The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 509: Take the initiative to send troops to destroy Tubo

Chapter 509: Take the initiative to send troops to destroy Tubo
The next time is to support the Turks on one side and try to keep the strength of both sides balanced.

Although both Turkic Khan and Mo Han knew very well that Daxia wanted them to fight and consume themselves.

But they have no choice. If they want to win, they must rely on the materials provided by Daxia.

And after the matter was made clear, doing business has been put on the bright side.

Merchants no longer entered Turkic territory, but traded at the borders.

The garrison on the border of Daxia will protect the safety of the caravan.

Not only must we prepare for the war with Tibet, but we also discuss dealing with the Turks during this time.

The Turks seem to be in great decline, but they are not as easy to deal with as imagined.

Because all Turks are soldiers, adult men are very fierce.

He began to learn how to ride a horse and hunt since he was a child, and became brave and good at fighting.

It's just that their resources are too few and they can't build enough armor and weapons.

Of course, in order to rule better, even the Turkic Khans were not willing to let everyone have armor.

After all, as long as you have armor, you can fight one against five of equal strength.

If dozens of people wearing armor unite, they can definitely bulldoze a small tribe of several hundred people.

The Turkic Khan took advantage of the chaos in the Turks when he was young and led hundreds of people to raise troops, thereby unifying the entire Turks.

The armor and weapons used at that time were all the wealth of the tribe.

If Daxia directly sends troops to destroy the Turks, once the Turks' public anger is aroused, it may lead to a situation where all the people are soldiers.

Anyone who encounters Turks may be attacked.

Or just massacre all the Turkic people.

Both of these methods are unrealistic. To exterminate all the Turkic people would be too heavy a killing.

Moreover, it may also cause worries to the surrounding enemy countries, causing them to unite against Daxia.

Therefore, to deal with the Turks, we can only try to keep them fighting.

When the Turkic people are completely fed up and eager to change the status quo.

If Daxia sends troops again, it will not cause much resistance from the people.

Hit him with a stick first and then give him a sweet date.

Let the Turkic people know that they can live a better life by following Daxia.

They will live a stable life.

When Daxia officially rules the entire Turks, a large number of people can move inward.

Let them change from free-range to captive.

If you don't have to ride a horse in the wild to deal with wolves every day, your personality will become much more docile, and you won't be so fierce and warlike.

After decades of gradual assimilation, these people will have a sense of belonging.

Naturally, they would not think of rebellion.

The grassland can become a natural pasture, where cattle can be grazed in the summer and harvested in the winter.

Become the granary of Daxia.

You can also plan pastures for the Turks, so that they can only graze in their own pastures without having to wander around all the time.

All in all, I want to completely defeat the Turks and subdue them.

You must figure it out slowly.

Although they can be defeated by force, Daxia cannot send so many troops to specially garrison them all the time.

Over time, rebellion will still occur.

In addition, the same approach was adopted to deal with Tubo.

The situation of Tubo is different from that of Turks. Although they also have large areas of grassland, their land is more desolate.

Moreover, some fields are plateaus and mountains, which are uneven and lack water resources.

The best places are all surrounded by powerful Tibetan people.

Ordinary people are still living very hard lives.

Lin Hai planned to completely eliminate all Tibetan dignitaries and distribute all their fields to the Tubo people.

Because ordinary people are very content if they can live a good life.

On the contrary, those powerful people have a lot of money and land and still want to get more.

When people suffer from disasters, they are unwilling to use their own money and food to provide disaster relief.

So their eyes have always been on Daxia.

The people were summoned to form an army to rob Daxia's money and food.Then use the money to relieve people.

After a long time, all the people came to a common understanding.

That is, only by serving as soldiers to rob Daxia can they live a good life.

Lin Hai did the opposite for him.

They robbed the rich and powerful of their money and gave all the land to the local people.

Let the people farm and they can live a good life.

In addition, good fields will be close to water sources and are relatively concentrated.

You can send some soldiers to garrison all year round and let Daxia officials go to manage it.

The local people were not allowed to have armors or weapons, and could only use the tools of ordinary life.

In this way, a small number of soldiers and horses can be used to manage the majority of the people.

Let them no longer be exploited and be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

At the same time, the people of Daxia were also moved there, allowing both parties to live together.

Slowly, you can assimilate the Tubo people and develop a sense of belonging to Daxia.

All in all, as long as everyone is stronger, even after conquering them, they will be more willing to submit.

For smaller enemy countries, there is no need to be so troublesome.

The army pushed directly over and defeated all their troops first.

All the powerful people were under house arrest in Daxia.

The local people were also allowed to only graze livestock, and weapons and armor were not allowed.

It would be even easier to deal with Goryeo and Japan, just use them as slaves.

The worse you treat them, the more you will surrender.

This is the bad root of the two nations, they often fight each other when they have nothing to do.

They will think that Daxia is very powerful and will never dare to rebel.

Two months later, the climate has changed and become warmer.

The wind that was blowing was no longer like a knife, but became very gentle.

It's a good time to send troops.

An army of [-] men was prepared, with twenty heavy artillery pieces.

Cars specially built for heavy artillery, each pulled by six horses.

Almost no impact on marching speed.

This time the battle is of great significance and there must be no mistakes.

Although Gong Yanwu tried his best to dissuade Lin Hai from staying and sending someone else to lead the army.

Lin Hai decided to go out in person.

Because you are the only one who knows the cannon best, and you can solve problems in time if there are any problems along the way.

Although the soldiers have been training for a long time, Lin Hai still hopes to fight the first battle by himself.

What's more, Tubo is close to the Turks and the Western Regions.

When Tubo really wants to destroy the country, the Western Regions and the Turks may not send troops.

Everything that happens must be considered in its entirety.

In order to be able to defeat Tubo without fail, Gong Yanwu finally made up his mind to let Lin Hai lead the army to fight.

Yuhuashi is the main general and Lin Hai is the deputy general.

This is also the result of Lin Hai's special request.

This time he will definitely make great achievements in this battle. With Yuhuashi as the coach, he can get the full support of the family.

Don’t worry about subsequent food and grass issues.

What's more, Lin Hai has made too much credit. If he gets too much credit again.

On the contrary, it will attract jealousy and criticism from others.

Although the relationship with the Queen Mother is good now, no one can threaten Lin Hai.

But Lin Hai knew that being too public would not be beneficial. After all, the emperor would have to rule in person in the future.

Now that the two of them are close, after they grow up and gain power, they will most likely find ways to eliminate those who threaten the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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