Chapter 532
"Sir, do you want to go home?" Wang Dayong asked.

"If you don't want to go home, first go to the Yu family, Shitou to the Chen family, and ask the head of the Chen family to come to the Yu family to discuss things."

Now the Yu family is the leader of the five major families.

If you have anything to do, you have to go to Yu’s house to discuss it.

Although Chen Deyong has taken the initiative to give up the position of leader.

But Yugan still respects him very much.

If there are any major decisions, I will still discuss them with Chen Deyong.

With the two families united, there will be no objections from the remaining three major families.

I heard that Lin Hai came to the door in person, and Yu Gan came out to greet him in person.

Even though he is the head of a noble family, he is very arrogant and looks down on other officials.

But Lin Hai's status in Daxia was too high.

Even their family wants to please.

As soon as they met, he greeted him warmly: "Master Lin just came back, why are you here at home?
Why don't you go home and meet your wife first? "

I used to know that Lin Hai was very kind to his wife, but he came to visit her without going home. It felt very strange.

“I came here today to discuss something very important with the head of the family.

I have already sent someone to invite Master Chen! "

"Oh? Is there anything else important about this? Mr. Lin, please come to your home to do it. Let's talk while drinking tea!"

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Arriving at the Yu family's living room, a handsome maid immediately brought tea over.

At this time, Chen Deyong had also arrived.

After meeting, they exchanged greetings with each other.

Chen Deyong also felt very strange, wondering why Lin Hai took the initiative to visit.

"Master Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it, we are all ears!"

"The two heads of the family are very grateful, although this matter is indeed of great benefit to the five major families.

But I have to make you feel aggrieved.

If what I say is not good, please don’t be angry, two family heads! Lin Hai said with a smile.

The two of them were very confused!

Has Lin Hai ever been so polite?It seems that this matter is indeed very difficult to handle.

"Mr. Lin, please stop trying to be so pretentious and just say what you have to say!"

"The two heads of the family should have known when they went to court that Adagu wanted his three daughters to get married to our officials.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is looking for a backer.

I am already married, so it is not appropriate for me to marry his three daughters.

Ordinary official Adagu would definitely not like him either.

I want the children of the five great families to marry Adagu's three daughters. "

As soon as these words came out, Yu Gan and Chen Deyong's expressions immediately became gloomy.

Fortunately, it was Lin Hai who mentioned this matter.

Anyone else would have been kicked out. Even if the Queen Mother raised this matter in person, she probably wouldn't look good on her.

Lin Hai had already expected their attitude.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the tea cup with a smile and tasted the tea, allowing the two of them to digest it.

Chen Deyong said: "I think Mr. Lin is very clear about the rules of our five great families.

Even if he is an ordinary child, the woman he wants to marry must be from a famous family.

There is no civilization in a barbaric land like Tubo.

No matter what, it is impossible to marry into our five great families. "

"You two families, what you said is wrong! Some things need to be adjusted.

Although the five major families have a long history and are from famous families.

It's normal to look down on these barbaric people.

But having said that, your five great families are prosperous.

There are also many concubine children, so there is no need to use legitimate children to marry them.It only requires concubine children.

If you marry Adagu's three daughters, in the eyes of the Tubo people, you are marrying their princess.

Now that Tubo has become my territory in Daxia, the court needs to send many officials to govern it.

If you marry their princess, it will be much more convenient to be an official there.

Didn't the two family heads think about expanding the family's power to Tubo? Lin Hai asked with a smile.

"Extended to Tubo?" Chen Deyong was a little moved.

Their five major families sent people to fight with the army and did a lot of business.

I know that although Tubo is poor, it is a vast place and can still make a lot of money doing business.

Just selling livestock from Tubo and transporting it to Daxia would be at least double the profit.

If one of their own people serves as an official in Tubo, it will definitely be of great help to their family's business.

Lin Hai saw the change in their expressions and continued to persuade: "If you can marry the three girls from Adagu, the Queen Mother will also give you a special reward.

In Tubo, he was at least a magistrate-level official.

If you do well, you will be promoted much faster than other officials in the future. "

"Master Lin, are you serious about this?" Chen Deyong asked.

"It's absolutely true, I can give you two guarantees. As long as the selected person can satisfy Adagu.

All the conditions I mentioned can be met! Lin Hai said seriously.

Chen Deyong and I looked at each other and were both a little moved.

Lin Hai continued: "In addition to the benefits I mentioned, if the major families cooperate with the court.

Solve problems for the Daxia court.

After defeating the Turks, I will still remember you all.

But if you give up such a good opportunity.

It's not like other officials don't have sons suitable for marriage, and opportunities will come to them.

These officials can quickly expand their power. In the future, there may not be five major families, but eight major families.

I know this matter is of great importance to you, so there is no need to agree to it now.

I'll give you two days to think about it carefully. "

After Lin Hai finished speaking, he stood up and left.

Chen Deyong stood up quickly and said: "No need to think about it anymore, I will convince the other family heads.

Selecting three talented people from aristocratic families is guaranteed to satisfy Adagu. "

Lin Hai then smiled: "This is the most correct decision. If it were anyone else who had such a good opportunity, they would never wish for it.

I believe that all the family heads will never regret their decision today! "

Yugan also figured it out and said, "Master Lin and our family are both members of the same family. It is good to always think about the five major families.

Naturally, we will not refute Mr. Lin’s face.

This matter will be done beautifully and will definitely satisfy all parties! "

"Thank you very much! I will be the matchmaker after the candidate is confirmed.

Get this marriage done as soon as possible.

Tubo is now in dire straits and waiting to be revitalized, so it is necessary to send people there as soon as possible. "

"Okay, we will definitely choose someone tomorrow!" Yugan promised.

The three people have reached an agreement.

Lin Hai then took the carriage back.

Sitting on the carriage, Lin Hai's lips curled up slightly.

Finally a big trouble can be solved.

Although the five major aristocratic families have received immediate benefits, once they are married to Adagu.

The principles they had always adhered to were also broken.

The status of the so-called five great families in the hearts of the people will also be shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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