The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 560 Finding the treasure

Chapter 560 Finding the treasure
Liu Ergou rolled up his sleeves, "I'll go in and check first!"

"Be careful, someone, give him a spear and stab it into the ground as you move forward.

See if they have all the treasure hidden underneath! "

Lin Hai ordered.

A soldier threw his spear to Liu Ergou.

Liu Ergou took a long spear and stabbed it on the ground while walking forward.

Afraid of any danger here, Wang Dayong shouted loudly: "Be more careful and see if there are any traps on the ground!"

"I know!"

Liu Ergou walked forward for a short distance alone, and suddenly heard the dull sound of stabbing on the wooden board.

Liu Ergou picked up the spear again and stabbed it on the ground several times.

He shouted loudly behind him: "Sir, there seems to be a wooden plank down here!"

Lin Hai happily smashed his fist in his palm.

"That's right, let's go over and help a few more people. Pull up the soil on the ground.

There must be a basement down here! "

Dozens of soldiers ran over.

He used his weapon to dig up the soil on the ground and found that there were actually wooden boards under the grass.

After digging through the soil and lifting up the wooden planks, we found the secret room.

After confirming that there was no danger ahead, Lin Hai led Gong Yanwu and others forward.

It was the first time for Gong Yanwu and the others to encounter this situation, so they stretched their necks and looked forward very curiously.

When you lift the wooden board, there is quite a lot of space.

It's just that it's all pitch black and you can't see anything.

As more and more wooden boards were lifted, the whole secret room was finally seen.

It turns out that this place was originally a deep sunken cave.

After being transformed by Japanese pirates, it was used as a basement for storing money.

"You guys wait up there, I'll go down and take a look first!" Liu Ergou rolled up his sleeves and planned to jump down.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Hai quickly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ergou looked confused.

"It's been airtight down here for a long time, and there's probably no oxygen."

"Go find some hay personally!"

Lin Hai ordered.

Someone agreed and went to find some hay nearby.

Lin Hai lit it with a fire stick and threw it down.

The fire ball fell into it and was extinguished quickly, but we also saw the deep hole extending into the distance.

Lin Hai said with a serious face: "Have you seen it? If you go into this situation, you will be suffocated to death.

Open up the entire hole and let the wind flow in. Wait a while and try again. Make sure the fire can keep burning before you go down. "

Liu Ergou swallowed his saliva and broke into a cold sweat.

If Lin Hai hadn't stopped him just now, he might have died here.

When fighting, it doesn't matter if you die in battle.

This way of death is really frustrating.

"You better be careful. I have heard of this kind of thing. A secret room that no one has entered for a long time will suffocate people to death if there is no ventilation."

Gong Yanwu said from the side.

“This is some common sense in life. If you don’t pay more attention to it at ordinary times, it will kill people at critical times.

Especially when some people hide something underground, if they don't understand it, they can test it with a torch first.

It's easy to lose your life! "

Lin Hai took advantage of his free time to popularize some science knowledge to everyone.

After waiting for a while, I tried it again with the fire ball, and it could burn normally.

Liu Ergou then jumped down and walked into the cave with a torch.

He walked out after a while, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Queen Mother, sir, this is indeed a place where Japanese pirates hide treasures. There are a lot of gold and silver treasures in it."

"Go down with a few more people, bring a few more torches, and bring me all the money down there." Liu Ergou agreed and called for all his men to jump down.

Several torches were lit and inserted into the hole.

Soon several people brought over a large box.

Opening the box, there were all gold, silver and copper coins inside.

They were all stolen from ordinary people, mostly copper coins.

The soldiers lowered the ropes and lifted all the boxes up.

A total of dozens of boxes were carried up, all of which were filled with valuables.

Gong Yanwu was stunned when she saw this situation.

If I had suddenly received so much money before, I would have been very happy, and it could finally solve an urgent need.

But the situation now is completely different from before.

The more money stored here, the more people the Japanese pirates plundered.

Originally, the people of Daxia lived in very poverty.

It was looted so many times by these Japanese pirates, and I don’t know how many people were killed.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I felt.

Gong Yan's dancing face is like frost, and her silver teeth are clenched tightly.

"Lin Hai, you must find and kill those Japanese pirates who escaped.

Even those people from Japan who supported the Japanese pirates could not be left behind. "

Of course Lin Hai knew what Gong Yanwu was thinking.

At this moment, everyone present hated the Japanese country deeply.

"Don't worry, Queen Mother, we will send troops to attack the Japanese country early tomorrow morning. No one will be left behind!"

Lift out all the money and transport it to the camp.

Checked it carefully.

It is actually equivalent to more than 40 taels of silver.

Lin Hai could imagine how much money these Japanese pirates had robbed Daxia. This was only a small part. Most of the money had been sent to the Japanese country.

These Japanese people must pay with blood.

Although we just won the battle and wiped out most of the Japanese pirates.

But the soldiers who got the news became more silent one by one.

Strong hatred and anger burst out in everyone's eyes.

Most of these naval forces were civilians recruited from the seaside.

They personally experienced being attacked by the Japanese, their relatives were killed, and their houses were burned down.

Now that I join the navy and train hard, I can one day wipe out all these Japanese pirates.

By the next morning.

After everyone had eaten, they boarded the ship and set off.

It is said that there are warships heading towards the Japanese country.

Lin Hai stood on the bow of the ship, holding a telescope and looking forward.

This time they went to war, originally intending to completely destroy the Japanese country.

But we must also prevent Japanese people from escaping in boats.

Lin Hai was discussing with Yu Huashi and Cao Qiang how to attack the Japanese country.

"The Japanese country still has a large number of ships, now that the Japanese pirates have fled the Japanese country.

They must know the news that our Daxia navy is coming to attack, and prepare for the battle in advance.

Of course, there is no need to worry about frontal combat. We are just afraid that Japanese officials will escape by boat.

Therefore, in addition to landing operations, we must also send ships to patrol other places.

All Japanese warships had to be confiscated, and all useless items were destroyed.

Even the boats in the hands of the Japanese people could not be kept.

We must not give the Japanese people any chance to escape! Lin Hai said with a serious look.

"Don't worry, sir. After we land, some soldiers will stay on the ship and let them patrol the coastline of Japan.

The ships that saw them were either recaptured or sunk with one shot.

Our boat is so fast that none of the Japanese pirates' boats can escape. "Cao Qiang replied.

(End of this chapter)

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