Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1088 The Secret Language of the Dragon Race, Believe, Time Difference

Chapter 1088 The Secret Language of the Dragon Race, Believe, Time Difference
"I am Xuan Qi, the patriarch of the dragon people. I am at the other end of the wormhole behind the undead you are fighting with. We will rush through the wormhole in one hour, which is displayed on this phone as 10:40." , attack the rear of the undead, and I hope you can also attack the defense of the undead at the same time!"

After the recording was over, Xuan Qi also made an unusually special sound!

Even Xiao Yi, who had a heart and soul skill, couldn't understand the meaning of this voice.

After recording, Xiao Yi began to operate on his hands.

According to the information fed back from the previous reconnaissance plane, it takes about half an hour to fly from the back of the undead to the front line of the battle, which means that the dragon people on the other side of the wormhole only have half an hour to choose whether to believe them or not, and organize a team to launch an attack.

Time is indeed a little tight, I can only hope that the dragon people on the opposite side will be more decisive!

Set the recorded audio to automatically loop after half an hour, then put the phone on top of a reconnaissance plane and start the reconnaissance plane!
Set the target of the reconnaissance plane to a person who is most likely to be the leader of the dragon tribe just photographed, and then release the reconnaissance plane!
The reconnaissance plane immediately flew towards the wormhole and disappeared!

As an SSS-level reconnaissance aircraft, it can automatically identify the reconnaissance target. After finding the target, it will hover in front of the opponent according to Xiao Yi's settings!
This should be no problem!

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had already rushed over with his team, all soldiers were equipped with carbines, there was a machine gun platoon in the team, and there were a few snipers with Barrett sniper rifles at the end of the team!

Seeing that several new types of weapons appeared in the hands of those humans, those alien races looked at their weapons curiously.

They had already seen the power of the weapons brought out by these outsiders before, and they were indeed very powerful.

They don't mind trying to use these weapons if given the chance.

But for the time being, they just didn't know each other very well, the foreign race didn't ask for it, and Xiao Yi didn't take the initiative to give it.

After the reconnaissance plane passed through the wormhole, it immediately raised its altitude. The skeletons seemed insensitive to such mechanical things, and they were completely unaware of the existence of the reconnaissance plane.

The reconnaissance plane flew to the front line at high speed. After more than 20 minutes, the reconnaissance plane had found the target dragon man, and then began to lower the altitude.

But the dragon man was very vigilant, seeing a black thing flying towards him, he immediately pulled out the spear in his hand, and watched the reconnaissance plane flying in the air vigilantly!
"What is this?"

"I don't know, it flew over from the undead. It should be something from the undead. Be careful!"

"Watch me poke it right off!"

"No, it's not a good idea to attack without knowing what it is!"

The dragon man looked at the reconnaissance plane vigilantly, and soon the time was up, and Xuan Qi's recording began to play on the reconnaissance plane!

"I am Xuan Qi, the patriarch of the dragon people!"

The sudden sound startled the dragon people here, and they almost threw the spear in their hands.

"It's the language of the dragon people!" Someone said immediately.

"Yes, listen to what he said!"

"At the other end of the wormhole behind the undead you are fighting."

After hearing that Xuan Qi's words, the dragon people looked at each other in shock.

"Is this true? Why does it feel so mysterious?"

"Yeah, although the other party uses the language of the dragon people, it seems that we have never seen this kind of machine before?"

"Since he came from the undead, we'd better not believe it."

At this time, the leader of the dragon tribe team said: "No, what it said is true. Please prepare, we will launch a full-scale attack in 10 minutes!" The surrounding dragon tribes were startled for a moment, and then responded in unison. :"yes!"

Although they didn't know why the leader was so sure, they still strictly followed the leader's order.

"The secret language of the dragon tribe is only known by the patriarchs, so this passage must be said by a dragon tribe leader. Maybe this is the breakthrough point for us to fight against the undead!" The leader of the dragon tribe looked at the endless undead in the distance. The family muttered to themselves.

With the leader's order, the entire Dragon Race began to act.

In the army of the undead, a thin figure in a black robe looked suspiciously at the mobilization of troops of the dragon tribe in front of him.

"What are the dragon people doing? Are they trying to fight us?" Heipao was extremely puzzled.

On the main island of the Yiranpin Alliance, Jiang Yuntian looked at his phone and said, "Island owner, there are about 10 minutes left, are you sure you want to rush over?"

Xiao Yi turned his head to look at Xuan Qi and said, "Let's see if Patriarch Xuan Qi can convince the Patriarch of the Dragon Clan on the opposite side."

"Don't worry, Island Master Xiao, the opponent will definitely launch an attack on time according to our request!" Xuan Qi said extremely confidently.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Then we will attack on time."

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Is the message he sent reliable?"

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Although Xuan Qi at the side couldn't understand Jiang Yuntian's words, he also understood Jiang Yuntian's worry.

"Please don't worry, when the time comes for the impact, our Dragon Race will be the first to rush in, and you just need to follow us!" Xuan Qi said confidently.

Jiang Yuntian raised his eyebrows and did not refuse, it is better not to be brave in such a risky matter.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Xuan Qi immediately prepared to rush towards the wormhole.

"Wait!" Xiao Yi stopped Xuan Qi.

Xuan Qi looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, and Xiao Yi explained: "We need to make a time difference. When the dragon people over there attract all the firepower of the undead, we can rush in and really catch them by surprise."

Although the reason behind this is easy to understand, Xuan Qi frowned and said: "In this case, there may be many casualties to the dragon people on the opposite side."

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Don't worry, the secret method of your Dragon Clan should not last more than 5 minutes!"

Xuan Qi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said, "That's true, then when shall we rush over?"

"Five minutes later!" Xiao Yi replied.

At this time, the dragon-human team on the other side of the teleportation wormhole has launched a full-scale attack!

All the dragon people have opened the secret method of the dragon people and rushed to the position of the undead.

The black robe in the undead team frowned and said: "Although I don't know what they are crazy about, we still have to block their attack! Call all the troops and block them!"

"Of order, my lord, but do we need to keep defenders on the side of the teleportation impulse?" The skeleton beside him knelt on the ground and said.

(End of this chapter)

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