Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1164 The power of tanks can't be stopped, machine guns

Chapter 1164 The power of tanks can't be stopped, machine guns

Although many people in the group have opinions, most of them still choose loans.

If you really can't resist those undead, it's hard to say whether your own island will survive or not. Now it's just a mortgage loan. Let's enjoy the firepower advantage brought by the tank first!

As long as the loan contract is signed with the Yiranpin Alliance, Anyue will immediately release the money.

The money borrowed by those survivors is all on their personal or alliance cards, which is essentially a series of numbers, nothing more!

But this string of numbers allows them to buy tanks, as well as various weapons and ammunition!
Basically, all Survivors have purchased a hundred light tanks.

These tanks were quickly brought to the front line. Because of the rules of the world, the soldiers of the alliance only needed to be a little familiarized with them before they could complete the driving attack.

Boom boom boom!
Some ships that had just come out of the teleportation wormhole were immediately fired by artillery and tanks, and fell apart in an instant!

The black skull above was completely torn apart by tank shells.

Survivors who tasted the sweetness immediately started discussing in the group.

"Lying on the grass, these tanks of the boss are so powerful!"

"Yeah, our artillery didn't seem to be able to kill those black skeletons at once, but the boss's tanks can tear those black skeletons apart!"

"The king of land warfare, well-deserved reputation!"

As word of mouth fermented, those alliances that insisted on not buying tanks with loans also began to waver.

They had no choice but to choose loans, otherwise it would be really difficult for their alliance to withstand the impact of those black skeletons.

Xiao Yi looked at the news in the group, and without even asking, he knew that the level of black skulls in other alliances was not as high as the ones they met!
If so, with the light tank he provided, everyone should be able to guard against those black skeletons!
More and more people relied on Xiao Yi's tank to stabilize their position.

Xiao Yi returned to the front line again, and the sound of tank guns never stopped.

"Have you activated the machine gun yet?" Xiao Yi asked.

Jiang Yuntian clicked on the picture and replied: "No, it is better to take out this kind of thing suddenly, the effect will be greater!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and continued to ask: "Without machine guns, can we resist?"

"It's a bit difficult, I'm also observing!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

At this time, Jia Zhente's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Island Master, do we want to make a move?"

"No need for now, you should recharge your batteries, and you will have a chance to fight later!" Xiao Yi replied immediately.

Jia Zhente shrugged helplessly, and said to Hu Zhe: "There is no way, the island owner won't let us do anything, everyone should stay where they are!"

"Hey, it's just too boring to fight with the island owner!" Hu Zhe complained.

"The owner of the island is making the best use of everything, what do you know?" Jia Zhente glared at him and said.

Hu Zhe spread his hands helplessly, and then changed the subject: "Boss, how about the residence of our giant clan on the alliance island? Have you seen it?"

"Very good, almost exactly the same as before!" Jia Zhente said with emotion.

"Exactly the same? What is that good?" Hu Zhe was stunned for a moment, and said, "The island owner should build our building like that resort!"

Hu Zhe only passed by the resort once, and it was that time that he was very impressed with the resort's architecture!

"You know what! The resorts are aimed at small-sized humans and alien races. Our buildings will collapse if they are built like that!" Jia Zhente said with a glare at him.

Hu Zhe shrugged and said: "Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, I have joined the Yiranpin Alliance, and it will be enough for us to go to the resort to visit those buildings!"

"I'm warning you, don't mess around in the alliance. There are humans over there. Don't scare them!" Jia Zhente said seriously. "Chief, don't be so nervous. We have already been to the resort once. The humans there are very curious about us. We can't scare them!" Hu Zhe replied with a smile.

"Anyway, be careful, they are too small!" Jia Zhente warned.

"Yes!" Hu Zhe said with a smile.

At this time, the giant on the side shouted: "It's not good, I feel that I can't stop those black skeletons from pressing on me!"

Jia Zhente and the two who were chatting immediately looked forward,
The black skeleton has approached the giant's defense line about 50 meters away!
"Get ready to fight!" Jia Zhente shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes!" All the giants shouted in unison, their voices soaring into the sky.

Xiao Yi, who was far behind, heard their shouts, so he immediately said through the walkie-talkie: "You stay put, I will arrange for people to deal with these black skeletons!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Jia Zhente felt a little helpless, then looked at the crowd and said, "The island owner said, let us stand still."

"No way, what time is it, why don't we move!" Hu Zhe was speechless.

"Execute the order!" Jia Zhente said in a deep voice.

"If those black skeletons have already come to our feet, can't we move?" Hu Zhe asked helplessly.

"Yeah, looking at the current situation, human weapons can't stop those black skeletons at all. What are we waiting for?"

"Yeah, when they enter our line of defense, we will fall into a sea of ​​people tactics!"

"Boss, you can't just watch them come over like this!"

Jia Zhente looked at the crowd and said, "Disobeying military orders is the most taboo on the battlefield, do you understand?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

"Understood!" the crowd responded.

The black skeletons got closer and closer, and they were already 30 meters away from the defense line.

The giant became worried. A giant caught in the crowd tactics of the undead would be hard to come back!

Just when the giants were worried, two rows of troop carriers suddenly drove up behind them, and there were dark gun barrels on the troop carriers.

"Is this a new weapon of the alliance?" Hu Zhe looked at the machine guns installed on the personnel carrier suspiciously, "It looks worse than those tanks behind!"

Before the words fell, the cannons began to fire.

The machine guns fired continuously. Although those black skeletons were hard, they couldn't hold back under such a powerful firepower!

If one shell can't kill you, two can!

If two don't work, then three!
All the machine guns on the front line began to roar, and the black skeletons who were close to the giant's defense line were killed in an instant.

In just 1 minute, the line of undead soldiers was shot a hundred meters away again!

Hu Zhe swallowed, and said, "This firepower is too fierce!"

"Yeah, this thing fires faster than a tank, and it feels more flexible!"

"If you have this thing, take it out early, it makes me so worried!"

"You're just worrying. With the island owner around, when did you ever lose a battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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