Chapter 511 Say Hi
Mokhto saluted him quickly.

"Why did the king come to the city wall? It's really too dangerous here."

Adagu waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Daxia's army hasn't arrived yet.

What's more, even if the two armies are fighting, they can't just shoot cold arrows from the beginning. "

"The king must promise the general that when the war begins, the king must go to a safe place.

Only in this way can the soldiers defend the enemy with peace of mind! "

"This king promises you!"

Mokhto breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was very cooperative.

It didn't take long to see an army approaching quickly in the distance.

Moreover, the army was very neat and orderly, and it was obvious that military discipline was strict.

Mohetuo's heart tightened. He didn't expect that after not seeing each other for more than half a year, the strength of Daxia's army had become stronger.

The pressure is stronger than the last time we fought.

After two meetings, the positions of the two parties were completely reversed.

In the past, they launched the attack, and Daxia relied on the city's defense.

Now they were on defense, and Daxia took the initiative to attack them.

Mokhto suddenly felt very regretful at this moment.

In the past, when Daxia was very weak, if they had united with the Turks to attack Daxia with all their strength, they might have united and destroyed Daxia, regardless of casualties.

He would not be in the current situation.

But they had strong soldiers and horses back then, and they were all on guard against each other.

Every time they send troops to seize the benefits, they quickly retreat. No one wants to suffer too much loss.

After all, although Daxia is relatively weak, its army is several times larger than theirs.

If the two sides really fight to the death, they will definitely suffer huge losses.

Both the Turks and Tibetans were afraid that their armies would be annexed by the other side after suffering huge losses.

It is this idea that everyone has their own ideas and will be satisfied when they see the benefits.

Only then did Daxia get a chance to breathe and become stronger again.

Now even if Tubo and Turks unite, they may not be Daxia's opponent.

Mokhto quickly dismissed all these thoughts.

Now that the enemy is facing us, we must fight against it.

If there is any wavering in the heart, it will have an impact on the battle situation.

If the generals are not determined to win, there is no need to fight this battle at all, and they will definitely lose.

Daxia's army was stationed five miles away from the city, and could clearly see the panoramic view of the city.

The scouts went to survey the terrain and conduct searches within a radius of fifty miles.

Prevent Tibet from setting up an ambush.

Especially when attacking the city with all its strength, once it is attacked from behind.

Being attacked from both sides, it is easy to suffer heavy blows.

Even if he mastered a very powerful weapon, Lin Hai would never dare to be careless in the slightest.

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi were inside the camp, with a simple blueprint in front of them...

This is the news that the scouts found out in advance.

"The scouts have come to report that Tubo has made a large number of heavy crossbows to resist us. There are no less than a hundred heavy crossbows just mounted on the city wall.

In this way, our artillery loses its effect and cannot enter the range at all.

I think heavy artillery must be used to knock down all their walls. " Yuhuashi said.

"I agree with your method. The heavy artillery was originally intended to be used to capture the city wall.

All the cannons fire in the same direction, which makes them more powerful.

As long as they can shoot accurately, their city gates can be smashed with one shot. "

Lin Hai said.

"After breaking the city gate, bomb the city wall again to destroy all their crossbows, and then our artillery can exert its power. This will wipe out all the enemy troops stationed in one fell swoop."

In order to make it easier to rule Tubo in the future, Yuhuashi did not intend to show mercy in this war.

Even if these prime-age laborers stay, they will still be a huge hidden danger in the future.

In contrast, all the young and strong laborers were killed, leaving only the old, young, women and children.

It is much easier for the officials sent to manage them.

"The person guarding the city is our old rival Mokhtuo. It seems that the King of Tibet is not confused at all.

Even if they lose the battle, they are still willing to use him.

Although he was very experienced in leading troops, he did not choose the wrong general.

But they never dreamed that this time we brought heavy artillery, and no city wall could withstand it. Lin Hai said with a smile.

Although the war is about to begin, the mood is very relaxed.

As long as there are no big mistakes, this battle will be won.

At this time, the scouts saw the news and came to report it.

"We have met the two generals, and we found out that the Tibetan king Adagu is also in the city."

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi looked at each other, both very surprised.

Although Tubo is at a disadvantage, there is no need for the king to supervise the battle on the front line.

After all, in such a dangerous place, if something goes wrong.

The whole of Tubo was completely finished.

"I underestimated Adagu, but I didn't expect that he would personally supervise the battle and boost morale on the front line.

If we had not had heavy artillery, this would have been a hard fight. "

"That's right, for the attacking party, capturing the city is the most difficult battle.

Tubo is still very difficult to deal with! "

"Then let's go to the front and see the Tubo King in person.

After all, the two armies are about to engage in battle. As the coach, you have to step forward and say hello.

Let's see if we can persuade the Tubo King to surrender. Wouldn't everyone be happy? Lin Hai said with a smile.

"You're right, you should meet the Tubo King no matter what."

Although Yuhuashi also knew that the other party would never agree to surrender, it still made sense to say hello.

Not only can it test the enemy's reality, but it can also cause a certain amount of psychological pressure on the enemy's generals and soldiers.

Leaving the army stationed in place, he ordered two thousand elites to come to the front of the city.

Stop outside the effective killing range of the heavy crossbow.

You can clearly see the people on the wall.

One of them was quite majestic and dressed very luxuriously.

At first glance, we knew that this person must be the great king of Tubo, Adagu.

The person standing next to him is his old rival Mokhto.

"Whoever comes, please tell me your name!" Mokhto shouted loudly.

"This general is Yu Huashi, the marshal of the Northern Conquest Army! You are just a general of the defeated army. Do you still want to block my Daxia attack?

I advise you to open the city gates and surrender as soon as possible to save the lives of your entire army! "Yu Huashi replied.

"Don't even think about it, if all our soldiers in this city unite as one, we will definitely be able to defeat you!" Mokhto shouted angrily.

Lin Hai smiled and replied loudly: "The person standing next to General Mohto should be King Adagu of Tibet!

I advise you to surrender as soon as possible for the sake of the soldiers and people in the city.

You are no match for Daxia now.

Once an attack is launched, there will be heavy casualties.

Surrendering now will not only save you from death, but also prepare a big house for you in the capital so that you can live a wealthy life. "

(End of this chapter)

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