Chapter 500
"No problem, since I leave this matter to you. It's up to you to decide what courses to teach.

But I want to remind you.

The emperor's identity is different from that of others, and his safety must be protected.

When the emperor is learning to ride a horse, you must be there to protect him. Be sure not to get hurt. "

Lin Hai explained.

"I know this!" Yuhuashi nodded in agreement.


Wang Dayong led the army forward without hiding any traces.

Rush directly to the royal city in the shortest distance.

Even if they encounter a small number of Turkic troops on the road.

As long as they don't stop me, I won't bother to pay them any attention.

If there are blind cavalry coming to harass, immediately send out cavalry and use crossbows to annihilate them all.

Then catch up with the army and continue moving forward.

News of the Daxia army's attack quickly spread among the Turks.
The scouts who specially checked for news from Daxia passed the news to Mo Han as quickly as possible.

On the way, Liu Ergou couldn't help but said: "This Mo Han is really a ruthless character. In just one short winter, he actually made the entire Turks so depressed."

Along the way, they encountered many traces of the destruction of tribes.

And there are still many tents abandoned randomly.

Apparently all the people in the tribe were slaughtered.

All the corpses were eaten by wolves and eagles on the prairie.

“If he didn’t have such ruthless methods, how could he rebel against the Turkic Khan.

And he was able to defeat the Turkic Khan, which shows that this person is not simple.

I heard that he was the first warrior of the Turks, and he certainly lived up to his reputation! "Wang Dayong said.

"You take him too seriously. The first warrior of the Turks is nothing if he is placed in front of us.

I'll fire a round of artillery fire at them to make sure they're pissed off. Liu Ergou said proudly.

"You have the nerve to say this, these are weapons made by adults.

Can you defeat the Turks with cavalry without artillery? Wang Dayong asked.

"This, this is a bit difficult. Even if we don't have gunpowder, don't we still have crossbow arrows?

They may not be their opponents! "

"Crossbows and armor-piercing arrows are not all made by adults.

It was not easy for the prince to resist the Turks in the past.

The Turks fought bravely and fiercely, and their horses were very good.

If we in Great Xia want to fight against them, we need at least three times more troops.

Even so, they may not be able to be defeated.

So don't underestimate the Turks, they are still very powerful. "

Wang Dayong didn't have any pride. This was the first time he led troops alone in a battle.

Do everything with great care.

He is also very considerate of things.

“We adults are still powerful, but we can’t be embarrassed this time.

Bring gunpowder and grenades, or we can take down the royal city. Liu Ergou said.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your Excellency made a special statement before you came here. We cannot be allowed to take credit. As long as we can get the rebels to return to defense, we will have completed our mission." Shitou said quickly.

"Shitou is right, we have to obey your Lord's orders and not disrupt the court's plans.

But having said that, when you go out to fight, you have to make decisions based on the actual situation.

If we attack the Royal City and Mo Han still doesn't send troops to defend it, then we will take down the Royal City.

Then lead the army to attack them.

Your Excellency has specifically stated that the safety of the Turkic princess must be protected. "Wang Dayong said seriously.

"Hey, sir, you attach so much importance to the Turkic princess, do you think anything happened between them?

Maybe the Turkic princess and us adults have already slept together! Liu Ergou said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense outside, it will ruin your reputation!" Wang Dayong scolded.

"Don't say it's really possible. We adults have been together with Shaoyao for so long.

Later, Shaoyao captured Tujue again.

Not only has your Excellency not been subjected to any torture, doesn’t this already explain the situation?

This shows that the Turkic princess is not willing to torture us adults at all.

I can't find any other reason besides being attracted to adults. " Shitou started to analyze seriously. Wang Dayong remained silent, with a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

If what Shitou and Liu Ergou said was true, this would be a really tricky thing for Lin Hai.

He has been protecting Lin Hai closely.

Especially during this period, if you have anything to do, you will run to the palace.

Maybe there is something else going on with the Queen Mother.

Now Lin Hai not only wants to marry the prince's daughter, but also wins the heart of Princess Chenxi.

If he were to marry a Turkic princess in the future, such a relationship would simply be too confusing.

Wang Dayong felt a headache when he thought of this.

He shook his head quickly to get rid of all these thoughts.

"Ahem, don't make random guesses. We just need to follow the instructions of the adults."

Wang Dayong was afraid that if this news spread, it would affect Lin Hai's reputation.

Especially Lin Hai's current identity is particularly sensitive.

He was too popular in front of the Queen Mother.

Maybe it has attracted the jealousy of many people.

Once they catch his shortcomings, they will definitely attack him in groups.

This is a human characteristic.

Lin Hai taught him many lessons, and Wang Dayong had a very clear understanding of human nature.

No matter what, he believed in Lin Hai's character.

Even if he has anything to do with Shaoyao, he will never betray Daxia.

That's enough.

When we were approaching the royal city, an army of Turkic cavalry appeared in front of us.

It seemed that they had received the news and took the initiative to go out of the city to fight.

Want to stop the Daxia army.

"Everyone listen to the order and launch an attack formation!"

Wang Dayong roared.

The flag officer next to him waved flags and slogans towards the army.

The army dispersed quickly.

Everyone was pointing their crossbows forward, while those in the second row were holding grenades.

Wait until you are within range.

Wang Dayong issued an order.

The first row of crossbow arrows shot out.

Skillfully reduce the speed and give up the position to the second row.

After the grenades were thrown, the archers in the third row fired arrows.

Arrows and grenades rain down on the enemy.

The more than 1 Turkic cavalry who came to stop them suffered a powerful blow before they could realize what was going on.

They can still resist the crossbow arrows a little.

As long as you block it with a shield, there will be no danger.

But if it hits the body, it can penetrate the armor.

The next grenade is the highlight.

After the explosion, the people and horses were turned out first.

The bursting iron sand flew everywhere, injuring soldiers in the distance.

Especially when the horse was frightened and ran around once it was injured, the whole team became confused in an instant.

The cavalry fired a round and threw several rows of grenades.

More than half of the Turkic cavalry were killed or wounded.

Wang Dayong drew his sword and led the army to kill them.

The Turkic cavalry was unable to organize a resistance force at all, and was completely annihilated by Daxia's cavalry.

The battle did not last even a quarter of an hour, and more than 1 Turkic cavalry had been annihilated.

Seeing that the situation was not good, some of the remaining soldiers turned around and ran away.

I have been completely scared out of my wits!

(End of this chapter)

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