Chapter 552
Looking at the darkness on the shore, Lin Hai finally thought of a good idea.

"It's okay if you go, but there's something I have to tell you in advance.

There will be many snakes on this small island.

If you are not afraid of snakes, come with us. "

When Gong Yanwu heard that there were snakes on the island, her face turned pale with fright.

Let go of Lin Hai's hand and take two steps back.

"What, there are snakes on the island! Then I won't go."

Lin Ruoxue had already seen through Lin Hai's thoughts.

It didn't expose him.

What's more, Lin Hai's decision was completely correct. With such an important status as the Queen Mother, she must not take risks on the island.

What's more, the island is full of Japanese pirates, and they might hide in the dark and shoot cold arrows.

It's not too late to go to the island to check after all the Japanese pirates have been wiped out.

"Lin Hai is absolutely right, there are indeed snakes on such a small island.

And this kind of snake can climb into trees.

When people walk past, launch a surprise attack.

This kind of snake is particularly easy to hit people's necks! "Lin Ruoxue also helped scare Gong Yanwu.

After listening to Lin Ruoxue's words, Gong Yanwu completely gave up the idea of ​​landing on the island.

"I'm not going, so you should go chase the Japanese pirates.

But you have to be careful not to get bitten by a snake. "

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Queen Mother, we have been fighting outside all year round and have long been used to it.

What's more, everyone is wearing armor and helmets, so snakes can't bite us. "

"Well, I will stay on the ship and wait for your good news!"

Lin Hai agreed and took people to the island.

There are palace guards protecting Gong Yanwu, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

The island is quite large and the terrain is extremely complex.

Lin Hai was not eager to achieve success and asked his men to launch an attack while it was dark.

The environment here is very unfavorable to Daxia's navy.

Let all Qianhu and their men surround the island and station themselves on the shore.

Cut down trees on the island and light a fire.

It can illuminate the surrounding area and prevent Japanese pirates from escaping.

Wait until daybreak to assemble the army and launch a general attack on the Japanese pirates.

When the Japanese pirates saw Daxia's navy surrounded by the shore, they immediately guessed Daxia's purpose.

"No, Daxia's generals are too cunning. They deliberately surrounded us instead of attacking us.

Just wait until daybreak before launching the attack.

We don't even have a chance to escape! "

The key is that Daxia also brought two thousand cavalry, and the cavalry patrolled along the shore.

No matter where they are attacked by Japanese pirates, they can rush over to provide support as soon as possible.

"General, what should we do? All our ships have been taken away by Daxia.

There is no way to escape the island.

At daybreak it will be our death!
We might as well fight with them head-on at night, maybe we still have a chance to defeat Daxia's navy. "

Knowing that there was no way to escape, the ferocity of these Japanese pirates was aroused again.

They would rather die fighting than wait until dawn.

Anyway, both the left and right are dead, so it’s better to have someone as a backer.

The Japanese pirate leader was also mentally calculating the strength of both sides at this moment.

The cannonballs were so powerful, they had never seen such a powerful weapon.

When they encountered them before, the navy only used artillery to bombard them.

That was also to get a complete ship, so we didn't use all our strength.

Unexpectedly, the cannon used today was more powerful.

How can we fight such a battle when we can attack them from thousands of meters away?

Just wait until daybreak and you can see where they are hiding and bombard them directly with cannon.

All men are certain to die.

Since we can't fight during the day, we can only launch a sneak attack at night.

We can capture more people from Daxia and use them as bargaining chips in negotiations.Thinking of this, the Japanese pirate leader finally made up his mind.

"Listen clearly to me, Daxia's navy has surrounded the entire island.

By the time day breaks everyone will be dead.

We must fight hard to capture more prisoners of Daxia.

As long as we arrest more people, we will have bargaining chips.

Everyone took up arms and rushed with me. "

Qianhu and his soldiers were stationed down, and they had to prevent Japanese pirates from sneak attacks at night.

Someone lit several fires in the distance, illuminating the surrounding area very brightly.

If any Japanese pirates come to attack, they can detect it immediately.

"Everyone is not allowed to sleep today, so they must work hard to cheer me up, and all the crossbows in their hands are cocked.

If you relax even a little bit, those Japanese pirates might come up and chop off your heads. "

Qianhu said coldly.

"Don't worry, sir. We are eager to kill all these Japanese pirates and strip their skin and muscles.

Even if we are asked to sleep, we cannot sleep. "

"What I'm saying is that if it hadn't been at night, we could have wiped out all these Japanese pirates."

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Everyone is holding garlic. If anyone is sleepy, he can eat two cloves of garlic.

They all stared at me carefully, not even a fly could be let go. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard dense footsteps in the distance.

Qianhu was very alert.

"Brothers, the Japanese pirates are really coming!"

The soldiers quickly stood up and formed a team.

The Japanese pirates turned around several times and saw that Daxia's navy was very tightly defended.

Moreover, they all lit a fire not far away, so they couldn't make a sneak attack at night.

You can only choose a direction at random and launch an attack.

In particular, these Japanese pirates discovered that Daxia's naval forces were organized in units of thousands.

Relying on the strength of numbers, it is not difficult to win.

As long as they can capture enough prisoners, they will have the leverage to negotiate.

Now that the trace has been discovered, there is no need to hide it.

He roared and charged forward with his katana raised.

"Set off fireworks immediately and ask for support!" Qianhu was unusually calm at the moment.

They don't know how many times they have been trained in this situation.

One of the men skillfully lit up fireworks and released them into the sky.

Fireworks exploded in the sky, illuminating the ground very brightly.

Qianhu was frightened when he saw countless Japanese pirates attacking in this direction.

Their luck was so good that the Japanese pirates picked them.

Finally, I have a chance to take revenge with my own hands.

But there are too many Japanese pirates coming, and I don’t know if they can resist them.

We can only hope that reinforcements come quickly.

"Set off the second firework and all the Japanese pirates will attack us!"

The second firework took off and exploded again.

Tell the other soldiers that the situation here is very critical.

At this moment, the Japanese pirates had rushed forward, and Qianhu shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

The soldiers in the front row pulled the triggers together and fired crossbow arrows at the Japanese pirates.

There was a scream from ahead.

Apparently many Japanese pirates had been hit by arrows.

The first row quickly retreated after shooting, followed by the second row.

Then came the third row.

After the third row finished firing, the soldiers who fired the first round of arrows had already reloaded their arrows.

Take two steps forward in a neat pace and continue shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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