Chapter 1056 Mongolian explosives, throw me a grenade
A round of bombing directly destroyed the morale of the Zhanmu family. After the two fighter jets circled in the sky, they were ready to dive down again.

At this moment, Muzhu reacted immediately, and shouted loudly: "Bazooka, aim all weapons at that thing in the sky, and shoot it down with me when it approaches!"

The team of the Zhanmu family, which had no morale, found its backbone again, and raised their weapons one after another.

Seeing the situation on the ground, Jiang Yuntian said: "Now you are really facing the battle, and do a good job of tactical evasion!"

"Yes!" The pilots of the two fighter jets responded one after another.

And Xiao Yi had already made the soldiers beside him start shouting to the people below.

"Drop your weapon, raise your hands high, surrender without killing!"

At this time, Muzhu finally understood why his family's port didn't have any defensive power, and it must have been crippled by these two things!

Without an established anti-air weapon, it is difficult to threaten this extremely fast machine!
"Guys, we have nowhere to retreat now. Even if you surrender, you will definitely be punished by Luo Linton. We can only fight with our backs!" Muzhu roared loudly.

Those soldiers really wanted to surrender when they heard the shouts from the fighter jets, because they really didn't have the confidence to fight against the thing flying in the sky!

But after hearing Mu Zhu's shouting, they regained their courage. They were all going to die anyway, and if they gave it a try, they might be able to escape!


"Yes, I want to see how hard this thing's skin is!"

"Hold them in the direction they are coming from, and we will definitely kill them!"

At this time, even some timid people will choose to follow the crowd. After all, if they don't follow the crowd, they may be killed by the Military Discipline Department immediately if they surrender!
It is the first time for Xiong Di to fly a fighter jet to face so many guns. It would be a lie to say that he is not nervous, but his daily training has given him a big heart. Although he is nervous, this kind of nervousness can make him concentrate on Face the challenge now!

The fighter jet swooped down quickly, and the soldiers with needle-fired rifles had already started shooting at the fighter jet.

clap clap clap!
Ding Ding!

With so many people firing needle rifles together, someone is sure to get the bottom of the fighter jet!

However, the attack power of the needle-fired rifle is really difficult to break through the outer shell defense of the fighter jet, and can only produce a clanging sound.

But what Xiongdi has to face next is a bunch of rockets fired up from below!

The Tianlei Dynasty has bazookas, although their bazookas are of a very low level, they launch into the sky, their height is limited, and their speed cannot keep up with fighter jets!
But their bazooka troops fired in the direction the fighter jets were coming from, and as long as they could catch one, it was entirely possible to shoot down the fighter jets.

After all, the bazooka weapon itself exists to destroy the armor of the enemy's troops. If it really hits a fighter jet, the consequences will be serious!
Xiong Di was highly concentrated, estimated the range of the enemy's rockets, and had already launched the timing: "This is the time!"

Xiong Di jerked the joystick, and the fighter plane changed direction and rushed to the sky again.

At this moment, all the rockets on the ground wanted to fly over in the air.

And when the fighter plane changed its flight posture, Xiao Yi grabbed the light machine gun and fired at the ground!
This time he focused on the location where the rocket launchers are densely packed!

And the other soldier dropped another explosive package at the bottom!

Da da da!
A row of soldiers on the ground was knocked down by machine guns, and the rockets that flew into the air also collided and exploded!
Boom boom boom!
The explosive package that fell to the ground also exploded!
Once again, a large area of ​​soldiers from the Zhanmu family was emptied!
Seeing the fighter plane take off again, Muzhu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart: "This is impossible!"

But he still wants to encourage everyone: "Again, this time almost, let's all aim at the fighter behind!"

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately responded loudly.The fighter pilot behind him obviously didn't have Xiong Di's skills, and he pulled up again before reaching the lowest point.

Those rockets couldn't hit the altitude he was flying at all!
"Instructor, I'm sorry, I can't overcome the psychological barrier!" said the driver.

"It's okay, after all, you have only been in contact for a little over two days, take your time!" Jiang Yuntian comforted, and dropped another explosive bag!

The fighter jet controlled by the pilot did almost nothing, and the trajectory was still predictable, so the explosive package Jiang Yuntian dropped was actually hit by the rocket fired by the soldiers on the ground!
The explosive package exploded just behind and below the fighter jet, and countless iron nails and iron pieces flew towards the fighter jet.

Jingle Jingle!

Drop drop!
Screeching sirens sounded from the fighter jets.

The pilot panicked immediately, and Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Don't panic, the tail fin must be damaged, don't be nervous, hold the plane and prepare to land!"

"Yes!" The pilot immediately calmed down when he heard Jiang Yuntian's steady voice, and began to control the fighter jet with all his strength!

I saw that fighter jet staggering and flying into the distance!

The soldiers of the Zhanmu family on the ground cheered loudly.

"Hahaha, I just said that they can't be invincible!"

"Yeah, we actually knocked down such a thing, it's really awesome!"

"I just said we can do it. Next time we will aim at their explosive packs. If they drop one, we will blow up one!"


Muzhu was also very excited, and said happily: "Brothers, come on, we will definitely defeat the enemy in front of us!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded loudly.

On the fighter jet, Jiang Yuntian reported to Xiao Yihui: "Island owner, our fighter jet's tail has been damaged, and we need to land now!"

"Well, let's land, pay attention to safety, and leave the rest to us!" Xiao Yi immediately responded.


The fighter that Jiang Yuntian was on broke away from the battle and landed on the ground.

Looking at the cheering crowd on the ground, Xiao Yi sneered: "Since you are so confident, I really want to see how many of you can hit! Throw a grenade down for me!"

"Yes!" The soldier on the side responded.

Even the soldiers on the front co-pilot requested to drop bombs, Xiao Yi naturally agreed!
For the bombing effect, the explosive packs of the Yiranpin Alliance are deliberately made larger, so the target is obvious.

Now use the grenades and see how many of the Zhanmu family can hit!

"You don't need to fly too low, we just scatter it down!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

(End of this chapter)

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