Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1018 Test drive the plane, accidental discovery, actual combat

Chapter 1018 Test drive the plane, accidental discovery, actual combat
Jiang Yuntian smiled and replied, "It's the Red Wolf Pirates. I happened to be flying to the north. Before I arrived at the Blue Wind Empire, I saw the Red Wolf Pirates' ships."

"Red Wolf Pirates? I almost forgot about them. Are they here to attack us, or go to the Blue Wind Empire?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and asked with a smile.

"Going towards the Blue Wind Empire, they should have found something!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi nodded and continued to ask, "Are there any weapons on our fighter jets?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head, and replied: "No, but a weapon rack is reserved."

Xiao Yi was a little speechless: "Fuck, it doesn't even have a weapon, how dare it call itself a fighter?"

"Maybe we want to equip ourselves with those weapons!" Jiang Yuntian also replied helplessly.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and continued: "Bring grenades, shells, carbines, and enough bullets, let's try the power of fighter jets!"

"I really mean it!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly, and then took out his phone to call Xiong Di, "Xiong Di, hurry up and test fighter jets!"

Before that, Xiongdi had been in charge of exploring the teleportation point of the New World. He had been diligent and diligent, but he was summoned back later, so he couldn't always be sent out.

After he came back, he was promoted, and now he is a special training instructor in the barracks.

After Xiong Di received Jiang Yuntian's call, he immediately responded, "Yes!"

"You bring someone over here!" Jiang Yuntian said, "I will send you a location for the location, it's on the side of our barracks reserved."

"Received!" Xiong Di replied, and immediately called one of his teaching assistants, got in the car and drove over according to the location indicated by the positioning.

"Brother Xiong, what are we going here?" the assistant teacher asked curiously in the car.

"You're lucky, the instructor asked me to test the fighter jets, and asked me to bring someone there. It happens that you are on duty today. Do you think you are lucky?" Xiong said with a smile.

The assistant's eyes immediately lit up. It is an absolute honor to be the first to test the fighter of the alliance. The most important thing is that after having this experience, he can brag to others!

The two soon arrived at the fence of the airport. The guards at the gate stopped them, and Jiang Yuntian came over in person to take them in.

After entering, the bear and the two stared curiously at the fighter jet parked on the runway.

"Island owner, instructor, is this a fighter jet?" Xiong Di looked at the fighter jet up and down and asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi replied, "Everyone hurry up and get on the plane, if there's any problem, let's talk on the way!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Brother Jiang will drive this time, and the rest will take weapons!" Xiao Yi ordered.


Jiang Yuntian boarded the driver's seat, and the rest sat in the remaining three seats. Weapons and ammunition were all ready and at hand.

After the fighter was refueled, it started up again.

The two of Xiong Di sat in the back row, and they felt a strong sense of pushing back. No matter how fast they accelerated in the car, the feeling of pushing back was not as strong as this time.

The fighter's head began to lift and began to climb.

This feeling is different from riding a hot air balloon or a sky fortress. Neither the acceleration of the hot air balloon nor the sky fortress is so fast!

And this kind of acceleration will make people feel slightly uncomfortable. Jiang Yuntian beside him has already started their teaching.

Even Xiao Yi learned a lot from the sidelines.

It took about an hour for the fighter to catch up with the Red Wolf Pirate's ship again.

"Island Master, shall we attack directly now?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Wait, look over there!" Xiao Yi pointed to the distance.Jiang Yuntian and others immediately looked into the distance, where a fleet of ships was sailing this way.

"Our iron-clad battleship!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Yes, it should be the Blue Wind Empire's team, and they took the initiative to attack?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Xiong Di said from behind: "With the support of our alliance, if they still can't deal with these pirates, then it's really too much trouble."

"Then what should we do? Are we still attacking?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi replied: "Wait, how long can our fighters last?"

"We will return in about ten minutes, or we will run out of fuel!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Wait another 5 minutes. If the Blue Wind Empire's fleet doesn't attack, then we will do it!" Xiao Yi replied.

The fighter jet chose to circle at high altitude.

Although the Red Wolf Pirates heard the roar of the fighter jet, they had never seen a fighter jet before, nor could they clearly see a fighter jet in the clouds at an altitude of 8000 meters.

Moreover, now that the Blue Wind Empire's active attack has attracted all their attention to the Blue Wind Empire!
"Is this Blue Wind Empire crazy? How dare you come here on your own initiative?"

"It's not necessarily crazy, but their ships are all new, I haven't seen them before, so be careful!"

"Haha, you are too cowardly, you are as cowardly as a mouse, you are really embarrassing us pirates, hurry back and take care of your children, you are not suitable for the profession of pirates!"

Jack, the leader of the Red Wolf Pirates, squinted his eyes at the ships approaching him.

"The Blue Wind Empire probably came prepared." The staff officer at the side said in a deep voice.

Jack nodded: "Notice, stop advancing, and prepare to fight!"


The flag bearer on the side immediately started waving the flag. When other ships saw the semaphore, they stopped immediately, pushed the artillery to the muzzle, loaded the ammunition, and prepared to attack!

On the ships of the Blue Wind Empire, Teng Luo looked at the pirate ships that had slowly stopped, sneered, and said, "As long as you get within range, I'll beat them hard!"


Five minutes passed quickly, and the two teams on the sea had already opened up their postures, ready to start fighting.

But Xiao Yi and the others in the air couldn't wait any longer. If they didn't do anything, there would be no chance.

"Do it!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Jiang Yuntian nodded, and said: "They have basically stopped, throwing grenades and shells down first, it is best to aim at their attack point."

"Instructor, this requirement is too high, the speed of this plane is too fast, we really may not be able to hit it!" Xiong Di said helplessly.

"In this case, when I dive down, when I let you throw, you just throw it down!" Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and replied.

"Yes!" Xiong Di and others replied.

Jiang Yuntian immediately controlled the fighter, adjusted his attitude, and then dived down.

The fighter jets swept down below with a huge roar.

"Report to the general, the other party has entered the range of our cannon, may I ask whether to attack!" The soldier on the side asked for instructions.

Just as Teng Luo was about to give an order, he suddenly saw a black spot zooming in from far to near.

(End of this chapter)

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