Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1086 Trading information with a machine gun, over the wormhole

Chapter 1086 Trading information with a machine gun, over the wormhole
Obviously, the comments behind this transaction were not added by the survivors, but by the automatic recognition of the island monument!

Xiao Yi looked at the person's ID Risk, thought for a while, and sent him a private message.

"Hello, Risk, I'm Yi Ranpin, and I want to talk to you about the deal you hung up on the trading floor!" Xiao Yi sent a message.

Soon, it was convenient to reply: "It turns out that it is Yi Ranpin, why are you also curious about the situation on the other side of the wormhole?"

"I believe that there is no one who is not curious, and I'm probably not the first to chat with you in private!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"That's true." Risk replied, "But most people think I'm a liar, why are you going to exchange the 1 yuan cornerstone for this information?"

"No, I want to trade with you with other things!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Other things?" Risky said with a smile, "This may not arouse my interest!"

"For example, how about a light machine gun?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Light machine gun!" Risky was shocked, and after a moment of silence, he said again, "Two!"

"No, I only have one light machine gun, but it is SS level. If you disagree, then let it go!" Xiao Yi insisted.

Hearing Xiao Yi say that the light machine gun was SS-level, Riske immediately shouted: "Yes, yes, we agree to the deal!"

"Then tell me!" Xiao Yi said lightly.

Risk hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly.

It turned out that Risk actually sent someone into the teleportation wormhole and reached the other side. He desperately took some photos, and then threw the phone over.

"I have to say that the mobile phone you sell here is indeed very high-end. We salvaged it for a long time before finding it. When we found it, we simply controlled the water and dried it, and it turned on!" Riske said with emotion.

"Get to the point!" Xiao Yi urged.

Riske shrugged, and continued: "Actually, there is also a war on the other side of the wormhole, which seems to be more tragic than ours. I will send you the photo in a while. You can see it for yourself. It is quite clear. I won't say much about the matter, I believe you will have your own judgment after seeing the photos!"

"Okay, thank you!" Xiao Yi replied, and initiated a transaction.

"[Depp Light Machine Gun] (SS-level) trade none."

Risk immediately agreed to the deal, got the light machine gun, and immediately sent the photos taken by his companion to Xiao Yi.

In the first photo, the tone is darker, densely packed with undead, rushing towards the photographer.

The second photo seemed to be taken with a mobile phone, and the color in the distance became brighter. At the intersection of light and dark, a fierce battle is erupting!

In the third photo, a huge human being is punching a dinosaur made of pure skeleton with both fists!
"This is a giant!" Xiao Yi's eyes widened, and he muttered to himself, "What the hell is this place?"

Although there are only three photos, they have perfectly presented the situation on the other side of the wormhole!

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and then sent these three photos to the core group within the Yiranpin Alliance.

This group only had those who were with Xiao Yi at the beginning.

"Hey, what kind of photo is this? Why are there so many undead and giants?" An Ran asked curiously.

"And the skeleton of a dinosaur? Could it be a picture made by some computer expert?" Du Kang also spoke.

"Island Master, this is not the picture you asked someone to take on the spot, right?" Jiang Yuntian felt that these pictures were too real. If it was really just made by someone with a computer, Xiao Yi would not have posted it at this time.

It's almost time to rest now, even if it's for entertainment, it's better to post it in the large group, since it's only posted in the core group, it means there must be something wrong!
"That's right, these are all pictures taken by others on the spot, from the other side of the wormhole!" Xiao Yi said. "What?" All of them were shocked.

Anyue immediately asked: "Does that mean there is also a war breaking out in the wormhole?"

"Yes, and it seems to be more intense than ours!" Xiao Yi replied, "Although only three photos were taken, we can basically get a general idea of ​​the situation on the other side!"

"Over the wormhole, the undead are fighting the giants, and they can still attack our survivors with their hands? Isn't the undead too strong?" Du Kang said in surprise.

"Maybe it's not necessarily to free up your hands, but to use us to open up the situation!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice!

"It's possible!" Xiao Yi continued in the group, "They can't stop the giant's attack, so they just want to open up a battlefield here, and then recharge their batteries so that they can attack back again."

"In this case, if we want to end the test of the undead, we can join forces with the giants to get rid of all the undead!" Du Kang said.

"Get rid of the undead? It's not easy!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and said.

"Maybe this is really the way for us to pass this test!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"If we do this, then we have to arrange people to check the situation on the other side of the wormhole. After all, the situation behind each wormhole is not necessarily the same!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Let's discuss this matter in detail tomorrow, everyone, go to bed early!"


The next day, Xiao Yi opened his eyes and immediately signed in.

"Successful sign-in, get a reward: miniature unmanned reconnaissance aircraft template (SSS level)*1."

"Great, I just need you!" Xiao Yi stood up straight, and said excitedly.

With this there is no need to send people to venture into wormholes!

After Xiao Yi got up, he did morning exercises step by step, and then went downstairs to have breakfast at seven o'clock.

Everyone is already sitting at the dining table waiting for him!

"Everyone doesn't need to stand here, I will discuss with Brother Jiang how to investigate the situation on the other side of the wormhole in a while, and what should the others do!" Xiao Yi said, looking at everyone.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

After finishing breakfast, Xiao Yi built several miniature unmanned reconnaissance drones on the island monument.

"Micro unmanned reconnaissance drone (SSS level): It can detect, identify and record information by itself, and can return by itself after setting the time."

"Come on, Brother Jiang, let's go and see the situation of the teleportation wormhole!" Xiao Yi installed the miniature unmanned reconnaissance drone, grabbed a computer, and greeted.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Soon they came to the teleportation wormhole refreshed on the main island.

"Island Master Xiao!" The three alien patriarchs in charge of guarding the wormhole immediately stepped forward to salute Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded to them, and asked, "Can this side still hold up?"

(End of this chapter)

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