Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 104 The Shock of Seeing Xiao Yi Island for the First Time

Chapter 104 The Shock of Seeing Xiao Yi Island for the First Time

"According to the position shown by the previous locator, it should be very close to Xiao Yi's island!" Jiang Yuntian stepped out of the cab and looked into the distance.

A touch of yellow-green appeared between the blue sea and blue sky!

Jiang Yuntian looked at the yellow-green in surprise. It was a small island. Although it was a small island, it was much bigger than his previous island!

The leaves of the trees on the island have turned yellow due to the weather, but they are still lush.

There is even a hill rising up in the middle of the island.

Jiang Yuntian reduced the speed of his sailboat and slowly approached the small island.

After approaching, Jiang Yuntian saw a huge crossbow standing by the sea. The arrows on it were more than one meter long, and the metal of the arrows reflected a faint light!

Jiang Yuntian believed that if he was shot by this crossbow, he would definitely be shot through.

At this moment, Jun Jun also came out, looked at the island in front of him, and asked, "Father, is this Uncle Xiao Yi's island?"

"It should be, but Uncle Xiao Yi is not on the island right now, we need to wait before going up!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"En!" Junjun nodded, and then looked curiously at this island that was many times larger than their previous island.

Slowly, Jiang Yuntian drove the boat to the edge of the island and stopped.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

A dirt dog ran out from the island and barked at Jiang Yuntian.

When Jiang Yuntian saw it, his expression froze. Although it was just a dog in front of him, it gave him a kind of pressure invisibly.

As a mercenary, fighting dogs is a basic skill, but Jiang Yuntian felt that if he faced this earth dog, he might die!

"This is the Wangcai that Xiao Yi is talking about! It really is a steed!" Jiang Yuntian sighed, and then said loudly, "You are Wangcai, right? I am Xiao Yi's friend. I won't go ashore until Xiao Yi comes back. !"

When Wangcai heard Jiang Yuntian's call, he barked twice, but he didn't know if he understood, so he turned and ran back to the island!

"It's not only a steed, but also full of spirituality!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion, and then cooked some grilled fish in the cabin.

When Jiang Yuntian met the school of sharks before, Jiang Yuntian drove in the opposite direction for a long distance, and the boat behind him disappeared at some point.

"Could it have been taken care of by the sharks!" Jiang Yuntian muttered, "What a pity!"

Jiang Yuntian has been waiting for that person to make a move, but the other party has been hanging far behind, not making a move, Jiang Yuntian's hands are itchy in anxiety!
"Okay, let's have breakfast!" Jiang Yuntian handed the grilled fish to Junjun!

Junjun took a bite and said, "Father, your skills still need to be improved!"

"Stinky boy, it's good to eat some, and pick and choose!" Jiang Yuntian laughed and scolded.

"Wow, woof, woof!" Wangcai came to their boat again and called out.

Jiang Yuntian walked out immediately, Wangcai saw him yelled at him twice, and then ran in one direction along the seashore.

"Something must have happened!" Jiang Yuntian immediately drove the sailboat and followed Wangcai to that direction.

When he came to a beach, Wangcai stopped and shouted at the sea!

Jiang Yuntian took a closer look, and it turned out that marine life was attacking the cornerstone of the island.

Jiang Yuntian immediately took out the bow and arrow, and shot the arrow at the creature in the water!

The arrow accurately hit the sea fish that was nearly one meter in size!When Jiang Yuntian was about to pull out an arrow and shoot again, Wangcai jumped directly into the sea, bit the exposed arrow handle, and easily brought the sea fish ashore!

Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened: "Is this local dog so powerful and so agile?"

Wangcai held down the struggling sea fish with his dog's legs, and yelled at Jiang Yuntian twice, as if to say, "Thank you!"

Jiang Yuntian was completely convinced now!
At this time, Jiang Yun noticed that there was a river flowing out from the island nearby.

"This should be the Danshui River that Xiao Yi said he dug himself!" Jiang Yuntian muttered.

With this freshwater river, drinking water is no problem at all.

However, it seems that when there was no such fresh water river before, drinking water was never a problem for Xiao Yi!
After Wangcai brought the sea fish to the shore, he stopped asking and ran back again.

Jiang Yuntian finally understood that Wangcai was looking at the island tablet, and the island tablet would indicate where there was an attack by marine life!

"This dirt dog must have become a spirit!" Jiang Yuntian didn't know how to describe his shock.

"Dad, there seems to be a box over there!" Junjun said, pointing in one direction.

Jiang Yuntian looked in the direction Junjun pointed, and immediately started sailing, ready to help Xiao Yi catch the supplies box.

At this time, poof, a large net was thrown out from the edge of the island!
Jiang Yuntian stopped immediately: "Is there anyone else? Isn't this Xiao Yi's island? I made a mistake?"

But when he took a closer look, there was a machine by the sea, and it was this machine that cast the fishing net just now!
After the machine pulled the supply box to the shore, it put away the fishing net and started driving along the coast again.

"F*ck, fully automatic? No wonder Xiao Yi can catch so many supplies and so many sea fish, there's no fucking comparison!" Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but curse.

Others cast the net exhaustingly, but they may not be able to catch the net.

Xiao Yi only needs to lie on the sidelines and watch, or even don't need to watch!

"It's really annoying to compare people to people!" Jiang Yuntian thought helplessly.

At the same time, he was also secretly glad that he had established a good relationship with Xiao Yi from the very beginning. With such a big brother, his survival rate would be greatly improved!

"Didi!" The island tablet reminded that there was information.

"Jiang Yuntian, have you been to Xiao Yi Island?" Yuan Nong asked in the group.

Jiang Yuntian walked back to the cab, looked at the message, and replied: "Here we are, we haven't gone up yet, we have to wait for Xiao Yi to come back, Wangcai is too good at housekeeping!"

"It's good to be there, I think it will take four hours to reach Su Wan's side!" Yuan Nong said.

"Is there no news from Xiao Yi yet?" Su Wan said worriedly.

"Not yet!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "But don't worry everyone, Xiao Yi must be sure to go, there must be no problem!"

Because the speed of the yacht was too fast, Xiao Yi and An Ran didn't stay on the deck, so they didn't see the news from the group on the island monument.

But when Xiao Yi rescued An Ran, An Ran sent a message to An Yue, telling him that he had already rushed back.

At this time, Anyue said: "Xiao Yi and the others are safe, they have been rescued, and they are rushing back. It's not convenient to talk over there, and they will arrive around [-] o'clock in the afternoon!"

After hearing what Anyue said, everyone felt relieved. After all, the rescue was [-] kilometers away. The distance is too far and the variables are too big!
"What did Xiao Yi drive, how could he reach three thousand kilometers away so quickly?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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