The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 624 Smooth Transaction

Chapter 624 Smooth Transaction
Qian Dafu returned to the Daxia Army, met Lin Hai, and told the story of meeting the Emperor of Goryeo in detail.

Lin Hai was very pleased.

"You have made great achievements this time, and I will upgrade you to three levels in a row.

Become a lieutenant in the army. "

Upon hearing this, Qian Dafu happily saluted.

"Thank you for the promotion, sir. I will do my best to serve you!"

Lin Hai patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "You are taking a huge risk by going deep into the enemy's army.

You deserve it for your great achievements.

I will allocate a thousand troops to you, and you will be responsible for doing business with Goryeo. "

Qian Dafu said seriously: "Don't worry, sir, I promise to bring the money back."

Lin Hai thought for a moment and continued: "According to the information we have found, it is impossible for Goryeo to spend 500 million taels of silver to purchase all the armor weapons.

It would be nice to buy half at most.

So you must be more careful, they may be able to do business with us safely in the early stage.

But when they ran out of money and became stronger, they were no longer so honest.

He will definitely find a way to steal all the armor and weapons without paying. "

Qian Dafu nodded slightly: "Your Excellency's analysis is very reasonable, and my subordinates have also considered this matter.

Korean people have always been true to their word and can do anything.

But we have gunpowder, and we are not afraid of them even if we face ten times the enemy force.

Their subordinates will never let them take advantage of anything. "

"As expected, I did not misjudge you, go and do your best.

If there is any unusual movement in Korea, report it immediately to this officer. "

"Subordinates obey!"

Qian Dafu said goodbye to Lin Hai and left the camp.

He must quickly prepare for the deal with Gao Li.

A transaction is worth several hundred thousand taels of silver, and there must be no mistakes.

Whether you can get promoted or not depends on this time.

Because Qian Dafu was too fat, he often couldn't keep up with training, so he could only work in the logistics and cook for the soldiers in Huotou Camp.

Lin Hai found that this man looked very rich, and he looked like a wealthy businessman at first glance.

Immediately asked him if he was willing to take the risk to do business with Gao Li.

Qian Dafu would never be able to get ahead even if he spent his whole life cooking in the Huotou Army, so he agreed immediately.

At worst, if he is killed by the Koreans, at least he can get Daxia's pension, and his family will have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life. If he succeeds, he will definitely be promoted and stand out.

As expected, Qian Dafu won the bet and went to Goryeo to negotiate the business.

When he came back, he was immediately promoted to three levels and became a captain in the army.

Once this matter is settled, you can definitely continue to be promoted.

Qian Dafu was very grateful to Lin Hai for his kindness.

I am even more determined to do things well.

Yuhuashi said with a smile: "This strategy of yours is really good. It can not only make money for Daxia but also get rid of all the Japanese pirates, which solves a lot of future troubles."

“We won’t attack in the next time, we just need to surround the city and prevent Goryeo’s main force from escaping.

Wait until all the Japanese pirates have been wiped out before launching an attack.

Let them go dog-eat-dog during this period! Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Come, let's play another game of chess!"


At the border where the two sides were stationed, a caravan came to a desolate mountainous area.

Goryeo also kept its promise and sent an army of more than 500 people with boxes of silver.

Although the people led by Qian Dafu were all dressed in black, their clothes were bulging and they all wore plate armor underneath.

There were bow and arrow explosives placed under the car.

If the Koreans dare to go back on not paying them, they will definitely not be able to take advantage.

First let the scouts go forward and check to make sure there are no ambushes nearby.Then he cautiously stepped forward to join them.

The Koreans were also very nervous.

In order to show their sincerity, they only brought five hundred elite soldiers to make the deal. If Daxia set a trap for them, their money might not be saved.

The person sent to lead by Goryeo was an official whom Qian Dafu had met before.

In this way, both parties will have more trust when doing transactions.

"Shopkeeper Qian, we have brought our money. Where is your equipment?"

Qian Dafu said with a smile: "There are all good weapons and armors in the car. Send someone to check it out for yourself!

I don't need to say anything else, the Turks' armor is absolutely excellent. "

The other party didn't hesitate and immediately sent someone to open the cloth covering the car.

The black armor was polished so brightly that it could reflect light in the sun.

After knocking it with my hands, it turned out to be fine iron.

He picked up a machete and swung it a few times, slashing the wood and cutting it off easily.

"What a good knife, so sharp!" The right person was pleasantly surprised.

It is not easy for a war fighter to get a good knife.

Although the Turks are very poor, their skills in making knives are quite impressive.

In particular, he captured many blacksmiths from Daxia and studied the forging method.

Their forging technology is not much worse than Daxia.

The Korean people loved holding the scimitar.

The leading officials were very satisfied. With these armors and weapons, it was easy to deal with Japanese pirates.

Although the Japanese pirates were fierce, they lacked armor and excellent weapons.

Although the katana is extremely sharp, the blade is weak and can easily break if used forcefully.

The Turk's scimitar has a thick blade, and it is easy to cut the samurai sword in pieces during a duel.

In addition, the Turkic armor is also very sophisticated, and defeating the Japanese pirates is not a problem with these equipment.

"I've finished looking at all my goods, where's your money?" Qian Dafu asked bluntly.

The Korean officials clapped their hands and asked their people to open the box containing the money.

Inside are all white silver ingots.

"Please click on the quantity!"

Qian Dafu said generously: "I believe in your credibility and the amount of money is definitely enough.

If we don’t have enough money, we don’t have to do any further business. "

Both parties happily completed their mission and retreated with their goods and silver.

On the way back, Qian Dafu was even more cautious and asked everyone to hold gunpowder in their hands.

Prevent the Koreans from intercepting and killing them in the middle.

Finally, I returned to the camp with the goods without any danger.

Hand the money to Lin Hai.

Lin Hai had someone check the money and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well done, I will remember you."

“It’s the adults who plan the strategy, and the younger ones just follow the adults’ orders.

I really don’t dare to take credit! "Qian Dafu said very modestly.

"Haha, you don't need to be polite. I always lead troops and reward those who have merit.

When the armor is sold out, I will definitely give you a promotion. "

"Thank you, sir!" Qian Dafu was very grateful.

It's so satisfying to fight with an official like Lin Hai. As long as you dare to fight hard, you won't have to worry about promotion.

"Okay, you go down first! Go have a good meal and rest.

Also preparing to ship the next batch of goods! "

(End of this chapter)

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