The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 522: Checking for Corruption

Chapter 522: Checking for Corruption
Feng Moyi and his soldiers rushed to an official's house.

In a generally poor place like Tubo, the house actually covers an area of ​​more than 20 acres.

It has become a big garden inside.

There are all kinds of rockeries, flowing water, exotic flowers and plants.

Even if it were placed in the capital of Daxia, it would definitely be a top-notch high-sect compound.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect it. Tubo also has such rich officials, and they are more elegant than the aristocratic families in our Daxia." Liu Ergou commented while looking at the scenery.

Feng Moyi had already made up his mind at this moment, and he must confiscate this place.

Having been an official for so many years, he is the best at figuring out people's thoughts.

Of course he knew that Lin Hai ransacked his house mainly for money.

It was hard to defeat Tubo, but they couldn't make much money.

How could Lin Hai just give up?

We must find an excuse to attack these corrupt officials.

Let them spit out all the corrupt money.

As for whether it was real corruption, Lin Hai didn't care at all.

The money must be taken away.

Surrounding the entire courtyard, the housekeeper in the courtyard hurried out with the nurse.

Block the way.

"Who gave you the courage to break in? This is Lord Aguli's mansion.

You dare to lead troops in, don't you want to live? "

"I think you don't want to live anymore. Don't you know that Tubo has surrendered and been defeated?

Now all of us here are citizens of Daxia.

This is Mr. Liu Ergou, who is here to assist me in arresting corrupt officials. "Feng Mo yelled loudly.

The butler was shocked.

The relationship between Feng Moyi and his master was not too bad when they were officials in the same dynasty.

He even brought soldiers from Daxia to arrest people. What on earth is going on?

He quickly said: "Our master is an official in the same court as you, how can he be a corrupt official.

This must be a mistake! "

"You can't be wrong, I know everything very well.

Let Aguli come out quickly, everyone is taken down and no entry or exit is allowed. "Feng Mo gave a loud order.

But all the soldiers did not move, but looked at Liu Ergou.

Liu Ergou smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "You all obey the instructions of Master Feng Mo.

Quickly capture everyone and search them carefully for me.

Check to see if there is any hidden loot. "

The housekeeper also wanted to lead the guards to stop him, but the soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers rushed forward and beat him severely.

After a while, all the guards were beaten to the ground.

"Stop everyone!" A majestic voice sounded at this time.

A man in his 50s came out wearing official uniform.

Staring at Feng Moyi closely.

"Master Feng, we are all officials in the same dynasty, and we surrendered to Daxia together.

Now we are all from Daxia.

Why are you using weapons against me? "

The person who came was Aguli, who was very tall.

It looks quite majestic.

Aguli's official position was far higher than that of Feng Moyi.

Normally, when Feng Mo saw him, he would nod and bow to say hello.

But things are different now.

Feng Moyi had to deal with him first, and after dealing with the person with the highest status, it would be much easier to deal with the others.

Feng Mo straightened his body and said loudly: "All the money in the national treasury has been emptied.

Mr. Lin suspects that all the money has been embezzled by you.

I specially sent my officer here to search.

You'd better be wiser.If you dare to resist, you will bear the consequences! "

"Since we have all surrendered, why do we have to kill them all?" Aguli looked extremely sad and angry.

In his opinion, as long as he has surrendered, his previous mistakes will naturally not be investigated.

Who would have thought that just after taking over the royal city, he would actually wield a butcher's knife against them.

If he had known the consequences, he would never have stayed.

If you had packed up your money in advance, you would have run away.

Even if he was exiled to the Western Region and had a hard time leaving his hometown, he could at least survive.

Now he is being investigated for corruption.

"You bullied the people and corrupted so much money. How could Master Lin spare you?

I advise you not to resist and to explain everything you do honestly and clearly.

Handing over the corrupt money and property may spare your life. "Feng Moyi was already rude.

At this time, either you die or I die. In order to save your own life, you can only deal with these people.

"Feng Moyi, your money for corruption as an official is no less than mine. If you want to investigate, you might as well investigate yourself first." Aguli shouted loudly.

"Hehe, what I have done has been clearly explained to you, sir, so I don't need you to worry about it.

If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being rude.

Come here, arrest him, dig three feet into the ground, and find out all the money he hid. "

Aguli cursed loudly, but Feng Moyi turned a deaf ear.

Have someone pull him down.

The whole house was wailing.

There was a continuous flow of yelling and crying.

Soon someone found the money. Liu Ergou walked forward and his eyes were opened.

Box after box of gold, silver and jewelry filled the entire secret room.

"Master Feng, your Tubo officials are really rich.

Just hiding money in a secret room probably doesn't require three to four million taels of silver.

It’s several times the amount in the treasury! Liu Ergou joked with a smile.

Feng Moyi could only smile with him.

His corrupt money is no less than this, and he is afraid that Liu Ergou will take action on him.

"What Mr. Liu said is that such corrupt officials cannot stay.

It must be severely punished! "

"Our adults have given you the power to deal with it. You can make the decision as to how you want to be punished." Liu Ergou replied.

Liu Ergou didn't care whether these officials wanted to be killed or not.

The real purpose is to take all the money away.

Then they searched several places where money was hidden and packed them all up and took them away.

After being counted, it was equivalent to more than 30 taels of silver.

Liu Ergou was amazed.

This is still a lot of property and a lot of money. If all the land and houses are included, it would be worth at least 80 million taels.

Then go to the next one.

Everyone in the royal city is in danger, fearing that their own family will be next.

After the search is completed, it will be published so that all the people will know how much money corrupt officials have embezzled.

The people completely lost confidence in the Tibetan officials and started to curse.

Shouting that these corrupt officials must be severely punished.

The conflict that defeated Tubo was smoothly transferred.

Lin Hai took the opportunity to post the notice and told them that the confiscated fields would be distributed to people who had no fields.

Some people can even be allocated livestock, so that they can live a good life by grazing and farming.

These people still couldn't believe it.

Daxia defeated Tubo and was so kind to them.

Don't we treat them as slaves, working as cattle and horses for the people of Daxia?

After the first people received their assigned fields and livestock, the local people realized that all the news was true.

(End of this chapter)

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