The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 604 Clever Impact

Chapter 604 Clever Impact
A group of cavalry rushed towards this side quickly.

Mo Han could recognize it at a glance. This was definitely Daxia's cavalry, and he would never forget it.

"Damn it, send someone to stop them immediately."

"Get your crossbows ready, be sure to keep them at bay."

Mo Han used all his strength to give the order loudly.

Success was imminent, Daxia's army arrived so quickly.

Mo Han will never allow anyone to block his plan.

Soon all the heavy crossbows were aimed at Daxia's cavalry.

Lin Hai traveled day and night, leaving almost all his heavy weapons behind.

Finally arrived at the last minute.

But from a distance, he saw the rebels attacking the city wall, and Lin Hai's heart almost stopped beating.

I am extremely worried about the safety of peony.

"Follow me and charge forward. We must drive down those siege rebels." Lin Hai shouted loudly.

"Sir, we can't go any further. The rebels showed off so many heavy crossbows. We don't have cannons and can't deal with them at all." Wang Dayong was frightened when he saw with a telescope that the rebels had so many heavy crossbows. A big jump.

They only had 100 cavalry and brought only more than [-] artillery pieces.

But the range of the artillery is far less than that of the rebels' heavy crossbows.

If they, the cavalry, charge forcefully and require a volley of fire from the enemy, they may suffer heavy losses.

The penetrating power of heavy crossbow arrows is very strong, and one arrow with huge power can shoot through several people.

Wang Dayong had just estimated that the rebels' crossbow arrows might be no less than three thousand.

No wonder they were able to defeat the Turkic Khans steadily and finally huddled here.

The rebels' weapons are really too powerful.

Lin Hai was extremely worried. If he didn't stop him, the rebels would capture the city.

Then there is absolutely no room for maneuver.

Although the army behind has a cannon, it will take at least a day or two to get over.

The situation is extremely critical, and we must find a way to prevent the rebels from attacking the city.

Lin Hai gritted his teeth and ordered Wang Dayong: "Tie a cannon between the two horses, and after firing, let the horses charge towards the enemy.

Completely scatter the enemy troops! "

Everyone who comes has a pair of horses, and the number of horses is enough.

Wang Dayong heard the order and immediately asked people to prepare.

Seeing that everyone's army actually stopped, Mo Han felt a little proud.

"Hmph, so what if you come here? No matter how skilled you are, you are no match for the heavy crossbow."

He turned back and ordered his men: "Send another 1 people to charge forward, and we must capture this city as soon as possible."


The rebels once again sounded the horns of charge, and ten thousand elites rushed towards the city.

Mo Han had already seen that Daxia's army did not dare to risk a charge.

Even if they dare to charge forward, thousands of crossbows are no joke. Just shooting arrows can destroy these [-] cavalry.

Wang Dayong quickly prepared his troops, and all the extra horses were lined up.

In the middle were war horses with cannons.

An artillery piece was tied between the two war horses, and a long enough lead was left.

"Sir, everything is ready!"

Wang Dayong came forward to report.

“Very good, success or failure depends on this one move, let all the horses charge forward.

We followed the horse and asked all the brothers to remember to lie down on the horse.

Don't be hit by the enemy's crossbow arrows. "

"My subordinate understands!"

Let people light the fuse and whip the horse's butt several times.

The war horses rushed towards the rebels desperately.As the people in front dispersed, Mo Han could see Xia Jun's method clearly.

They actually let the war horses charge in front and the cavalry follow behind.

Let these tens of thousands of horses resist their crossbows.

Mo Han was so angry that he couldn't help but curse.

"It's so despicable! Shoot the arrows, shoot the arrows for me and kill all these horses!"

Mo Han roared loudly.

At this moment, he was extremely nervous. He knew very well how powerful the explosives would be once the Daxia army approached.

Even Xia Jun's crossbows were difficult for them to resist.

With an order, all the heavy crossbow arrows were fired together.

The war horse at the front was shot through the body and fell to the ground whining.

The horses behind rushed forward together.

War horses are larger in size, and the horses in the front row can completely block crossbow arrows.

To re-string the heavy crossbow after shooting, more than a dozen people must work together, which takes a long time.

At such a close distance, he has already rushed forward.

Only the sound of booming artillery was heard.

The war horses with cannons had already rushed forward, and the cannons were fired, killing a group of enemy troops with one shot.

Especially those rebels who were stringing their bows suffered heavy casualties.

After the artillery was fired, the war horses were frightened and ran around, and a large part of them rushed into the rebel formation.

The rebels who had just lined up were rushed to pieces.

Xia Jun behind him also followed up, firing a row of crossbow arrows first.

Kill all the soldiers who are loading their heavy crossbows.

Then they took turns throwing grenades, and the rebels who rushed in front suffered heavy casualties immediately.

When Mo Han saw this situation, he stamped his feet angrily.

Originally, he thought he had a sure chance of victory. With so many heavy crossbows, he would at least be invincible.

But he never dreamed that Xia Jun came with one man and two horses.

The charge of tens of thousands of war horses made his heavy crossbow completely useless.

Moreover, the frightened horses rushed into their formation desperately, blocking the rebels' counterattack formation.

Cavalry combat originally relied on momentum and powerful impact to defeat the enemy.

Disturbed by so many war horses, their charging speed had completely stopped, and even their formation had been disrupted.

The Xia army that was killed was easily harvested.

Mo Han saw that the situation was not good and knew that they had to retreat.

Although the Turkic cavalry are very fierce, under the attack of grenades, the closer the distance, the more serious the casualties.

It was impossible to get close to Xia Jun for close combat.

"Retreat, retreat quickly! Let the troops attacking the city withdraw quickly."

Mo Han made a prompt decision and sent out five thousand cavalry to launch a suicidal countercharge towards Xia Jun, hoping to stop Xia Jun's attack.

Take the remaining people and immediately break away from the army and retreat as quickly as possible.

The lethality of Xia Jun's grenades has caused the rebels to completely collapse.

As long as he enters the attack range, he will be killed immediately when the grenade falls on his head.

How is this fight going?
No one paid any attention to the general's urging shouts, and fled in all directions on horseback.

The entire battlefield became extremely chaotic.

"Sir, we succeeded. This move is so useful!" Wang Dayong was so excited that he couldn't help but extend his thumb.

If he were to direct this battle and send people to charge directly, there would definitely be heavy casualties due to the heavy route design.

You must pay a very heavy price to rush to the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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