?" Du Kang thought about it for a while, then returned to reality, looked at Xiao Yi and asked.

"Ah, yes, yes, everything you said is right!" Xiao Yi replied immediately, and then continued to deal with the food in front of him.Du Kang was speechless: "Island Master, can you be more perfunctory?"

"Am I perfunctory?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Du Kang seriously and nodded, "What you said is very possible!"

"Forget it, this is just my thinking. God knows what the next stage will be?" Du Kang said helplessly, and then began to concentrate on eating.

Anyue said again: "It always feels like it's been too peaceful recently, is there any big move brewing in this world?"

It was a hot fight outside, and the Yiranpin Alliance didn't respond at all, which made Anyue even a little uncomfortable!

"Uncle An, this is purely because of your overthinking!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile, "Actually, we also encountered many attacks, but because our strength is too strong, those attacks were resolved before we felt them. "

Anyue was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Yuntian continued to explain: "I don't know anything else, let's just talk about the aboriginal invasion. Since yesterday morning, a total of eleven aboriginal attacks have been reported, all during the day, almost every two hours on average. Once, however, these indigenous teams couldn't even break through the patrol team on the sea! So, it's not that we are too calm, but that we are too strong!"

Anyue nodded.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "Actually, the script in this world is not written in this way, but because of the existence of the island owner, this script has been completely ruined!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

"Originally, we needed to develop slowly according to the historical process, going through the farming era, the industrial era, etc., but the island owner jumped out and directly advanced all the processes!"

"The rules of the world can't do it. You can't let your family dominate. Quickly adjust the process and let other people speed up the process, causing all survivors to develop something that is more advanced than the original process!"

"Originally, the world battlefield was for everyone to upgrade to the SSS level. In the end, the island owner rushed through the wormhole and hit the front line, and then completely controlled the space crack in a week. Now the world rules can't be messed up!"

"What should we do next? Everyone hasn't reached the SSS level yet, but the main quests that were arranged before have been completely completed, so we can only arrange for these natives and marine life to continue!"

"Now these indigenous and marine creatures can't affect us at all, our alliance can only develop so peacefully!"

After listening to Jiang Yuntian's explanation, everyone was stunned, and then nodded in agreement.

"It seems that we can only continue to develop so peacefully! Wait for the rest of the survivors to become SSS!" Anyue said helplessly.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Don't wait for others, we haven't reached the SSS level yet, everyone should speed up!"

"Well, I will once again urge the survivors in our alliance to raise their level as soon as possible!" Anyue responded.

"Uncle An, I'm talking about you, don't just be busy with work, let go when it's time to let go!" Xiao Yi urged.

"Okay!" Anyue replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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