Chapter 1081 Only 20 people come, Barrett takes the boat

"I'll take you there!" Rollington responded immediately.

He got into Xiao Yi's car and immediately drove north.

"Island Master, do you need me to arrange to build a runway for fighter jets to take off?" Rollington asked in the car.

"The runway?" Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, then smiled and replied, "No need!"

"No need?" Rollington was stunned.

"This is to rescue Mu Kai and the others, just the people in our car!" Xiao Yi explained.

"Just those people in our car?" Rollington's eyes widened. "But Mu Kai and the others may not last long!"

Xiao Yi asked back: "They should be able to last for more than an hour, right?"

"It's definitely possible. According to Mu Kai's report, it should be able to last for two hours!" Rollington replied.

"In that case, don't worry, we will definitely be able to rescue them!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Rollington didn't know why Xiao Yi had such strong self-confidence. They had to know that they were going to face a national team!
Just because there are less than twenty people?Isn't this a joke?
But would Xiao Yi make fun of his own life?It seems impossible!

While Rollington was struggling, they came to the shore, Xiao Yi immediately operated on the island tablet pulled by the car, and traded the yacht over.

It takes about 10 minutes to use the yacht to reach the coast of the Cinan Empire. At that time, the yacht will be traded back without causing any giant beasts to attack!
When the blue yacht appeared in front of everyone in Tianlei Dynasty, they all looked at the ship in surprise.

"Such a small boat can handle more than 30 people, right?"

"It should be, it looks beautiful but it's not practical!"

"Is this kind of boat going to rescue our people at this time? Isn't it a little bit of a joke!"

Xiao Yi and the others ignored everyone's discussion at all, but directly boarded the yacht, and by the way, transferred the island tablet carried by the car to the yacht. When they came back, they would need the island tablet!

"Find someone to go with us, we need a guide after landing!" Xiao Yi looked at Rollington and said.

"I'll go, I have traveled with His Majesty to the Cinan Empire!" Ge Luo, who was preparing his team, came over and said.

"Good!" Rollington nodded.

Xiao Yi signaled Ge Luo to get on the boat quickly, and Ge Luo immediately jumped on the yacht.

After everyone boarded the boat, Xiao Yi immediately said, "Xiao You, follow the goal!"

"Yes, Master!"

An electronic sound sounded, startling Gero. He frowned and asked, "Who is talking?"

"You can understand that this yacht is talking to us, artificial intelligence, the specifics will be understood when you understand the technology system in the alliance!" Xiao Yi didn't bother to explain!
"Yes!" Gero replied, and then he found that the yacht was speeding away like an offline arrow.

"Isn't this speed too fast?" Gero couldn't help but said.

"According to the mileage you provided, we can reach the mainland where the Cinan Empire is located in about 10 minutes!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Two, two 10 minutes?" Gero stuttered in shock.

But then Gero discovered something even more terrifying. Everyone seemed to be checking and sorting out their equipment, so who was driving the boat?
At such a high speed, if there is no one at the helm, if it hits something, wouldn't it be the end of the whole ship?
Seeing Grotto looking at the cab in horror, Jiang Yuntian knew what he was thinking, so he said, "This is also artificial intelligence and can drive automatically. You don't have to worry at all." "Autopilot?" What did Grotto say? I feel like my three views have been subverted.

Just as Ge Luo was constantly shocked, the yacht approached the coast of the Cinan Empire, and even the patrol ships of the Cinan Empire could be vaguely seen!

"The other party should have spotted us!" Jiang Yuntian looked at the patrol boat with a telescope, and found that the other party was also looking at him with a telescope.

When Gero heard this, he didn't have time to continue to be shocked, but immediately said: "Go to the left!"

But Jiang Yuntian raised the spear in his hand!
Gro had never seen a gun with such a long barrel!
"No hurry, just get a little closer!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile, "Island Master, don't you want to see Barrett's power, this is a very good opportunity!"

"Okay, Xiaoyou, satisfy him!" Xiao Yi immediately replied.

In Gro's shocked expression, the yacht went straight to the local patrol boat.

"Remind me, the opponent's ship is powered by steam, let's see if you can find the location of its boiler!" Xiao Yi said again.

"Look at me!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

The two ships approached quickly, and the patrol boats of the Cinan Empire had never seen such a fast boat, and immediately started shouting.

"Please be aware of the ships ahead. You have entered the territorial waters of the Cinan Empire. Please stop the ship immediately and accept our inspection! Repeat"

But the yacht would not listen to what they shouted at all, but continued to drive at a high speed, and the speed began to slow down when it was five kilometers away from the opponent.

Jiang Yuntian aimed at the opponent's cabin and pulled the trigger decisively!

The loud and muffled sound startled Gero again.

"What kind of gun is this? How can it be so loud?" Gero's heart was beating wildly.

After firing this shot, Jiang Yuntian hardly paused, and fired the second shot again.

Xiao Yi at the side was observing Jiang Yuntian's shooting with a binoculars, but he didn't even put down the binoculars, so he gave Jiang Yuntian a thumbs up!

Because there was almost no error in Jiang Yuntian's two shots, they hit exactly the same position.

The first shot failed to break through the outer iron armor, but the second shot hit the same position and finally broke through the iron armor.

Then Jiang Yuntian fired the third shot.

After the gunshots sounded, Jiang Yuntian put away the sniper rifle and said, "Okay, let's go ashore quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble when the giant beast comes!"

Before he finished speaking, the patrol ship of Cinan Empire exploded in the distance!
Looking at the patrol boat that exploded violently, Gero couldn't help but licked his dry lips, his face full of disbelief.

Three shots actually solved a ship?

How could this gun be so powerful?

Why is instructor Jiang shooting so accurate?
The yacht immediately sped towards the shore, and according to Gero's command, they found a landing point that the Cinan Empire had not arranged to guard.

Although the terrain was a bit steep, it was nothing to Xiao Yi and the others!
After Xiao Yi and the others came ashore with an island monument, they immediately traded the yacht back, climbed over the steep cliff, and finally came to the flat ground.

An hour has passed by now!
Xiao Yi and the others used the island tablet to trade the troop carrier over, and everyone got on the troop carrier and rushed to the place where Mu Kai and the others were besieged!

(End of this chapter)

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