The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 548 The Navy sets off for the expedition

Chapter 548 The Navy sets off for the expedition
After grasping all the situation, Lin Hai quickly formulated a battle plan.

Just wait until the weather is clear and the sea is calm, and all the warships will set off together.

Kill directly towards the Japanese country.

The speed of action must be fast, and the opponent must be completely defeated with lightning speed before they can react.

The Japanese warships were numerous, and their warships must be found first and destroyed in one fell swoop.

Without warships, the people of Japan would be like turtles in a urn, and no one could escape.

The three main warships were responsible for landing, and the other smaller ships were searching for the Japanese warships and at the same time surrounding the Japanese.

After such a long period of investigation, we already know the location where the Japanese naval warships docked.

It was not difficult to surround their navy.

In the next few days, Lin Hai personally trained Daxia's navy.

It is necessary to adjust the command method.

When encountering an enemy warship, how to surround it are all tactics that require training and proficiency.

Never let any enemy ship escape.

During the training, Gong Yanwu also came to the warship to watch.

The soldiers and morale of the Navy reached its peak.

I don’t feel tired at all during training.

The huge ship sails very smoothly on the water. As long as there are no winds and waves, it is almost as smooth as walking on the ground.

Gong Yanwu and others quickly adapted to life on the ship.

Although seasickness may occur at first.

Lin Hai asked someone to prepare oranges and smell them more when he felt seasick.

Slowly I finally overcame my seasickness.

When the cooperation of these warships can meet Lin Hai's requirements, Lin Hai will let everyone gather after the training.

He said loudly: "I have asked someone to check the weather, and I guarantee that it will be sunny and windless within three days.

The livestock will be slaughtered tonight and everyone will eat and drink well.

Set out early tomorrow morning to attack the Japanese country. "

Everyone held their breath and finally looked forward to the time for the war to begin.

All the soldiers were extremely excited.

Most of them are anxious soldiers from the local area, and most of them have a bloody feud with the Japanese pirates.

Although they have only been in the army for a short time, everyone gave their best during training.

Training hard.

From the beginning of joining the army, everyone has been very thin.

Now all the navy soldiers are as strong as cows, with muscles all over their bodies.

In addition to the hard training, the main reason is that the navy's food is so good.

There is fish and meat every day, and you can eat as much as you can.

The body can recover quickly.

After Lin Hai took all the soldiers to take the oath, he disbanded the team and asked them to go back to rest and eat.

After a good night's rest, it's time to go into battle.

This was the first time Gong Yanwu watched soldiers fighting on the front line in person, and she was very excited.

"Lin Hai, can we really destroy the Japanese country in one fell swoop?"

Gong Yanwu asked.

Whether the imperial commander can successfully win the battle this time will have a great impact on Gong Yanwu.

If the fight goes smoothly, Gong Yanwu's prestige in the court will be even higher.

If the fight doesn't go well, you may even lose the battle.

Officials will have doubts about her ability to govern.

Even though he believed in Lin Hai's strength, he became a little nervous at this moment.

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Queen Mother! Although the Japanese country is very fierce, their land is extremely barren.

Most of their soldiers did not have adequate armor.

The weapons used are samurai swords.

If you fight alone and rely on your fierce momentum, it is indeed easy to gain the upper hand.

But what matters on the battlefield is the formation of troops.Our pike team can completely restrain them.What's more, there are artillery and grenades. No matter how strong and fierce these Japanese pirates are, they are definitely not opponents we respect. "

After listening to Lin Hai's analysis, Gong Yanwu was completely relieved.

"I feel relieved to have you in my palace. I will definitely see the Japanese country destroyed with my own eyes this time.

Goryeo must not stay. These are our enemies in Daxia.

I don't know how many people in Daxia died under their butcher's knives.

We must take revenge and let the people of Daxia who were killed rest in peace. "

"Don't worry, Queen Mother, I had no intention of sparing the Japanese country from the beginning.

If you want to rule them, you must use thunderbolt means.

The more ruthless you are to them, the more you will surrender to Da Xia.

If you treat them a little better, you will think that our national power in Daxia is not enough, and you will immediately feel rebellious.

After capturing these mature men from the Japanese country, they were made to become everyone's slaves and do the hardest and most tiring work.

Atone for my sins, Daxia. "

Lin Hai's whole body erupted with strong murderous aura.

After living in Haidong for a while, I realized how cruel the Japanese pirates were.

Gong Yanwu agreed very much with Lin Hai's approach.

During these days in Haidong, I also asked about some things about Japanese pirates.

He treated the people of Daxia extremely cruelly.

Gong Yanwu was extremely angry.

How dare a mere Japanese country be so courageous.

Not only did they kill the people, but they also coveted Daxia. Now that Daxia has strong soldiers and horses, how can they be spared.

On the second day, all the troops had eaten and came to the warship.

Although some warships were built and some Japanese pirate ships were captured.

Still unable to transport all the troops to Japan.

We can only select some elites and bring enough gunpowder to board the ship.

He brought [-] cavalry, but only [-] horses.

Twenty thousand sailors boarded the ship.

Heading to the Japanese country in a mighty way.

In order to win this battle, Lin Hai also made a telescope specially for the navy.

Use crystals ground into lenses.

The viewing distance can be increased several times.

Fight on water, so whoever spots the other side first will be more prepared to win.

Especially if Daxia, as the attacking party, discovers Japanese pirates or Japanese warships.

You can let the ships go around it in advance to surround it and eliminate all the Japanese pirates.

With steam engines, it was possible to reach Japan in less than a day.

At this time, the sky has begun to light up, and the sun can be seen rising from the east.

After all, Lin Hai hadn't gotten up so early for a long time, wearing a cloak and looking at the sea.

Yuhuashi was also standing beside him, extremely proud at this moment.

"Brother Lin, I heard that our country's land area is not very large. How long do you think it will take us to destroy the Japanese country?" Yuhuashi asked.

“Even if there were only two thousand cavalry, it wouldn’t take more than a month to defeat all their troops.

But the soldiers must pay more attention and never pity the Japanese people, even a woman.

If you are not careful, you may be killed by them. "

Lin Hai said seriously.

"I know, you have reminded me of this matter more than once and you have already given the order."

Lin Hai took a deep breath and said: "It's one thing to specifically remind and explain, but I really met a woman who seemed so pitiful.

There will always be people who feel compassion.

Once you pity them, it's time to lose your life. "

(End of this chapter)

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