The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 539 Issuing Silver Ticket

Chapter 539 Issuing Silver Ticket
The next day, Lin Hai got up early.

Because the papermaking workshop sent sample paper.

This is paper made according to the papermaking method provided by Lin Hai.

It has complex and delicate concave and convex textures, and no workshop can imitate this kind of papermaking technology.

The paper is white, flawless and very flexible.

Lin Hai checked it carefully, nodded and said, "Not bad, it meets all my requirements."

"Master, this paper is indeed good, but it is too thick and the cost will be high. If it is used to make books, it is too thick.

Several of us discussed that it would be best to use it as a book cover. "The shopkeeper said.

"Haha, you can't wrap a book cover with this kind of paper. I have a lot of use for it." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Where do you plan to use it?"

Lin Hai said: "You remember, this kind of paper must not leak out at all, otherwise it will be a serious crime of beheading.

All craftsmen are required to maintain strict confidentiality.

Today, some more guards will be sent to guard the workshop.

The wages of craftsmen have been doubled, so you should work hard. "

The shopkeeper shrank in fear. Money for processing is certainly a good thing, but why is papermaking so dangerous?
Lin Hai glanced at him and said, "There is no need to hide this from you, you will know it soon.

This kind of paper is called a bank note and is used to replace silver.

If it is stolen and used to make fake banknotes, we will suffer a big loss.

Therefore, these papers must be strictly controlled. If something goes wrong, it will be a serious crime of beheading.

You are in charge of the papermaking workshop, so you must keep an eye on me.

If you do a good job, I will ensure that all of you will be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime. If anything goes wrong, your head may be beheaded, or your whole family may be implicated. "

"Knowing this, I will definitely not let anything happen to a piece of paper." The shopkeeper knew the seriousness of the matter.

Lin Hai has already opened a bank.

But such banks are only used to exchange silver and copper coins and charge a certain fee.

I didn't expect to have to make banknotes. This is an incredible business.

Exchange paper for money in the hands of the people.

It's simply a business without capital.

The most critical thing in this business is paper, which must be ensured that no one can copy it.

If someone steals the paper and makes fake banknotes, it will be a huge loss.

Lin Hai explained and asked him to go back and make paper quickly.

There are strict requirements on the quantity of paper produced. Unused and unqualified paper must be destroyed according to regulations.

With the experience of lottery tickets, no one has been able to imitate fake lottery tickets until now.

The time is ripe for the issuance of banknotes.

Especially since Daxia was doing business with surrounding enemy countries, it was very inconvenient to carry money.

If you have a banknote, you can save the cost of transporting money.

Tubo has returned to Daxia, and many businessmen saw the opportunity and went to do business.

Lin Hai planned to open a banknote exchange from the capital to Tubo.

Merchants only need to hold banknotes to do business.

Exchange silver notes in the capital, and then exchange silver in Tubo.

After the business is completed, the silver notes can be exchanged from Tubo, and when they are brought back, they can be exchanged for cash from the capital.

Or to save trouble, as long as both parties agree, they can directly trade with banknotes.

This can save a lot of money.

Paper is just the first step. There are printing, sealing, and many handwritten marks later.

In particular, many secret signs have been specially invented for printing, and even letterpress printing has been developed.

Each step is independent and mutually confidential.

With the current technology, even if you are exhausted, you cannot imitate it.

Lin Hai is confident in his anti-counterfeiting technology.

Anyway, I have nothing to do these days, so hurry up and get the banknote.After the banknote paper is partially made, start printing.

A total of one tael, five taels, ten taels, 50 taels, 100 taels, 1000 taels, and 1 taels were printed in seven denominations.

It is very convenient to combine these banknotes with each other.

Except for very large businesses, banknotes of less than 1 taels are almost never used.

After the banknotes were printed, several shopkeepers from the bank came over to watch.

"This banknote is really amazing. You can tell whether it is genuine just by touching it with your hands. I can guarantee that no one can imitate it."

"Yes, it is impossible for other paper-making workshops to make this kind of paper. It is more comfortable to touch than the paper used for lottery tickets."

"Let's issue banknotes quickly. Many businesses go to Tubo to do business. It's too inconvenient to carry money."

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, some things need to be explained clearly. There are 58 secret marks on this bank note, some of which can be known to the people and used to distinguish the authenticity of the bank note.

There are some things you can let the guys at the firm know.

There are also some that only the shopkeepers and managers of major banks know.

Some secret messages can never be discovered by outsiders, so that we can better prevent counterfeiting. "

Lin Hai told the secret notes on the banknotes one by one, and all the shopkeepers were amazed.

If no one informs you in advance, outsiders will never know about it.

It's really well hidden.

Looking at the ordinary colors, there is something else going on.

After finishing speaking, Lin Hai was afraid that they would not remember it, so he even randomly checked and asked questions.

Let them deepen their impression and never forget it.

"You take these banknotes back and show them to the banker's clerk. Soon the banknotes will begin to circulate. The accounting of the banknotes must be clear and there must be no mistakes. Do you understand?"


These are very professional people and have been specially taught by Lin Hai.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Daxia has the strongest business ability.

A few days later, explosive news came out of the capital.

The bank broke out shocking news.

There is something called a silver note, which is about to begin circulating.

At the beginning, many people didn't care much about it. It seemed very unreliable to exchange money for a piece of paper.

Isn't it good to keep the money in your own hands? Why bother?

If something goes wrong with the bank, then the bank note will become a piece of waste paper, and it will be a huge loss.

After knowing the usefulness of banknotes, many merchants became very interested.

Especially some businessmen travel long distances to do business.

Carrying a large amount of cash not only delays things, but is also extremely dangerous on the road.

You can't even run away when you encounter a robber.

For the safety of the money, we can only hire an escort to help transport it.

But the cost is too high.

Although there is a certain percentage of money required to convert banknotes into silver, it is much cheaper than going to an escort agency anyway.

The key is to be able to carry it with you. As long as there is a bank nearby, you can exchange it for cash at any time.

Those businessmen went to the bank to consult, and the answers they received made them even more overjoyed.

Five banks have been opened in Tubo, located in the most prosperous areas of Tubo.

In addition to the capital, there are also several banks in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

That's enough for businessmen.

After all, these two places have the largest number of large companies doing business.

As development continues, more banks will be opened.

In the future, banks will be opened in every city, and silver can be exchanged anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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