The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 612 Persuading Peony

Chapter 612 Persuading Peony
Mo Han was shocked when he saw this situation. If he had come down a little later, he might have been killed by the explosion.

Then I saw more crossbow arrows flying into the city, which scared everyone and ran away.

The sound of explosions kept coming.

A city wall suddenly collapsed.

It was beaten to pieces by a cannon.

Mo Han knew that he would definitely die if he delayed any longer, and the only chance to survive was to run away quickly.

And we must never fight head-on with Daxia's army in the future.

There is no way to be hostile to them, only to run away.

"Retreat, quickly escape from the other three city gates, no matter how serious the casualties are, you must not stop.

Rush out as hard as you can. "Mo Han reacted and roared loudly.

The people of Jin and Khitan who helped defend the city wall suffered heavy casualties from the bombing. In a short period of time, more than half of them were killed or injured.

The remaining people realized that something was wrong and hurriedly escaped from the city wall.

However, the stairs to pass through were relatively narrow, and they were crowded and trampled on each other. Some people even fell off the city wall and were seriously injured even if they were not killed.

The screams and wails were endless.

Mo Han could no longer care about them and quickly led the entire army to break through the three city gates.

Outside the city wall, Wang Dayong saw a gap being made in the city wall.

He drew out his knife and shouted to everyone: "Brothers, charge me."

The Daxia cavalry launched a charge together, roaring loudly and rushing into the gap in the city wall.

If you see people, shoot them with crossbow arrows. If you encounter a large number of people, just use grenades to greet them.

All the injured Turkic cavalry who were left behind were killed.

There is no use in keeping them all because the rebels have to spend effort to treat their injuries and consume a lot of food.

The key is to send people to guard these prisoners. It would be easier to kill them directly on the battlefield.

Lin Hai said to Shitou and Liu Ergou: "The rebels must have escaped from the other three city gates, and we will go all the way to chase them.

Be sure to remember that you can only chase for a hundred miles at most. If you can't catch up, return immediately. Don't chase too much. "

"Understood!" The two agreed and led the army to stop the rebels.

Lin Hai led a group of soldiers and chased after him as quickly as possible.

As soon as they rushed to the city gate, they saw a large number of rebels rushing out desperately.

The Xia army's artillery, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately opened fire on the enemy.

Hearing the roar of cannon fire, many enemy soldiers were knocked off their horses.

But they didn't dare to look back and continued to rush forward.

"Kill!" Lin Hai led his men and rushed forward, holding crossbows to kill the enemy.

Throw grenades in crowded places without paying for them.

The entire battlefield was simply a one-sided massacre.

The rebels who rushed out did not dare to look back, and found a random direction to escape desperately.

There were so many rebels that Lin Hai and the others simply could not surround them all.

What's more, the impact of the cavalry is very strong, and there are too few people surrounding it to withstand it.

All we can do is chase the enemy and kill them as hard as possible.

After chasing for hundreds of miles in one breath, he turned around and returned.

On the way back, I saw countless dead and injured rebels, and there was no way to calculate how many people had been wiped out.

If I were to check the money one by one, I don't know how much time would be wasted.

At this time, the bodies of the war horses were brought back and the bodies of the rebels were left where they were.

At night there will be wolves or some other wild beasts that will eat the corpse.

All the injured war horses were found and brought back for treatment. After recovery, they were still good horses.

Back in the city, I roughly estimated the enemy's casualties.

At least more than 2 people were killed and more than 4 people escaped.Although there were some rebel garrisons in other cities, they were too far away and Lin Hai did not have time to encircle and suppress them one by one.

What's more, word of such a big thing must have spread. When the rebels see the shadow of Xia Jun, they may immediately abandon the city and flee.

It is difficult to completely wipe out the enemy in this season.

The best way to defeat all the Turkic cavalry is in winter when it snows.

The war horses are useless. As long as they can find their traces, they can catch up and wipe them all out.

Besides, Lin Hai had a better way to deal with the Turks, which was to directly move all the herdsmen to the interior.

The rebels lost their supplies and had no choice but to die.

Either go attack other surrounding enemy countries, but there is a large desert in the Western Region. Entering if you are not familiar with the terrain is just looking for death.

Further north is the bitter cold land of Tsarist Russia, and the soldiers there are also very fierce.

There is not much difference between forcibly attacking a city without enough supplies and willingly committing suicide.

After defeating the rebels, settle the people in the city.

Give them something to eat and then lead the army back.

It only took one day to defeat the rebels. When the Turkic Khan heard the news, he was silent for a long time.

Xia Jun's strength is beyond imagination, what's the use of continuing to fight?

Lin Hai went to see Shaoyao anxiously and saw her holding her daughter and breastfeeding.

Lin Hai walked over quickly: "Why are you sitting up? You still have to lie down and rest as much as possible."

“I’m not that delicate, I’ll be fine after just two days of rest.

Today I came down specifically to take a walk.

I heard that you led the army to attack the rebels. How is the situation? "

After meeting Lin Hai, Shaoyao's mood became much better.

She gave birth to another girl and enjoyed the warm moments.

His whole personality has changed a lot and he has become much gentler.

"Our army is still too small. After repelling the rebels, we handed the city over to the people.

I gave them some food, so their lives should not be a problem.

This time the rebels are severely weakened and they should not dare to attack again in a short time. Lin Hai replied.

"Well, after all, these are Turkic people. I really hope that the unrest will end soon.

If the fight continues like this, only the common people will suffer. "Shaoyao sighed helplessly.

"It is actually not difficult to let the people live a good life. If things get to this point, the Turks will definitely be annexed by Daxia.

I hope you can help convince the Turkic herdsmen to move all of them to Daxia.

The Daxia court will allocate a large area for you and help you build a house.

No one grazes on the grassland, and some people can be mobilized to harvest the pasture every year.

Transported back to raise cattle and sheep.

Let the Turkic people live a better life and give children the opportunity to read and write.

In the future, I can also take part in the imperial examination and become an official..."

Lin Hai painted a bright prospect for Shaoyao.

Shaoyao was very excited after hearing this.

Turkic people make a living by grazing all year round, and their ability to resist natural disasters is very weak.

In the past, they relied on robbing Daxia to maintain their lives.

Now that Daxia has become stronger, it is no longer possible to snatch it.

In winter, when roads are blocked by heavy snow, countless people freeze to death every year.

After becoming a citizen of Daxia, the only ones who are really affected are those powerful people.

It is a great thing for the people.

(End of this chapter)

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