Chapter 575
Gong Yanwu was in a particularly good mood, her face beaming with joy.

"I heard the report early in the morning, and the battle yesterday was indeed good.

You have made great contributions to Daxia, and all the soldiers in the army are very grateful to you.

If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be able to take revenge with their own hands! "

"Your Majesty, this is what you should do as a citizen of Daxia.

Originally, the Japanese country lived in a corner. As long as they lived a good life and did not provoke us, we would not deal with them.

To end up like this is simply the Japanese country seeking death. Lin Hai said modestly.

"What are your plans next? Should you re-register your household registration and send some of our officials to manage it?" Gong Yanwu asked.

“It’s not possible now, even though all the main Japanese army has been destroyed.

There are still some remaining troops stationed in their territory.

If all these people are not eliminated, there will be endless disasters in the future.

And it's not just these remaining troops, there are many people in the Japanese country who have been trained since childhood.

Our officers could easily be assassinated!

These people must be strictly disciplined. Lin Hai said seriously.

"Then what are you going to do?" Gong Yanwu asked doubtfully.

"Originally, I wanted to kill all these people. It would be easiest to leave no one alive.

However, this approach is too cruel, even if there is deep hatred towards the Japanese country.

I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him until the end.

I plan to divide the people of the Japanese country into three parts, and the elderly people will live together and let them have enough to eat.

The young and strong laborers who had harmed the Daxia people were killed on the spot.

The rest can stay, but must be strictly managed in the manner of prisoners.

Let these people focus on building ships.

How they dealt with us Daxia people is the same as how they dealt with these people.

All the young women were brought back to Daxia and rewarded to the soldiers who had made meritorious service.

The Japanese race must not be left alone.

After a few decades, all the men in the Japanese country will grow old, so that the Japanese country can completely become my territory of Daxia. "

Lin Hai said seriously.

Even Gong Yanwu and others felt that it was a bit exaggerated to treat the Japanese country so harshly.

What's the difference between this and annihilating an entire race?
"Is it really necessary to do this?" Gong Yanwu asked with a frown.

Lin Hai nodded and said: "It is very necessary! Although I don't know how many years Daxia can last.

Even if the dynasty changes, it will still be the blood of Daxia, and the country will not fall into the hands of foreigners.

The Japanese race will never show mercy once given the opportunity.

The Japanese would definitely dare to do things that we couldn't bear to do.

It is even possible to massacre all the people in Daxia and occupy our territory. "

Gong Yanwu still didn't understand why Lin Hai had such strong hatred for the Japanese.

Even the Tubo people can be well taken care of after surrendering...

Lin Hai actually couldn't tolerate the Japanese.

But Gong Yanwu completely trusted Lin Hai's decision, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well, since this is your decision, everything is up to you!"

Lin Hai nodded and said, "Thank you, Queen Mother!"

Yuhuashi had also woken up and rushed over, first saluting Gong Yanwu.

Lin Hai asked him to sit down first.

"Brother Yu hasn't eaten yet, sit down and eat together!

Since we have won the battle, after eating, we must lead the army to advance quickly.

Time waits for no one, we must deal with all the affairs of the Japanese country and retreat as soon as possible! "

Yuhuashi is not polite either, there are not so many rules when it comes to fighting abroad.

Take a big bite.

Lin Hai told Yuhuashi his plan, and Yuhuashi agreed very much.

"This is a good idea. The Japanese country is alone overseas. If something unexpected happens, our Daxia army will be beyond our reach.

The best way is to eradicate all the Japanese.

Move us Daxia people here.

Only in this way can we ensure the stability of Japan. "

Gong Yanwu heard that even Yuhuashi had such thoughts, and she agreed more with Lin Hai's decision.

Only then did Gong Yanwu realize that as a woman, she was still a little too soft-hearted.

Not taking a long-term view of things.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead an army, and one must use iron-blooded means to deal with the enemy.

If we let Japan go, they might stab Daxia in the back when they recover.

Daxia cannot afford such consequences, and will definitely pay an extremely serious price.

"I think Korea can also use this method to deal with it. The Koreans are also fickle and capricious villains. Even if they are defeated, they cannot stay!"

Yuhuashi said.

"The situation in Goryeo is different from that of Japan. There is no need to wipe out all of them.

After defeat, they all moved to Daxia.

These people were assigned to Tibetan and Turkic management, and these people were not given any land, so they could only live by working.

Leave conflicts to their own devices.

Of course, young women can also choose to be concubines for Daxia people.

At the same time, a large number of Daxia people were moved to occupy Goryeo and distributed fields to them.

It won't take many years for the great national integration to be completed. " Lin Hai explained.

Daxia is a huge country and cannot massacre every enemy country.

Sometimes you have to use some gentle policies.

Otherwise, other small countries around Daxia would be very afraid.

This kind of fear has a strong sense of alertness.

It is very detrimental to Daxia's reputation.

It's not that Lin Hai doesn't want to unify the world.

Instead, Daxia annexed several enemy countries at once, and it took a certain amount of time to slowly digest them.

After completing the national integration first, let the people of these captured enemy countries gradually identify themselves as the people of Daxia.

At that time, they will continue to expand, not only to seize land, but also to integrate the local people.

Only in this way will no hidden dangers be left.

If you conquer all countries by force regardless of the consequences, and rule the people of these countries.

This will cause internal divisions.

When Daxia is strong, there will be no serious problems for the time being.

But once Daxia declines, the country will quickly split.

All efforts will be reduced to ashes.

As a person from the future, Lin Hai has a very thorough understanding of the importance of cultural unity.

After defeating several surrounding empires, in addition to foreign trade, we must start cultural propaganda.

Let everyone have a sense of identification with Da Xia Xin's identity.

As long as these people live well in Daxia and learn a unified culture.

Then they expand outwards. The more territory they expand, the higher their status will be.

Once we have common interests, we can sincerely follow you and fight overseas together.

In this era, class division is still very necessary.

Give all people hope and opportunities to climb up.

Conflicts between ethnic groups will be greatly reduced.

Of course, Lin Hai couldn't explain these things clearly to Yu Huashi and Gong Yanwu in a short time.

The most important thing at hand is to gather all the people of Japan.

(End of this chapter)

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