The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 573 Cannons blast together

Chapter 573 Cannons blast together
The Emperor of Japan was deeply convinced and agreed: "This makes sense.

Daxia has declined. Even if they dare to lead troops to attack us, they will not be able to sustain it for long.

Soon they would be defeated by the combined Turks and Tibetans.

Sooner or later we have to send troops to attack Daxia.

It would be better to take action early and completely annihilate their army.

You can directly move your army westward and directly invade Daxia. "

The Emperor of Japan no longer wanted to wait any longer. Every time he thought of the rich land of Daxia, his mouth watered with greed.

“Well, since the Emperor has said so, let’s launch an attack and destroy these Xia troops.

When their main force returns, they can also weaken their strength.

As long as the main force of the Xia Army Navy is defeated, they will no longer dare to attack us! "

Inusuke also made up his mind completely.

Since they were going to break up sooner or later, it would be better to launch an attack while Xia's army was at its weakest.

“As long as we can completely defeat the Xia Navy, we can join forces with Goryeo to send troops.

Daxia is attacked from both sides and it is absolutely impossible to resist!

We can then divide the land of Daxia with the Turks. "

The Japanese emperor had already begun to have sweet dreams before the war started.

There was an extremely greedy look in his eyes.

The Japanese nation has been looking forward to acquiring more territory for generations.

I didn't expect it to be possible from him.

I feel extremely excited just thinking about it.

The Japanese emperor couldn't wait any longer and immediately ordered a full-scale attack.

Inusuke is indeed the strongest general of Japan.

Even if Daxia's army was at a disadvantage, he was not careless at all.

An army of [-] people directly overwhelmed [-] people, launching attacks from all directions.

The city wall of Japan was very short, and it was easy to climb up by using a wall ladder.

It was because they recognized that the number of Daxia defenders was very small.

Launching an all-out attack, the troops defending the city simply cannot resist it.

Once you hit the wall, it is equivalent to declaring victory.

Knowing that this battle was certain to be won, all the Japanese lords were as if they had been given blood.

He rushed over quickly with his men.

The people at the front were all elites, all wearing armor.

Some warriors also held shields to help resist bows and arrows.

There were also some Japanese who fought back in the distance with bows and arrows, helping to suppress the defenders on the city wall.

Lin Hai and Yuhuashi stood on the city wall, looking down.

"After so much effort, the Japanese finally got fooled and were willing to attack the city."

"Everything is ready. Just waiting for your order, we can annihilate all these Japanese!"

Yuhuashi's face was cold, and he looked at the Japanese rushing towards him without any emotion.

These Japanese people have long been treated as dead people.

Lin Hai acted very calmly. When the Japanese army rushed to the city, he still did not give the order to fire.

It's just that some people pretended to be panic and shot the enemy with bows and arrows.

Such sparse bows and arrows cannot stop the enemy at all.

Soon the enemy hung the ladder on the city wall and climbed up quickly.

The captured troops held their spears and lined up in formation.

As long as a Japanese climbs up, he will stab forward fiercely with his spear in hand.

It directly stabbed several holes in the Japanese body, and then fell down.

Although the Japanese could easily climb the city wall, they could not go any further.

They always felt like they were about to win, but all they had to climb up the wall to greet them were spears.

No matter how many people climbed up, they were all killed instantly.Inusuke and the lord, who were watching the battle from a distance, did not notice the situation in front of them at all.

After all, it was starting to get dark now, and there were only a few small torches lit on the city wall, so it was impossible to see the specific battle situation clearly.

He just saw that his own people had already rushed to the wall, and victory was in sight.

I was very happy.

"It's great. We can capture the city right away. These Daxia troops are simply vulnerable!" Inusuke almost jumped up with joy when he saw that he was about to win so easily.

Let people immediately notify the emperor and go to the front of the formation to watch the scene of the city being breached.

Lin Hai said to Wang Dayong next to him: "Did you see them over there? Just look at their clothes and the guards around them.

Even if he is not the Emperor of Japan, he is still their highest general. "

The torches burned brightest there and shined very brightly.

Standing on the city wall you can see clearly.

Wang Dayong nodded and replied: "I saw it, why don't I shoot them to death immediately?"

"That's right, ten heavy cannons should be fired at the same time. They must be accurate for me.

Give me the order, and firing the artillery is our order to launch a counterattack.

After the heavy artillery fired, all the artillery fired at the same time.

Launch a counterattack at the same time! "

"As ordered!"

Wang Dayong immediately went to convey the order.

Inusuke kept staring ahead.

But I feel more and more that something is not quite right!
They have been attacking for so long, why are there no signs of victory yet?

With so many people climbing up, it stands to reason that the city should have been captured long ago.

Once you control the city, you should send out a message of victory and quickly open the city gate.

But they are still desperately attacking the city.

This can only show that the Xia army resisted very tenaciously. They sent [-] troops, but they still didn't win.

Inusuke felt increasingly annoyed.

It’s just five thousand troops. Why can’t they be dealt with until now?
Inusuke was beginning to feel anxious, so he summoned a few of his men and asked them to go to the front to check.

After a while, only a few roars of heavy artillery were heard, shaking the heaven and earth.

The entire city wall was shaking slightly as the cannon was fired.

All the Japanese were shocked!

The siege stopped and everyone looked up.

Then countless fire snakes spurted out from the city wall, followed by the deafening sound of cannons.

The Japanese who had not yet reacted flew backwards.

Being hit by the iron sand sprayed from the artillery, everyone was brought up and beaten into a honeycomb.

A large number of Japanese were hit by the fiery iron sand and died immediately.

Hundreds of artillery pieces on the city wall fired together with great momentum.

The Japanese had no idea what was going on, and after realizing it, they fled around like ordinary flies.

They had completely lost their sense of direction and were huddled everywhere.

The more this happens, the easier it is to become an artillery target.

Inusuke's heart sank when he heard the sound of the cannon.

"No, we've been fooled!"

Although I have never seen Xia Jun's cannon, it must be powerful to make such a big noise.

Before Inusuke could tell the emperor to retreat, the shells were already falling.

The person who was hit turned into a meat pie, and the iron ball jumped everywhere.

Anyone who touches it will be killed on the spot.

There wasn't even a chance to scream!
"Retreat quickly!" Before Inusuke could finish his words, he felt something hit him hard on his back, and then he lost all consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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