The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 571 Take the initiative to attack

Chapter 571 Take the initiative to attack
"The Emperor is right, there are some things that ordinary lords cannot possess.

If they really want coral and these pearls, it means they have rebellious intentions, and they must be more vigilant against these lords.

After defeating Daxia, we will destroy them all! "Inusuke said with a serious expression.

Although the Japanese Emperor didn't say much, he nodded in agreement.

Anyone who poses a threat to him must be eradicated, and no further trouble must be left behind.

The two of them were planning.

Soon all the troops had been assembled, although they all had to obey the orders of the Japanese Emperor.

However, orders still had to be given to his men through the lord.

The lord's men would only be loyal to their leader and would not obey the emperor's orders at all.

Even the clothes of the Japanese army were very different.Almost every territory has specialized grooming and markings.

Seeing the assembled troops, the Japanese emperor was very satisfied.

First, he gave a speech to the army, which was nothing more than to boost their morale.

Daxia's army only came with a few thousand people, and the equipment was also very poor.

As long as the Daxia army can be defeated, their warships, weapons, and armor can be stolen.

All the spoils will be distributed to them.

The Japanese soldiers became very excited one by one.

Although I was particularly afraid of fighting the Daxia army before, their number was twenty times that of Daxia.

What's so scary about this?

The biggest characteristic of the Japanese people is that they bully the weak and fear the strong. When they encounter a powerful opponent, they immediately surrender and have no intention of resisting.

But when encountering a weaker opponent, they will swarm them and defeat them using the most cruel methods.

Judging from the current news, the Daxia army is simply a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Once their Japanese army rushes over, they can easily crush them.

This is an excellent opportunity, and everyone is gearing up to kill it immediately.

After finishing speaking, I saw that morale had reached its peak.

The Emperor of Japan waved his hand and shouted loudly to everyone: "You must all obey General Inusuke's order. If anyone dares to disobey, he will be killed without mercy.

Let's go now! "

The Japanese emperor was riding in a carriage, and other generals were riding war horses.

War horses were very scarce in Japan, and only the richest families and high-ranking generals were qualified to ride horses.

Most of the soldiers still walked.

However, they have been fighting all year round and have long been accustomed to long-distance marches.

The speed of the attack is quite fast.

By night, he had arrived at his destination and was discovered by Daxia scouts.

The Japanese army did not continue to hide. There were too many troops and it was impossible to conduct a sneak attack.

Just get into position and press forward.

The Daxia army also lined up at the city gate, preparing for a decisive battle with the Japanese.

I saw that Daxia only had more than 4000 troops, and there were only about 1000 people on the city walls at most.

The Emperor of Japan was finally relieved. The news they had discovered was indeed correct.

I didn't expect that Daxia would be so careless. He brought such a small army to attack us. Isn't this looking for death?

Inusuke commanded the army to surround it from three sides to prevent Daxia's army from escaping.

Before the war, the Japanese emperor called all the lords together to discuss the battle plan.

The Emperor of Japan was now full of confidence, completely different from the way he was worrying about gains and losses before.

He scanned the crowd and said, "Every lord should have seen that Daxia only has 1000 troops. There are still [-] people to defend the city, and at most [-] troops can be deployed.

We can win even in a head-on battle! "

"Your Majesty, please give the order quickly. We will launch an attack immediately and destroy them today."

“I have long heard that Daxia is in decline, and it seems that is indeed the case.

To actually send only a few thousand troops to defeat our Japanese country is simply a fool's dream. "

“Bactria has fertile land, and their army will soon be wiped out by the Turks.

After we defeat these Daxia troops, we should immediately take the initiative to attack by boat.

Capture more territory as quickly as possible. "

Many people have become more and more arrogant before they can defeat the Xia Jun in front of them.

The Emperor of Japan nodded with a smile and said, "Lords, don't worry, as long as we can defeat the Xia army in front of us, we can send people to Daxia to investigate the news again.

They can even join forces with Goryeo to send troops to attack Daxia.

Our strength is still a little weaker, and we must bring Gao Li to act together. "

"Your Majesty, please give the order. The Xia army only has four to five thousand soldiers and horses. Let's attack together.

After destroying the army outside the city, you can take the opportunity to attack the city.

Maybe we can completely defeat Xia Jun before dawn! "

Many lords couldn't wait and wanted to launch an attack immediately.

At this time, a lord said: "Everyone, calm down first, I always feel that this matter is not that simple.

Maybe Xia Jun deliberately showed weakness and set a trap for us.

Once we launch an attack, we are likely to incur a fatal blow from them! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him.

This lord's name is Xiyuanji. He is over 50 years old and has a very stable character.

His strength is not the strongest in Japan, but it is definitely not the weakest either. He is above average.

But this person is usually very low-key and generally does not show off his talents.

We are about to send troops to attack, but raising such objections will only affect morale.

The Japanese Emperor asked expressionlessly: "Our spies have found out very clearly that there are no other Daxia troops in the city.

No matter how strong the fighting armies are, they can't defeat so many of our armies, right? "

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you must know that there were originally [-] defenders here, but they were defeated by Daxia in a short period of time.

Didn't the Emperor feel that something was very strange? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was thoughtful.

"That's right. How were the two armies defeated? Why didn't anyone escape?
Could it be that Daxia's army is so powerful that an army of [-] can easily win against [-]? "

Someone finally realizes something isn't quite right.

Inusuke thought for a moment and said: "Do you mean there are other defenders in Daxia?

Or is it that one of Daxia's armies can equal ten?

If they really have such powerful abilities, I don't think the Turks could defeat the Daxia army so easily. "

The Emperor of Japan also said: "Do you mean that we should give up attacking the Xia army and let them garrison here?"

Xiyuanji shook his head and said: "This is not what I meant. It's just that until the matter is investigated clearly, Xia Jun's true strength is not known at all.

We must be more careful to prevent falling into Daxia’s trap.

At least you can't use all your strength when attacking, and you should retreat immediately if you find something is wrong. "

(End of this chapter)

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