The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 630 The Japanese pirates are wiped out

Chapter 630 The Japanese pirates are wiped out
At this moment, the Japanese pirate leader was filled with regret, and he could not figure out why Goryeo was able to find so many reinforcements.

The main reason is that they were too arrogant before and didn't take Gao Li seriously at all.

He didn't even send anyone to investigate the situation in Gao Li, but just led his men to kill him.

Especially since he was trapped in the city and couldn't escape even after being defeated.

Once the Japanese pirates lost their morale, they completely turned into lambs to be slaughtered.

Our own people were crowded and trampling on each other, and they all tried their best to hide in the middle.

The more it looks like this, the less likely it is to resist.

The Japanese pirate leader felt that the surroundings were getting more and more crowded, and he suddenly became angry. He drew his sword and killed more than a dozen people in one breath.

This stopped his men from pushing towards him.

"If anyone dares to retreat again, I will kill him!"

"Rush out as hard as you can. The only way to survive is to rush out!"

The Japanese pirate leader shouted loudly with red eyes.

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of bows and arrows piercing the air.

The Goryeo general had already seen his position and asked the archers to shoot arrows at him.

The Japanese pirate leader was immediately frightened to death and quickly lowered his body to hide behind others.

The Japanese pirates who had no time to react were instantly killed by bows and arrows.

"Let me attack with all my strength. No one can be left behind. Take people to close the city gate..."

The Goryeo general directed his men to launch an attack and issued orders to close the city gates, completely cutting off the Japanese pirates' hope of escaping.

What followed was a one-sided massacre. No matter how strong the Japanese pirates were, they did not have enough armor and were no match for the Goryeo army.

Moreover, the troops prepared by Gaoli were no less than those of the Japanese pirates, and they had prepared archers at high altitudes in advance.

Shooting them with one shot had already caused chaos in the Japanese pirates' formation.

In less than half an hour, almost all the Japanese pirates had been wiped out.

Only a few people were left with the Japanese pirate leader, holding fifty knives in their hands to threaten them.

The Goryeo general looked at them with disdain.

He took a bow from his hands.

He nocked an arrow and drew it full, aiming at a Japanese pirate.

An arrow was shot and hit the target, and the Japanese pirate fell straight down.

The remaining Japanese pirates were even more panicked and yelled loudly.

“You beasts have finally fallen into our hands and you are still trying to survive!

Let me die! "

The Goryeo general shot all the Japanese pirates while shouting curses.

The Japanese pirate leader wanted to beg for mercy in the end, but no one listened to him.

Goryeo has been invaded by Japanese pirates all year round, and everyone hates them.

It is impossible to let any Japanese pirate go.

After the killing, the Goryeo general said: "Pull out all these corpses and burn them. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, so as not to cause a plague.

In addition, when cleaning up, add another knife to prevent someone from pretending to be dead. "

After fighting an unprecedented battle, the Goryeo general was filled with pride.

He has made great achievements in this battle, and his future will be bright.

I thought that I might become the generalissimo of Goryeo in the future, one person inferior to ten thousand people.

Even the way he walks is more imposing than before.

After dealing with the Japanese pirate army, the Goryeo general and his men quickly advanced and easily captured several other cities.

There were only a few hundred Japanese pirates in a city, and they could not resist them at all, and they easily wiped out all the Japanese pirates in the city.

Goryeo won a great victory and sent the news back.

The Emperor of Goryeo was overjoyed. This victory finally brought hope of victory.

"Okay, this battle went great! As long as the Japanese pirates are eliminated, we can free up our hands to deal with the Xia army together. As long as the Xia army can't bear it, we can retreat on our own!"

The prime minister said happily from the side: "Congratulations to your Majesty for getting this good general.

As long as we can get 20 sets of armor from Daxia merchants, our army can be expanded to [-].

No matter how powerful the Xia army's weapons are, we can still sit back and relax by relying on the city wall for defense. "

"You're right. It's not enough to have a large army. We still need to recruit some young and strong laborers to repair the city wall quickly.

If you want to stop the Xia army, the city wall must be built thicker and stronger. "

After several battles, Goryeo also figured out what happened to the explosives used by Daxia.

There is only one way to resist Daxia's attack, and that is to build the city wall very strong.

As long as they can block the power of explosives, it will be difficult for Daxia to break through their city walls.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have recruited [-] laborers and have sent them to the front line to build the city wall.

Now that Daxia has stopped attacking, it just gives us a chance to breathe.

After the city is reinforced, their cannons will be completely useless! "The prime minister replied happily.

"Okay, notify the army immediately and quickly head to the front line after dealing with the Japanese pirates.

With 20 troops united in one place, they must block Xia's army.

When they run out of food and grass, they will naturally retreat. "

"Your Majesty, I think we should send people to make peace with Xia Jun first.

Although Daxia has already rejected peace talks, we will use various methods to delay their attack.

Let's find a way to get those [-] sets of armor weapons first. "

said the prime minister.

"What you said makes sense. Then please notify the merchants in Daxia and tell them to start trading as soon as possible."

Because the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese pirates went so smoothly, it took less than three days to wipe out all the Japanese pirates.

Goryeo's plan also had to be adjusted accordingly.


The news that the Japanese pirates were destroyed soon spread to Lin Hai.

Daxia has steam engines and ships that can quickly go to the rear of Goryeo to investigate the news.

The news of the Japanese pirates' defeat was conveyed immediately.

When Lin Hai heard the news, he was stunned: "No way, the Japanese pirates also had an army of [-] or [-], and they were all wiped out so easily?"

"What you don't know, sir, is that these Japanese pirates attacked very smoothly at the beginning, but soon they became blind and arrogant.

No one was sent to investigate the news carefully.

Instead, they boldly attacked Goryeo City.

The entire Goryeo army was blocked in the city, so we were able to catch them all in one fell swoop..."

"It turns out that's the case, so it's not surprising! These Japanese pirates have no rules when it comes to fighting. When they see an advantage to be taken, they rush forward in a swarm.

It is not difficult to understand that he was set up a trap by the Koreans! Lin Hai said thoughtfully.

Goryeo received elite armor and weapons, and there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Even if they fight the Japanese pirates head-on, they are no match for the Goryeo army, not to mention that they have laid traps.

“Now that our troubles have been eliminated, there is no need to rest any longer.

Notify the entire army to prepare and send troops immediately! Lin Hai said lightly.

Qian Dafu walked in at this time and said, "I have met Mr. Lin and Mr. Yu."

"Is something wrong?"

"My subordinates received urging from Korea to speed up the delivery of the remaining [-] sets of equipment.

The subordinates came down to ask how to deal with them! "

"What else should we deal with? Just send troops to attack. The acting is over!" Lin Hai said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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