The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 667 Let's Do Business

Chapter 667 Let's Do Business
Shaoyao was also very surprised that his father was able to reach Turks. He stood by and stared blankly for a long time without reacting.

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Looking at this situation, it is impossible for Lord Khan to go back in a short time, so some people will stay to protect Lord Khan's safety.

Now that the awards have been awarded, let’s withdraw first! "

Only then did Shaoyao react and took Lin Hai's hand in surprise.

"My father is really here, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

“I asked the Khan’s father-in-law to come over quietly and see for myself the real living conditions of the Turks.

Only in this way can you be completely at ease.

I don’t want to deceive Khan’s father-in-law by showing off! "

Shaoyao felt happy after hearing Lin Hai's explanation.

Lin Hai was so considerate for them.

"Okay, let's go back! The people who won money in this sheep fight are certainly happy, but the people who lost money must also be unhappy.

But this has nothing to do with us.

Let's have a good celebration when we get back.

Then we have to discuss providing some good jobs to those khans who have lost money so that they can continue to make money to support their families.

Make back the money you lost with your own hands. Lin Hai said with a smile.

There is still a lot of infrastructure that needs to be built here, and there is no shortage of labor.

Anyone who is willing to work hard can make money.

In addition, there are so many cattle and sheep here, and it is simply not enough to rely on the captured Japanese and Koreans to cut grass on the grassland.

Every once in a while, some Turks will be organized to go to the pasture to cut grass.

Work for a while and then come back.

It can make these people realize the hard work of working on the grassland, and naturally they will no longer miss the grassland as time goes by.

When these Turks mention the grassland, their first reaction is to work and cut grass. Although they can make money, it is very tiring.

Subtly changing their thoughts about the grassland.

We returned to the county government together, and finally the sheep fighting meeting was successfully held.

Gotta celebrate it properly.

Let people buy a sheep and slaughter it, eat roasted lamb, and drink fine wine.

Lin Hai also specially brought a jar of wine, which was saved from last year's brewing.

Prepare to test the wine market here.

If wine can be promoted, a lot of food can be saved.

You must know that the yield of grapes per acre of field is much higher than that of ordinary grain.

If the Turks who like to drink can accept wine, they can save a lot of food every year.

It’s also a good thing for Daxia.

Can reduce the demand for food.

As soon as he opened the wine jar, Yuhuashi took a deep breath.

He said with an intoxicated look: "This wine has become more and more mellow after being stored for a year."

“You’re right, wine is the same as wine made from grain.

As long as it's stored properly, the longer it sits, the better it tastes.

But the storage of wine is more demanding than that of white wine.

If there is a problem with the storage environment, all the wine will go bad and be destroyed. "

Lin Hai explained.

Now the wine making process is in Lin Hai's hands.

And purchased a large amount of land to grow grapes.

Join forces with Yuhua Stone to turn wine into a big industry.

When he has nothing to do, he will introduce some knowledge about wine storage and wine making to Yuhuashi.

From now on, when the world is peaceful, doing business and making money is the last word.

If you can master the exclusive secret recipe, you will also be able to make a lot of money.After all, ancient people liked drinking, and the market for wine will be huge.

Drinking wine and eating meat while chatting.

It was not until evening that the Turkic Khan came back drunk.

Now he also eats with the herdsmen at noon and drinks a lot of wine.

Lin Hai and others quickly stood up and led him over.

The Turkic Khan was extremely happy.

"You have done a really good job. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Now I can completely relax!

After returning to the capital, you can live a quiet life
Never have to think about anything else again! "

Turkic Khan said happily.

Lin Hai said with a smile: "If you stay in the capital every day, my father-in-law will definitely be very bored with his personality.

It is better to learn to do business and specialize in selling sheepskins, cattle and sheep from the Turks.

Not only can you make money, but you can also always understand the situation on the Turkic side.

With your father-in-law's prestige among the Turks, you will definitely be better at doing business than others, and these Turks also trust you very much! "

"I'm doing business here? How can this be possible?" The Turkic Khan was stunned after hearing this, feeling very incredible.

"What's wrong with this? There are great benefits for my father-in-law to do business here.

Once these people trust you, you will not deceive the Turkic people.

Able to buy their goods at reasonable prices.

This can prevent profiteers from lowering prices.

If there are other profiteers who want to join forces to lower the price, the Turkic people will suffer a great loss.

Secondly, you can also keep abreast of the situation on the Turkic side at any time. Once any dispute arises and the government is unable to resolve it, your father-in-law can help make peace. "

"What you said is indeed good, but will the Great Xia court let me do business casually?"

"Okay, why not? Since my father-in-law already knows that letting the Turkic people live and work in peace and contentment is the best result for them.

I will definitely not lead the Turks to rebel in the future.

Why do we have to keep my father-in-law under house arrest in the capital? Lin Hai said with a smile.

Turkic Khan was extremely shocked at this moment.

The Queen Mother of Daxia was really very courageous, which made the Turkic Khan really admire her.

He finally knew why the Turks were defeated by Daxia.

His vision alone was far beyond his.

"Father, I think this is not bad! Lin Hai also has his own caravan, and it is very convenient and safe to use his people to transport goods.

Is it better to find something to do than to stay at home and do nothing all day?
What's more, doing so will be of great help to the Turkic people! Shaoyao said happily.

Turkic Khan smiled and nodded, feeling very reasonable.

He had given up everything if he could see the life of the Turks with his own eyes.

No more regrets.

You have to find something to do so that life won't be boring.

“Okay, since you all say so, then I’ll listen to you.

In the fur selling business, I am confident that I can do better than others. "Turkish Khan said with a smile.

With a goal, suddenly everyone becomes more energetic.

I plan to do business well and make money, and my life will be more promising.

Since you can't be a Turkic Khan, becoming a rich man in the future is also a good choice.

What's more, the Turkic Khan still has a title in Daxia, and with Lin Hai as his son-in-law, who would dare to deceive him when doing business in Daxia?

Just relying on his prestige among the Turkic people, there must be many people willing to sell him sheepskins and cowhide

Of course, the Turkic Khan would not let down the trust of the Turkic people and would give a good price.

(End of this chapter)

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