The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 584 A small country is extremely arrogant

Chapter 584 A small country is extremely arrogant
In fact, it is no wonder that the Korean people are so arrogant when this happens. They have never suffered a loss in these years, and they can return with full success every time they send troops.

The Great Xia court had no way to deal with them.

After being bullied by Goryeo, I had to pay money to appease them. I could only hope that Goryeo would not send troops to attack from behind when fighting the Turks.

This had been the case for so many years, so Gao Li had the illusion that they had become very powerful.

The vast territory of Daxia can be slaughtered at will in front of them.

Both civil servants and generals almost agreed to take the initiative to attack.

The Emperor of Goryeo suddenly felt confident.

I feel that Daxia's strength is just that. If we can seize this good opportunity to win a big victory, our status in front of the Turks will be even higher in the future.

"Okay, Jin Yu, I will appoint you as the Grand Marshal of Soldiers and Horses. You will lead [-] troops and command the border defenders to attack the Xia army.

Be sure to annihilate them all! "

"Your Majesty, the Last General!" Jin Yu, as a Goryeo general, was promoted to marshal, and was extremely surprised.

Being able to personally lead the troops to defeat Daxia was his dream.

He has even considered that as long as these Daxia troops are destroyed, he can continue to march south.

Seize large tracts of land directly.

Goryeo is a mountainous area with very cold winters.

They are very eager to continue to expand their land.

Especially the fertile territory of Daxia made them drool with envy.

It's just that although Daxia is in decline, it is very tough on its territory.

They have sent troops to attack several times, and the early attack went very smoothly.

The defenders of Daxia were defeated steadily.

However, the Great Xia court would quickly dispatch large armies to fight and fight to the death to regain the lost territory.

Jinyu feels that this is a very good opportunity.

Their information is very limited and they don't know much about the outside situation, especially since most things happen in winter.

In the winter, the road was blocked by heavy snow, making it difficult for them to find out the news during their exercises.

Up to now, the Japanese country has been destroyed, and Goryeo is completely unaware of it.

Of course, this is also the result of Lin Hai taking the initiative to block the news.

None of the Japanese escaped, and there was no way they could bring the news out.

It's just that Goryeo lived a very comfortable life during this period and was not attacked by Japanese pirates for a long time.

Becoming more and more blindly confident.

Anyway, even if you can't defeat them, you can retreat to the city and remain invincible.

The army in Daxia consumed a large amount of food and grass every day, and transporting food over long distances was extremely expensive.

Goryeo concluded that Daxia's troops would not last long and was just giving them a warning.

Then gather all the troops to deal with the Turks.

Gao Li thought that he had analyzed Daxia very thoroughly and had everything under control.

When Xia Jun was sent out, he soon discovered the news of the rapid mobilization of the Goryeo army.

Send those messages back to the camp as quickly as possible.

A very large sand table has been placed in front of Lin Hai, making the nearby terrain very realistic.

Determine the location of the enemy through keyboard deduction.

All the enemy's movements are under control.

"Exactly as you guessed, Korea has been jumping up and down over the years. They have never suffered a big loss and have become very arrogant.

This time they actually dared to gather a large army to attack us. Just looking at this posture, they wanted to surround us and annihilate them all.

The small country of Goryeo actually has such a big appetite! "

Yuhuashi said with a sneer.

"Yes, Goryeo's position is really good. They can attack at any time and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Especially since the founding of Daxia, we have conquered them several times and all failed.

This is their biggest source of arrogance! "Lin Hai said. "Hmph, this time we are not the same as Daxia before. We have enough artillery, and it is useless no matter how tall their city walls are.

We must wipe out all their armies! "Wang Dayong is already gearing up at this moment.

I can't wait to rush to the battlefield immediately and start a decisive battle with Goryeo.

It is very enjoyable to crush opponents on the battlefield. Even Wang Dayong, who is usually very stable, has become more and more bellicose recently.

"There's no rush, we just need to continue waiting in the city.

Waiting for the Goryeo army to take the initiative to besiege.

There is another very important thing that you must remember.

Although Goryeo is arrogant and domineering, they are indeed capable.

And our experience in siege warfare is actually not rich.

It is very different from the previous dealings with Tubo, Turks and the Japanese.

Even if you have powerful weapons, you must not be proud. Instead, you must learn from experience and lessons while fighting.

At the same time, you need to think more carefully to avoid falling into the enemy's trap.

Although we have a great advantage, we must also prevent capsizing in the gutter! Lin Hai said with a very serious expression.

All the generals immediately stopped smiling, stood up straight, and became solemn.

"Subordinates, please obey your instructions!"

Following Lin Hai, I have always enjoyed spicy food and never lost a battle.

Everyone in the army was extremely convinced of Lin Hai.

No one dared to listen to what Lin Hai said.

While monitoring the enemy's movements, Lin Hai asked people to train the army every day to keep the army in the best condition.

The food in the army is also very good, and we eat big fish and meat every day.

After capturing the two cities, they also confiscated a large number of fishing boats, and sent some people to the sea to fish during normal times.

Most of the navy are fishermen and are very skilled at this kind of thing.

Everyone eats well and gains a lot of weight.

On the fourth day, Goryeo's army finally arrived.

Jin Yu brought an army of [-], which can be said to be the vast majority of Goryeo's elite.

There are also [-] border defenders.

The so-called army of [-] people surrounded them in a mighty manner.

Lin Hai stood on the city wall with a telescope to watch the enemy's situation.

Most of them are infantry, and there are only about [-] cavalry.

A bitter cold place like this simply cannot support too many war horses.

Marching and fighting all rely on infantry.

The corner of Lin Hai's mouth curled up slightly: "It seems that this battle will be very easy to fight!

Most of Goryeo's army consisted of infantry. Once they were defeated, they would be pursued with cavalry.

See how they escape! "

Wang Dayong was very happy. He was asked to lead the cavalry, which was a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"I will never let these guys go!"

"Wang Dayong, I will leave all the cavalry to you. When the battle begins, you can move around and attack.

Disrupt their formation as quickly as possible.

Then go specifically to kill the defeated enemy troops. It's best not to let any of them go! "

"Subordinates obey!"

When Lin Hai was about to give the next order, Yuhuashi patted him on the shoulder.

"I can't count on the cavalry. Let me lead the infantry.

You are in command in the city! "

(End of this chapter)

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