Chapter 633
After several rounds of bombing, no one came close to the breach in the city wall.

Lin Hai then gave the order calmly: "Attack!"

Cao Qiang had already been waiting impatiently and immediately led his men to attack.

Wang Dayong, Shitou and Liu Ergou also refused to give in.

Cannons and crossbows have no effect once an attack is launched.

They all mounted their horses and charged forward together.

Yuhuashi finally found such a good opportunity and became extremely excited.

"Brother Lin is sitting in the back, I will lead the people to charge!"

"Brother Yu, wait a moment!"

"What's wrong?" Yuhuashi asked.

"Brother Yu wants to follow the second wave and rush in. No one knows whether Gao Li will set a trap.

Although we have a huge advantage, Brother Yu's safety must not be careless! "

Lin Hai said seriously.

“Don’t worry, there are so many people rushing in from the front, even if there are traps, they will definitely not be our opponents.

I am confident enough to keep myself safe! "

While he was talking, he saw that the first wave of cavalry had entered the city.

Yuhuashi knew that if he didn't lead his troops and rush in, he might not even be able to get the soup in the end.

"Brother Lin, please take care. I'll lead the men in first and you can follow later!"

After saying that, he led his men and rushed in eagerly.

Lin Hai quickly shouted to the people next to him: "If you don't hurry up and protect Master Yu, I won't be able to spare you if he gets hurt."

More than 200 people were sent out to closely follow Yuhuashi to protect his safety.

Lin Hai was not in a hurry anymore.

As long as you can rush in and rely on the sharpness of your weapons, the enemy is definitely no match.

After waiting for a while, everyone rushed in, and then Lin Hai led his soldiers into the city unhurriedly.

The fighting inside was so fierce that the Goryeo army was completely frightened and could not resist at all.

Daxia's army had been holding its breath, and finally found an opportunity to start fighting. Each one rushed harder than anyone else.

"Don't fight in close quarters. Use crossbows and grenades to resolve the battle quickly." Lin Hai shouted loudly.

Even if you have a huge advantage, if you engage in close combat, there will still be casualties.

Lin Hai wants to gain the greatest victory at the smallest cost.

The order was passed down quickly, and the Xia army soldiers took out crossbows and grenades to attack.

The Goryeo army was even more defeated.

In particular, Marshal Goryeo rushed towards the back door with his men.

The Xia army's attack in front was so fierce that they had no chance of winning in a frontal battle.

We can only take people and rush out through the back door.

They could only assemble tens of thousands of troops in a panic and rush towards the back door together.

The city gate has just been opened.

Xia Jun, who was defending behind, immediately ordered an artillery bombardment.

The artillery roared.

The Goryeo soldiers who had just rushed to the city gate were beaten and flew back. Their whole bodies had been beaten to pieces.

Because the artillery shoots out iron sand, it is a range attack just like a shotgun.

The only people behind who were not killed were seriously injured.

He fell to the ground and struggled in pain.

Hearing the sound of artillery, Jin Yu trembled with fear.

But they must not stay any longer at a time like this. The pursuers behind them will catch up and they will have no chance to escape.

He shouted an order loudly: "Don't stop, everyone rush forward.

Use a shield to stand in front of you. If that doesn't work, use a human being as a shield.

Only by rushing out can you have a chance to survive.

So you can't stop even half a step, anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy. "There are generals supervising the battle from behind, and the soldiers can only bite the bullet and continue to charge forward, but the shields they hold are very small and cannot protect their whole bodies at all.

Daxia prepared more than 300 artillery pieces and waited for them to rush out.

Only twenty artillery pieces need to be fired at once to cover everyone in the city gate.

No matter how hard they rushed out and took turns firing, it was simply not something that humans could resist.

After several attacks, they were all killed.

The remaining people hurriedly recovered and ran away.

Even if the general supervising the battle killed several people at once, he still could not stop the soldiers from retreating.

The Xia army's pursuers had already followed and launched a fierce attack on them. The Koreans were attacked from both sides.

Directly resulting in a one-sided massacre.

Goryeo's army had no resistance at all.

Under the attack of gunpowder cannon, any shield and armor are completely useless.

"Commander, let's surrender quickly! If this continues, everyone will die!"

Finally, one of the generals couldn't hold on any longer and shouted loudly towards Jin Yu.

Jin Yu was squeezed in the middle of the crowd, almost unable to move.

"Surrender, surrender to Daxia!"

Although Jin Yu was very reluctant, under this situation, they had indeed suffered a disastrous defeat.

If the fight continues like this, all the tens of thousands of troops will be wiped out in less than half an hour.

After receiving Jin Yu's order, all the Goryeo soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his weapons above his head with both hands and shouted surrender.

But Daxia's army ignored them at all and threw grenades at crowded places as if they were free of charge.

Destroy the enemy as quickly as possible.

Only then did the Koreans realize that Daxia had no intention of taking prisoners and wanted to kill them all.

Everyone was completely shattered.

He cried and cursed loudly and heartbreakingly.

Desperately trying to squeeze into the middle, trying to live a little longer.

Xia Jun, who was chasing after them, also set up artillery and fired at the crowd.

In less than half an hour, all the Goryeo soldiers were wiped out.

After extinguishing them all, take them outside and burn them in a big fire.

Lin Hai and his men ran in calmly, and the battle was almost over.

A soldier ran to Lin Hai and reported: "Sir, we have found the body of Marshal Jin Yu of Goryeo."

Several people followed, carrying Jin Yu's body up to him.

After looking at the appearance and armor, I was sure it was him.

Lin Hai nodded slightly and said: "After all, he is the marshal of Goryeo. Let's return his body to Goryeo!"

"As ordered!"

At this time, Yuhuashi led his men to find Lin Hai.

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Brother Yu, this is really fun!"

Yuhuashi sighed and said: "Almost none of them took action. They were all killed by artillery and grenades. This kind of battle is really boring."

"Brother Yu, what you said is wrong. If it were like fighting in the past, you would be quite satisfied.

But how many casualties will there be among the soldiers under his command?

In my opinion, the best way to fight is to destroy the enemy without spending a single soldier! Lin Hai explained with a smile.

"I agree with what Brother Lin said!" Yuhuashi nodded and said.

In the past, Daxia had nothing to fight. Even if it relied on city defense, many people would be killed or injured if it was attacked by the Turks.

Nowadays, there are almost no casualties in wars.

The injured were only accidentally shot by the enemy's arrows, and the ones who died were even more unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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