The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 537: Rewards to the Prefect

Chapter 537: Rewards to the Prefect
Adagu was very satisfied and accepted the betrothal gift.

The two parties set a date for the wedding.

Lin Hai did not stay long and left with the three young masters.

In five days, the wedding will be held at the same time.

The five aristocratic families must prepare as soon as possible. Although they are descendants of common people, they are marrying the princesses of Tubo.

At least the scene can't be too bad, it must be beautiful.

After all, they wanted to gain Adagu's support when they went to serve as officials in Tubo.

If there is a thorn in Tubo, the princess of Tubo will only need to teach the other party a lesson.

The local people did not dare to complain. This was the brilliance of Lin Hai.

Return to Yu's house and tell them the outcome of the discussion.

Yugan and Chen Deyong were very satisfied.

The children of their family all looked happy, and they were obviously very satisfied after seeing the three princesses.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lin. We must have a few drinks today. Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Yugan wanted to keep Lin Hai to thank him.

"We should stay and drink, but time is already very tight. We are getting married in five days, and this wedding must be a lively one.

Not only to let the people of Daxia see it, but also to let the people of Tubo know that their king is living a good life in Daxia.

Even our prisoners have always been treated favorably.

You still have a lot to prepare for.

I serve in the Ministry of Etiquette. If you need any help, please ask. "

Lin Hai said.

"Master Lin is so worried about our family, but he hasn't even had a chance to drink a glass of wine. I'm ashamed, I'm really ashamed." Chen Deyong said.

"Haha, these are all trivial matters. For your family and for the imperial court! Let's sit down and have a drink together when we are free later.

Now that the marriage has been decided, I will enter the palace now.

If you collect rewards from the three young masters and canonize them as magistrates before they get married, everything will be perfect. "

Lin Hai said with a smile.

"How can I thank you for this!" Yugan could only feel grateful at the moment.

Lin Hai did too much for their family without any intention of repaying anything in return.

"Brother Yu and I are good friends. Helping each other is nothing. As long as the children of the aristocratic family serve well as officials in Tubo, it will be the greatest reward for me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will definitely send someone to keep an eye on them. If anyone dares to act recklessly without being punished by the court, our family will kill him." Chen Deyong said sternly.

They all know that the court is now purging corrupt officials and vigorously rectifying the officialdom.

The crackdown on corrupt officials is getting increasingly intense.

If the children of the aristocratic family do something corrupt, Lin Hai will also be implicated.

After all, these people were promoted by Lin Hai and must be held responsible for this.

"I feel relieved with the words of Master Chen. Although I stand with your family, I will never watch anyone engage in official corruption.

Once the laws of the court are violated, they must be dealt with seriously. "

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Lin Hai took his leave and left the palace.

Gong Yanwu has also been very busy recently.

Tubo has returned to Daxia, and everything has to be arranged from scratch.

The vast majority of Tibetan officials were dismissed from their posts.

Only a small number of Tibetan officials who sincerely serve the people and do not resist Daxia can stay.

Those Tibetan officials who oppressed the people and committed corruption will be dealt with strictly.

Tubo was temporarily under the control of Daxia's army.

Feng Moyi helped handle political affairs.

His status is not low and he has great power.

But in Tubo, he did not have much decision-making power, but was more like an executor.

Corrupt officials were found to be investigated and dealt with by Feng Moyi after interrogation.

Those who dared to rebel against Daxia were defeated by the Daxia army.

It was Feng Mo who executed these people.Feng Moyi's reputation became worse and worse, and many people secretly scolded him.

Has become the biggest traitor and lackey of Tubo.

Feng Moyi had no way out.

Knowing that this was Lin Hai's strategy to deal with him, he could only dig in.

Only in this way can the family's power and status be preserved.

Otherwise, he would also be among those being purged.

However, despite his poor reputation, he was scolded by the Tubo people every day.

But Daxia protected them very closely.

The assassin had no chance at all.

In order to save his life, Feng Mo Yi instead mobilized all his strength to deal with those who resisted Daxia.

Only by eliminating all these people can he sit back and relax.

Lin Hai could not always let Feng Moyi control the power of Tubo, and he had to send officials to take over as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent so much effort trying to find matchmaking for the five major families.

Seeing Gong Yanwu, Lin Hai sat next to him unceremoniously and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"Adagu's affairs have been settled. He is very satisfied with the children selected by the five major families. We have agreed to get married in five days."

Gong Yanwu was very surprised: "It went so well! I really underestimate you."

"Hey, don't think that the family is so arrogant. How much is that pride worth in the face of huge interests?"

"That's right. The Daxia court has completely taken control of power, and the aristocratic family's sense of existence has been greatly weakened.

These family heads are also very anxious.

Even though he made more money than before, compared to the power of the imperial court, it was already far behind. "

Gong Yanwu nodded and said.

"Now that it's settled, the next thing is to give rewards to these three people. I promise to give each of them a magistrate's official position.

You still have to order it yourself. "

"No problem, you write the imperial edict and I will stamp it!"

Then Gong Yanwu placed a pile of memorials in front of Lin Hai.

"There are more and more memorials these days. Just reviewing the memorials will make you exhausted. From now on, after you give lectures to the emperor, you can come over and review the memorials for me."

Ever since Lin Hai helped review the memorials, Gong Yanwu also started to cheat.

As long as he had the opportunity to be lazy and let Lin Hai help with marking, he would rather serve tea and pour water next to him.

Lin Hai smiled helplessly and had to start working.

First, he wrote the imperial edict for the reward, and Gong Yanwu happily sealed it.

Then began to review the memorial.

"Lin Hai, why don't I make you the Chief Minister? Then you can legitimately come to help me handle important court affairs every day."

"No!" Lin Hai simply refused.

"Isn't it great to be the chief minister? I understand your character and will not seize power!"

"I don't want to do that. Now I am jealous of many officials. If I become the chief minister, I don't know how many people will be watching me.

That taste is not good.

If you are too busy and too tired, you can promote a few ministers.

Help with some simple things.

Make a catalog of the memorials that have been processed, and briefly explain the content of the memorials and how they were processed.

In this way, you can check some every day, and occasionally check to see if anyone dares to commit fraud.

Doesn’t this improve work efficiency? "Lin Hai thought of a way.

No matter how powerful a person is, his energy is limited.

We must allocate some power, otherwise we will really be exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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