The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 469 Start Teaching Martial Arts

Chapter 469 Start Teaching Martial Arts

Yuhuashi was a talented and intelligent person, and he immediately understood what Lin Hai was doing.

"Brother Lin's method is clever! Let the emperor have a strong interest in martial arts first.

If he is made to feel that he can do anything after practicing martial arts, the emperor's child's nature will definitely hope to become a martial arts master as soon as possible and show off in front of others. "Yu Huashi said with a smile.

"Yes, that's what it means! Instead of forcing the emperor to learn something, it is better to guide him and make him willing to learn.

This will not offend the emperor, but will make learning more efficient. "

"Brother Lin's method really convinced Yuhuashi!"

The two people chatted and came to the palace where the emperor lived.

The little emperor had just learned to play with the bird, and was playing with the parrot again.

Hold something to eat and teach the parrot to talk.

Seeing Lin Hai approaching, the little emperor happily stood up and came to greet them.

"Teacher, you are here. This parrot is so funny!"

"The Emperor is really getting better and better, and he has learned how to tame a parrot so quickly.

I believe that within a few days, this parrot will shout long live the emperor! Lin Hai said with a smile.

The little emperor's attention was all on Yuhuashi.

I saw him wearing a suit of armor, looking very powerful.

He quickly asked: "Is this person the martial arts master that the teacher sent me to find?"

"Yes, his name is Yuhuashi, and he is the generalissimo of the Northern Army.

Although the Turks are very fierce, Master Yu can always charge forward during the battle and kill countless enemy troops.

No one has ever been able to survive three moves and two moves under his hands. " Lin Hai introduced.

"I have finally met the emperor!" Yuhuashi saluted the little emperor respectfully.

"Forgive me, you will be my master from now on, and I have to kowtow to you!"

"The general will not dare..."

When Yuhuashi faced the emperor, he did not dare to be as arrogant as Lin Hai.

"Brother Yu, this is wrong, since you want to teach me all your martial arts skills.

Naturally, he wanted to formally accept the emperor as his disciple.

It is also appropriate to perform the master-disciple ceremony! "

Lin Hai had forgotten that Yuhuashi was from this world.

I have been taught since childhood that the emperor has the highest status.

As a citizen of Daxia, we must not be rude to the emperor, let alone be arrogant in front of the emperor.

But Lin Hai knew the emperor's character very well.

If you want him to have a strong interest in martial arts, you have to show an enigmatic look.

The more polite you are to the little emperor, the more he will lose interest in learning martial arts.

"The teacher is right, the teacher is the one who teaches reading and writing. The one who teaches me how to practice martial arts is the master!"

"Your Majesty, don't be anxious, it's useless just for me to say that Master Yu has great martial arts skills.

Let the emperor see it with his own eyes.

Let Mr. Yu show his martial arts first. If the emperor really likes it, it's not too late to become a disciple! "

Lin Hai said.

"What the teacher said makes sense, then show me your martial arts first!"

Yuhuashi agreed and borrowed a sword for the guard next to him.

Then he began to demonstrate his sword skills.

Yuhuashi tried his best to use gorgeous moves. A sword danced extremely fast in his hand, and sword shadows were everywhere.

You can also hear bursts of sound breaking through the sky.

The momentum is very strong.

When the last move came, Yuhuashi saw a holly tree next to him.

It stabbed towards the holly tree quickly, bringing countless leaves into the air.

The long sword chopped, slashed, whittled, and stabbed like lightning, cutting all the leaves in half.

Leaves fall from the sky like a goddess scattering flowers.Yuhuashi put away his sword and stood up, looking extremely handsome among the leaves.

Lin Hai was very satisfied with the performance of Yuhua Stone.

This sword move is cool and will definitely get full marks.

Looking at the expression on the little emperor's face, he was completely stunned.

His eyes were full of adoration.

"It's so amazing. I must become your teacher. I also want to learn such powerful moves!"

Lin Hai once again struck while the iron was hot: "Your Majesty, you must think clearly. If you want to practice such a superb sword move, you must suffer a lot.

If you can't persist or can't bear the hardship, it's better to give up as soon as possible.

Anyway, the emperor is protected by many guards, so he is not afraid of encountering bad people. "

"No, I must practice martial arts. No matter how much hardship I endure, I will not be afraid!" The little emperor's attitude was very determined.

Lin Hai smiled in his heart, this matter was almost inseparable.

As long as the emperor has a strong interest in martial arts, he can fall into his own trap.

There will be many ways in the future to make him even more obsessed with learning martial arts.

"Now that the emperor has made up his mind, let's perform a simple apprenticeship ceremony first.

From now on, I will practice martial arts every morning, and then study literature! "

The little emperor respectfully kowtowed to Yuhua Stone.

Yuhuashi quickly helped him up.

Officially accepted the emperor as his disciple.

The next step is to let the little emperor practice basic skills such as Zhamabu.

Lin Hai was not idle either, telling stories to the little emperor while he was walking.

He incorporated many principles of how to deal with people into the story, subtly affecting his way of thinking.

Be able to understand the world's humanities and sophistication.

My attention is always firmly attracted, and I don't feel so tired even when I am walking.

When he first started teaching martial arts, Yuhuashi didn't dare to tire the little emperor too much.

Each training session is relatively short and gradual.

In Yuhuashi's view, there was no need to make the little emperor endure such hardships at the beginning. The main purpose was to let the emperor exercise and strengthen his physique.

As for whether you can become a master, it doesn't matter.

I practiced for an hour in the morning, and then started studying the training of birds.

He also asked Yuhuashi to give the little emperor the names of those moves, and even used poems to replace them.

Let the little emperor learn calligraphy and recite poems at the same time.

The efficiency of learning in this way is indeed very high.

After reading a poem a dozen times, it has almost been memorized.

Yuhuashi was very surprised by the little emperor's memory.

When he was young, his memory was much better than that of others, so he learned anything very quickly.

But compared with the little emperor, there is still a lot of difference.

This is very different from the usual rumors in the court that the emperor is naughty and does not like to learn.

If you think about it carefully, you can actually understand that this is the teaching method used by Lin Hai, which is too clever.

The little emperor can learn things by playing with them.

I am afraid that any child will like this kind of learning method, and there is no need to urge or discipline at all.

He even looked forward to Lin Hai coming to teach him every day.

Yuhuashi was extremely impressed.

There are so many good ways that he would never come up with.

After lunch, we rested for a while.

Lin Hai asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, are you still tired? If you can still hold on, practice the basic skills for a while.

As a reward, you can make something very fun for the emperor! "

(End of this chapter)

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