Chapter 558: People are grateful
Although the Japanese pirate leader was released, the other Japanese pirates met a very tragic end.

He led his team to surround them and wiped out no one left.

Looking at the ragged Daxia people in front of them with many injuries on their bodies.

Lin Hai said to them: "We are the Great Xia Navy, and you are all safe now.

Wait a moment here while someone brings something to eat.

It’s not that I didn’t want to save you just now. If I act too worried, it will be even harder to save you.

I also hope everyone can understand me more! "

"My lord, this is serious. The navy of Daxia can come to rescue us. The common people are very grateful.

I just regret that we have no ability and were caught by these Japanese pirates.

Otherwise, adults can wipe out all these Japanese pirates.

It’s so unacceptable to let these beasts escape! "

Lin Hai advised: "Don't worry, everyone, fill your stomach first and let someone take you back.

Now our hero Xia is living a better and better life. After we go back, we will be assigned a land and a house, so we can live a good farming life.

After destroying these Japanese pirates, they will immediately go to attack the Japanese country.

Even if these Japanese pirates escape back to the Japanese country, they must be found and destroyed. "

When these people were captured, Daxia was still in great decline.

There is no way to withstand the Japanese pirates' attack.

The government at the seaside is useless, and they can't defeat large groups of Japanese pirates.

They were shocked to hear that they were about to attack the Japanese country.

In their view, the Japanese pirates were very fierce, and the national strength was definitely not weak.

He quickly advised: "Don't attack them yet. The Japanese pirates are too powerful and may not be their opponents."

Lin Hai knew that these people were still stuck in their previous understanding of Daxia.

Explain to them the current situation in Daxia.

When they heard that Tibet had been defeated, these people were stunned and stunned.

Some people were so excited that they couldn't help crying.

"Okay, Daxia has finally become stronger, and our people can live a better life."

"Destroy the Japanese country as soon as possible. These guys are not worthy of being human at all. They are all beasts."

"Destroy the Japanese country, and you will no longer have to worry about Japanese pirates."

As they talked, the soldiers brought over a lot of food.

These people didn't know how long they had been hungry, and they all started eating.

Lin Hai looked at them and felt quite sad.

He became more determined to destroy the Japanese country.

No matter how they live, as long as they dare to harm the people of Daxia, they will never be spared.

Gong Yanwu had also received the news at this time and rushed over to check on the situation of these people.

When they heard that the Queen Mother was actually here, all the rescued people were shocked beyond measure.

He quickly put down the food in his hand and kowtowed.

"The common people have seen the Queen Mother!"

"Everyone is exempt from the gift! I came too late and made you suffer so much!"

Gong Yanwu saw that the clothes on these people were so thin and in tatters.

Many people still have injuries on their bodies.

I feel very uncomfortable.

"The Queen Mother can personally lead the troops to save us ordinary people. It is a blessing for us." Everyone's eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

Lin Hai said from the side: "You continue to eat, and after you finish eating, ask the doctors accompanying you to treat your injuries.

Put on warmer clothes and send you back! "

"What I'm saying is that it's better to eat enough first and heal your injuries first!" Gong Yanwu nodded and said.

These people were deeply moved.

It was the Queen Mother who personally brought people to rescue them, which made them a little flattered.

All the previous complaints against Da Xia were wiped away.

At this time someone came over to report the news.

"Queen Mother Qi, Lord Qi, all the Japanese pirates have been killed. Not a single one is left alive!"

“Very good, with so many people dying on the island, problems will definitely arise over time.

Order everyone to cut some firewood and burn all the corpses of the Japanese pirates! "

After all, there are nearly [-] Japanese pirates. If they stay on the island for a long time, there is a high possibility of a plague.

When the sea tide rises, these viruses may be brought to Japan.

After all, the next step is to defeat Japan.

It may pose a threat to Daxia's security.

The scout received the order and immediately went to deliver it.

They successfully wiped out so many Japanese pirates and saved 1000 Daxia people.

Gong Yanwu was very happy.

"If you win a battle, you should reward the whole army. When you return, you will all be rewarded!" Gong Yanwu said.

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

Without Lin Hai's order, all the soldiers were still on guard to protect Gong Yanwu's safety.

Lin Hai expressed his gratitude on their behalf.

At this time, Wang Dayong came back with his people.

"Lord Qi, those Japanese pirates have left successfully!
At that time, I really wanted to blow them to the bottom of the sea with one shot! "Wang Dayong was still gritting his teeth angrily.

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "It is not a bad thing to let them return to our country."

Gong Yanwu listened with confusion.

"This doesn't make sense, these Japanese pirates should have been killed all.

Letting them return to Japan will definitely pass on the news.

The Japanese nation was prepared to be attacked.

Wouldn’t it cause us a lot of trouble! "

“In the past, if the Japanese pirates were prepared in advance, it would really be difficult to attack them.

But the situation is different now. The more prepared they are, the more beneficial it will be to us.

It is best for Japan to recruit all its troops as soon as possible to fight against our Daxia.

At that time, give them a big deal and wipe out all the prime men of the Japanese country. "

Lin Hai replied with a smile.

Gong Yanwu's eyes lit up after hearing this: "What you said makes sense.

I still think of fighting in the same way as before.

Now that I, Daxia, have powerful firearms, no matter how well prepared the Japanese are, they are no match! "

“One more thing, our artillery grenades and artillery.

The more enemies you face, the more powerful you can be.

Better get them all together! "

"That makes sense, then when will we send troops to attack the Japanese country?"

Gong Yanwu was a little impatient at this moment.

This was her first personal expedition, and if she could destroy the Japanese country in a short time.

Her prestige in the court will immediately increase.

No one dares to object to any political matter.

"Don't worry, Queen Mother. Let's rest for the night and set off tomorrow.

First, these Japanese pirates must go back and report the news, so that the Japanese country can quickly gather its troops.

Secondly, set off now. It will be almost dark by the time we land in Japan.

The defense was really bad for us at night.

In addition, we have obtained a large number of warships, and I have sent clippers to transport more troops.

Wait until tomorrow and more troops will be delivered.

If you don't take action, that's it. Once you take action, the Japanese country will be destroyed as quickly as possible! "

As Lin Hai spoke, a powerful aura burst out from his body.

He looked firmly in the direction of the Japanese country. At this moment, the Japanese country had become a thing in his pocket and could be taken at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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