Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1178 Contacting other survivors, the great elder is angry

Chapter 1178 Contacting other survivors, the great elder is angry

"Use these teleportation wormholes?" Jiang Yuntian pondered for a while, and then he immediately reacted, "Island Master, what do you mean, let the Survivor Alliance rush directly from the teleportation wormhole, and we attack these undead from back and forth family?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and said, "After all, there are too many undead people. It's good to have multiple teams to help kill them together!"

Jiang Yuntian also nodded, and said, "Well, that's a good idea, but I'm a little worried that those alliances won't dare to rush over!"

"It's up to them whether they dare or not, we can't control this, let them do it!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let's do everything we can first!"

"En!" Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"Wait here first, wait for my news!" Xiao Yi warned, then used the return stone and returned to the villa.

Picking up the phone, Xiao Yi immediately said in the group: "Everyone, are there any undead coming out of the teleportation wormhole of the undead on the sea?"

"Here comes the boss. We were still discussing this issue just now. There are many alliance sea teleportation wormholes where no undead have appeared."

"Yes, boss, do you know why!"

"Don't talk, since the boss asked, he must know the reason! Listen to the boss!"

Xiao Yi continued: "If there are no more undead in the teleportation wormhole on the surface of the sea, I suggest that you arrange people to go there to investigate. If you are worried about danger, use a reconnaissance plane. If you confirm that there are no undead on the other side, Then go right there!"

"Rush over? It's too dangerous to do so!"

"Yeah, the opposite should be the lair of the undead. Wouldn't it be death to rush over!"

"No, we don't have as much firepower as the boss, rushing over is pure courting death!"

"Are you so afraid of death? Boss, don't worry, I will definitely rush over!"

"I am coming too!"

"Everyone listen to me first!" Xiao Yi continued in the group, "We just pushed the front line to the beach, and found a teleportation wormhole in the sea! Maybe it's because we pushed forward relatively fast and caught the undead by surprise. All their ships are rushing to the shore, so I think if you can rush through the wormhole, then we can attack back and forth and wipe out their sea power!"

"Lying grass, no wonder the boss asked us this question, it turns out that the boss has already pushed the line of troops to the seaside!"

"Yes, since this is the case, there is no need to hesitate at all. This is a very good opportunity to wipe out the undead, and you must not miss it!"

"Agree, I'll get ready!"

"Wait! I have a question! Since the ships of the undead race are rushing to the shore, and the boss hasn't fought them yet, how do we know the situation on the sea behind these ships? Can you see it with just a telescope?"

Sure enough, there are still relatively sober survivors. Logically speaking, the undead team on the sea should be very large. At least they have to break through the team on the sea to see the situation on the sea behind the team.

When he asked such a question, everyone was stunned for a while, and then responded one after another.

"That's right. Could it be that there aren't many undead on the sea, and the boss drove a yacht there?"

"How could there not be many? We don't know how many teleportation wormholes on the sea have come out!"

"Yeah, boss, what's going on?"

Xiao Yi replied directly: "We have a submarine, which goes directly through the water. So far, we haven't encountered any undead creatures in the water!"

"Fuck me! The boss has already got a submarine!"

"You scumbags, if you insist on asking how the boss did it, are you being hit now?"

"The boss is the boss. We only have diving boats now and the diving time is limited!" "Are there any other questions? No problem. I would like to remind you that you must bring a boat with an island monument over there. The front line is far away from our survivor island. It’s too far and there’s no signal for mobile phones!” Xiao Yi said, “We use the island monument to communicate!”

"Received! There is no problem on my side!"

"No problem, let's go right away!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, then continued: "After you pass by, we will float the submarine to the surface, and everyone will gather towards the submarine!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Xiao Yi used the city portal stone again and returned to the submarine with the island tablet.

"How is it?" Seeing Xiao Yi appearing, Jiang Yuntian hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"No problem, let me explain, most of them are willing to come!" Xiao Yi responded, "Now we need to wait!"


At this moment, beside the space crack, the nine elders of the undead race gathered together again.

"The advance speed of the outsider is too fast!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the other party to be so fast!"

"All the undead on the sea have been dispatched to the shore!"

When the Great Elder heard this, he suddenly said, "What? Are there no guards at the teleportation wormhole?"

"No, those outsiders are no threat at all. They will never dare to rush through the wormhole!" The Sixth Elder replied confidently, "Besides, those outsiders who just rushed to the beach can't see anything so far away. The situation on the sea!”

"Can't see it at all?" The Great Elder said coldly, "You all should remember the little thing that flew over before!"

"Remember!" Everyone responded.

"That thing should be able to detect!" the Great Elder said angrily.

"Ah, didn't we destroy them just in time?"

"When we destroyed them, those little things had already flown to us, and the situation on the outer sea surface must have been thoroughly investigated long ago!" The Great Elder replied.

This is just the Great Elder's speculation. In fact, the miniature reconnaissance plane is not that powerful.

He didn't know that the miniature reconnaissance plane has a distance limit, the distance is too far, and only after the reconnaissance plane returns can it transmit the detected information to the computer.

At this time, the Sixth Elder was sweating profusely after being spoken to by the Great Elder, but he still said tentatively: "Other outsiders should not dare to pass."

"Don't you dare?" the Great Elder said coldly, "Outsiders can contact each other anytime and anywhere. Do you think outsiders on the giant's defense line will not contact other outsiders?"

"If they are connected, other outsiders will definitely rush over from the teleportation wormhole, and then we will face a front and back attack, you know?"

Hearing what the Great Elder said, the Sixth Elder immediately stood up and said in a panic, "I'll arrange guards immediately!"

The Great Elder let out a sigh of relief and said, "As soon as possible, I hope there will be time!"

The Sixth Elder hastily left here!
"Great Elder, this outsider is too fierce, I'm afraid we won't be able to guard against it!"

(End of this chapter)

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