Chapter 677 Ignore You
“If there really are as many mineral deposits as you said, we really need to take the Western Region into our hands as soon as possible.

Daxia has started to get better and better in the past two years, and more and more people can afford to drink.

You can definitely make a lot of money just by being able to make wine. "Yu Huashi nodded and said.

“Actually, the Western Region is very suitable for growing a lot of fruits.

Many of these fruits can be canned or preserved.

Like grapes, they can be dried into raisins.

Transportation will be very convenient.

In fact, the Western Region is really a big treasure. As long as the water resources here can be rationally utilized, it can provide a large amount of food. "

Lin Hai knew that ancient productivity was too poor, so he had no interest in such desolate places.

But as long as you work hard, you can still get rich harvests.

What's more, there is a large amount of natural gas buried under the Western Region.

You don’t need it now but you will definitely need it later.

Hitting it earlier can stabilize the plate.

After stopping to rest for half an hour, the scout who went to check the news brought news.

"Lord Qi, there is a small town fifty miles ahead, and all the people around it have been sent away.

But I didn't see any soldiers guarding the city, so there might be an ambush hidden there.

We can't check how many people there are! "

"Can you tell from the faces of these people whether they are Turks or people from the Western Regions?"

Lin Hai asked in a deep voice.

The scout shook his head and replied: "All of their faces were covered with cloth, leaving only two eyes.

You can't even see what these people look like! "

"No matter what, we must not be careless. The whole army sets out and is ready to fight at any time.

In addition, tell everyone that they cannot drink the water or eat the food here without orders. "

Lin Hai ordered.

"Did you think they would poison the water?"

Yuhuashi's complexion changed, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

It would be unforgivable to poison someone in a fight.

If the opponent really dares to do this, after defeating them, kill them all without leaving any one behind.

"It's possible. It's easy to find poison in a place like this. Especially snake venom is very abundant.

If they poison the well, it will be a disaster for us.

You must be more careful and don't fall for the enemy's trick!
All water sources must be drunk by the small animals brought with them before people can drink them. "Lin Hai was very cautious this time.

Different methods must be used to deal with different people.

The army rushed towards the city in front.

It didn't take long before I saw a cloud of dust rising in front of me and heard the sound of horse hooves.

"Get ready for war!" the generals shouted loudly.

The army quickly formed a combat formation.

Soon the opponent's army arrived.

Sure enough, they are all Turkic rebels.

Mo Han shouted loudly: "If you dare to chase me here, please spare your life!

Let Lin Hai come over to see me! "

Wang Dayong said coldly in front of the battle: "You alone are not worthy of letting us adults come forward.

If you have the ability, feel free to come over!

If you know better and surrender quickly, you might have a chance to spare your lives.

Continuing to fight will lead to death! "

"Hahaha, this is not the Turkic grassland, and it is not a place where you can do whatever you want.

It depends on whether you have the ability to defeat me! "

Mo Han smiled proudly.

He had been fully prepared before this.He concluded that the Daxia army came to attack the Western Regions just to destroy them, so they would naturally be led by the rebels.

Just attract these Daxia troops into the desert and then cut off all supply routes.

You will be left to their own devices.

"In that case, let's each rely on our own abilities!" Wang Dayong had already received instructions from Lin Hai and ignored them.

Return directly to the army to prepare people for battle.

The armies of both sides continued to face off like this, with no one attacking.

They are all waiting for the other side to attack first.

Lin Hai looked outside in the carriage.

He said to everyone: "Have you seen it? The rebels really want to lead us to pursue them.

The more it looks like this, the less likely we are to be fooled, so let him worry! "

"You're absolutely right!" Yuhuashi nodded in agreement.

"Tell Wang Dayong to keep the army in defensive formation and slowly advance forward, and ignore these rebels."

After Lin Hai finished his instructions, he got back into the carriage.

As long as there are water wells in the cities in the Western Region, they must occupy the wells as soon as possible so that they can get water nearby.

Only in this way can we fight in the Western Region for a long time.

Mo Han originally thought that the Daxia army would attack immediately when they saw them.

However, they found that Daxia's army continued to move forward without giving them a second glance.

Mo Han's face became extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "No, their target is the small town ahead!
They want to seize water and stay here for a long time.

I still underestimate them..."

"Then what should we do? Should we attack Xia Jun immediately?"

The general under his command quickly asked.

There is a well there, which can supply drinking water to the people of the whole city.

If the well is obtained by Xia Jun, he can get enough drinking water.

Thinking about dealing with Xia Jun, it's not that easy.

Mo Han said coldly with a gloomy face: "Isn't launching an attack on Xia Jun at this time just looking for death?
What we can do is to use the terrain here to lure them to the desert and trap them there. "

I originally thought that Xia Jun would catch up with them immediately when he saw them.

However, Xia Jun was completely unexpected and went to occupy the water source first.

Mo Han made a quick decision and ordered his men: "We retreat immediately and block and destroy all the wells along the way.

We can't let Xia Jun get another drop of water! "

Mo Han also understood what Xia Jun was doing, and he did not dare to attack Xia Jun.

The only option was to find a way to cut off the water source.

The people from the Western Regions who were following him were immediately startled. They knew very well how difficult it was to drill a well in the Western Regions.

Not only does it cost a lot of manpower and material resources, but sometimes it even takes more than ten years to dig a well with water.

Such a precious well should be destroyed.

Even if they could defeat Xia Jun, they would not be able to bear such huge losses.

“Absolutely not, we can only do such a big thing after getting the King’s consent.

Without wells, people in the Western Regions would not be able to live.

Passing caravans were also unable to receive supplies midway. "

Mo Han really wanted to chop him with a knife.

But he still needs the support of the Western Region and does not dare to do this.

He could only suppress the anger in his heart and explain: "The only way we can defeat the Xia army is to cut off their water source.

If all our wells are occupied by the Xia army, it will not be that easy to defeat them.

After the well is destroyed, you can find ways to repair it again.

But if our army is defeated, it will be all over. "

(End of this chapter)

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