Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1116 Calling for the cooperation of all members, the tank team attacks

Chapter 1116 Calling for the cooperation of all members, the tank team attacks

Seeing Xiao Yi's sudden message, the chat in the group froze for a while before continuing.

"It turns out that the boss is putting pressure on the undead on the front line, no wonder we feel that the pressure on our side is less!"

"Yeah, it's not an illusion, thank you, boss."

"Boss, when your front line launches an offensive, we can cooperate with the offensive!"

"Yeah, boss, hurry up and talk about it, our side is also ready to go!"

Xiao Yi continued to say in the group: "At three o'clock this afternoon, let's attack the undead together!"

"Okay, I'm going to prepare here, let the soldiers rest first, and wait for the time to attack together!"

"Yes, everyone, recharge your batteries and try to fight back the undead all at once!"

"Cooperate fully with the boss's attack!"

At this time, in the barracks of the Yiranpin Alliance, the sound of artillery was rumbling, and Jiang Yuntian's tank training was going on in an orderly manner.

Seeing those tank soldiers getting started slowly, Jiang Yuntian couldn't help feeling: "The training here is too simple, use food to pile up the soldiers' physique, and then carry out intensive training, and soon you can become a team of elite soldiers. "

Seeing those tanks accurately hit a target, Jiang Yuntian took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Yi: "Island Master, now we can basically pull it to the front line for actual combat!"

"So fast?" Xiao Yi had just told those people that the attack would start at [-]:[-] p.m., and it was only twelve o'clock at noon.

"Well, training soldiers in this world is too advantageous!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Shall we set off now?"

"No, let those tank soldiers continue to familiarize themselves with the tanks, and launch an attack on time at [-] o'clock in the afternoon!" Xiao Yi replied after a little thought.


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yi used the city return stone and came to the orc tribe.

With the help of the dragonmen and elves, the orcs have advanced the front line by ten kilometers, but they have stopped.

Arriving at the front line in a troop carrier, Oak and others greeted them one after another.

"How's the situation now?" Xiao Yi asked after listening to the dense gunshots.

"There is a lot of pressure and it is very difficult to push forward!" Oak returned.

The safety protection equipment on Tianwu's body has also become a little broken, but he was not injured. He continued: "Just after we advanced another five kilometers, the pressure suddenly became very high."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It should be that the undead have realized that your attack is getting stronger and have mobilized their troops!"

"Then what should we do now?" Tian Wu asked.

"Stay firmly in place first, and our weapons will be in place on time at three o'clock in the afternoon, and then we will continue to advance!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Oak and others responded.

Just stay where you are, not too many problems.

Xiao Yi also went to the two front lines of Ghost Gate and Dwarves, and told them to counterattack on time at [-]:[-] p.m., so that everyone can adjust their state and prepare to launch a counterattack!
At noon, Xiao Yi asked the kitchen in the alliance to cook a sumptuous lunch for the frontline soldiers.

Everyone had a good meal, and then stood on the defensive line, waiting for Xiao Yi's order.

Soon it was 02:30 in the afternoon. On the line of defense of the orcs, a row of tanks suddenly appeared at the front line!
This is Xiao Yi trading the tank directly to the front line of the orcs!
"What are these things?"

"I seem to have seen this on the alliance's TV. It seems to be called a tank!"

"Tank? Such a strange name, what can this thing do?" "Look at that long barrel, it must be able to fire artillery shells!"

At this time, those tank soldiers also teleported over with the return stone.

A total of 1000 people, two people on each tank, a total of [-] vehicles.

After those tank soldiers came to the front line, they immediately boarded the tanks and prepared to drive to the front line.

Almost at the same time, [-] tanks also appeared on the front lines of Ghost Gate and Dwarves!

"Brother Jiang, Sister Xue, the two of you are separated. One will go to the front line of the orcs, and the other will go to the front line of the dwarves to command tank battles. I will go to the ghost gate!" Xiao Yi looked at Jiang Yuntian and Zhan Xue, and said.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian and the two responded in unison.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yi finally ordered.

"Island owner, don't worry, we are just directing, not charging!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi gave him a white look, and said, "I'm not worried, Sister Xue, I guess you will rush to the front line in all likelihood!"

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Jiang Yuntian said helplessly: "You don't understand her now, she is the real fighting madman, I can only be regarded as a fool!"

A sharp gaze looked over from the side, and Jiang Yuntian immediately changed his tune: "I will definitely obey the island owner's order and learn from Comrade Zhan Xue!"

Only then did Zhan Xue look away, and asked, "Island Master, what is our strategic goal this time? Or is it just to push the front line forward?"

Hearing Zhan Xue's question, Xiao Yi replied: "Our goal this time is to advance the front line, put pressure on the undead, kill the undead as much as possible, and relieve the pressure on other alien races on the front line!"

Zhan Xue nodded.

"Okay, let's all go to our respective front lines, let's go!" Xiao Yi ordered.

The three of them used the city return stone one after another and came to the place where they needed to command.

Teleported to the vicinity of the ghost gate, looking at the narrow ghost gate, Xiao Yi ordered: "All tanks, the long snake is ready to pass through the ghost gate!"


The tanks immediately started moving forward, and the whole earth shook.

"Is there an earthquake?" The Yiranpin Alliance soldier asked doubtfully.

"Look at the back, those tanks!" Someone said, pointing to the back.

These people on duty have been staring at the situation ahead, fighting almost non-stop, so they didn't notice that the tanks behind them had started to move.

At first, when the tank appeared behind them, they had a discussion. There were survivors among the soldiers guarding the gate of hell, and they popularized science with others.

Although they knew that this thing was called the king of land warfare, they still felt very shocked when the tank moved.

"This thing is so heavy, you don't need to use a weapon to crush it directly!"

"Of course, these skeletons are all crispy, and they will be crushed with a tank!"

"It seems that we are going to charge!"

Xiao Yi's voice came over: "Immediately clear the skeletons in front of the ghost gate, and then open the ghost gate!"


All the light machine guns that closed the ghost gate began to shoot crazily. An open space was cleared before the ghost gate closed, but there were still many skeletons behind, and it was estimated that it would fill up the open space again in a few seconds!
(End of this chapter)

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