The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 466 The idea of ​​being both civil and military

Chapter 466 The idea of ​​being both civil and military

Lin Hai was too lazy to pay attention to what these people thought. Even if he occasionally encountered those ministers pointing fingers, he didn't care.

In fact, Lin Hai had already heard many rumors.

Yuhuashi didn't know the specific situation and was a little worried.

When he went to court, he specifically told Lin Hai what he heard.

Lin Hai smiled slightly: "Don't worry when I do things, since you ask me to teach the emperor, of course I won't do anything wrong.

Your kung fu is quite good. I want to wait until the emperor is older.

Let you come to the Pope to practice martial arts! "

"The emperor has special guards to protect him, so there is no need to learn martial arts.

What's more, practicing martial arts is particularly hard, and I'm afraid the emperor won't be able to support it.

We can't afford any more bumps and bruises! "

Although Yuhuashi doesn’t care about other things.

But regarding the emperor's safety, he did not dare to act arbitrarily.

"The emperor will have to deal with a lot of affairs every day.

If you don’t have a good body, you won’t be able to hold on.

Practicing martial arts can exercise the body and extend the emperor's life.

Moreover, the emperor cannot stay in the palace every day. Sometimes he must go out for inspections.

If he really encounters an assassin and the emperor knows martial arts at a very critical moment, he might be able to save his life! "

Lin Hai explained seriously.

"What you said makes sense, but I'm afraid that practicing martial arts will hurt the emperor. Once the ministers attack us together, how can we afford it!"

Yuhuashi still has a lot of worries.

"Don't worry, the Queen Mother understands the truth. As long as the Queen Mother supports us, it will be okay.

Besides, as the prince leads the troops in battle, he must know how important it is to have a good body.

In addition, I will also let the emperor like to practice martial arts.

Naturally, others can’t say anything! "

"Since you have said so, of course I will not refuse. As long as the emperor wants to learn martial arts, I will definitely teach him with all my resources." Yuhuashi agreed simply.

"With your words, I feel relieved. With our civil and military skills, we will definitely be able to train the emperor into a wise king.

From now on, Daxia will be in the hands of the emperor. "

The two smiled at each other and said nothing.

Yuhuashi was extremely excited at this moment.

Even if he teaches the emperor to practice martial arts, he is still considered an emperor's master.

Although for the emperor, studying literature is more important.

Not many people may remember teaching the emperor martial arts, but for Yu Hua Shi, who likes to practice martial arts, he is already satisfied.

After the morning pilgrimage, I strolled to the Pope.

The little emperor had a great time playing yesterday. He got up early this morning and was waiting to learn how to train the bird.

Lin Hai asked people to bring up the parrots and tools he brought.

Looking at the parrot with beautiful feathers, the little emperor liked it very much.

"The teacher is absolutely right. I left a few birds yesterday but didn't let them go. Today I saw all of them dead!"

"Then has the Emperor ever thought about how to tame these wild birds so that they will not die?"

"Is this still possible?" The little emperor blinked, looking confused.

"Of course, haven't I already told the emperor? Every animal has weaknesses.

Even these wild birds can be tamed as long as their weaknesses can be found. "

The little emperor still didn't understand: "Please teach me."

"Okay, but you don't seem to be able to write the word "bird training" yet. You must use the words used to train birds. After you learn it, I will tell the emperor how to do it."

The little emperor felt itchy and wanted to know how to train these little birds.

The bird he caught yesterday died, which made him feel very sad.

Although parrots are also very beautiful, I would rather tame these wild birds.

"Teacher, hurry up and teach me. I must learn quickly!"

"Very good, the emperor is so smart and can learn to write very quickly. But if the handwriting is particularly ugly, he will only become the laughing stock of others.

So from now on, we must not only learn to write, but also write well. "

"I know, I must write better this time!"

In order to know how to tame a bird early, the little emperor worked very hard and attentively when practicing calligraphy.

Although Lin Hai's handwriting is not particularly good, he still has no problem teaching the little emperor.

When he becomes more sensible, find someone to teach him calligraphy slowly.

As an emperor, your handwriting cannot be too bad.

After all, I will have to review memorials and write imperial edicts in the future.

If the font is too ugly, people will laugh at you.

In less than half an hour, the little emperor memorized all the words taught.

My writing has improved a lot compared to yesterday.

"Teacher, hurry up and teach me how to raise birds!" The little emperor put down his pen and asked quickly.

"No problem! If the emperor wants to train a bird to be particularly obedient, he must start taming it from an early age.

Have people find some bird nests and bring in the little birds that have not yet grown feathers.

Feed yourself every day.

When the little bird grows up, it will think that the emperor is its mother, and the bird will come back even if it is released.

In addition, you can give these little birds some delicious food, so that these little birds will never be able to leave!

The same goes for training parrots, you should use the things the parrot likes the most as rewards..."

Lin Hai explained a lot of things about training birds, and incorporated many general principles into it.

The little emperor was fascinated by what he heard.

While telling the story, the two of them didn't stop making new cages for the birds.

You can also exercise while working.

The more work you do, the more delicious your meals will be.

Even when eating at noon, I ate in a hurry and got to work quickly.

Making a cage can not only exercise your body, but also develop your brain just like playing with building blocks.

Lin Hai tried his best to let the little emperor do the work he could do personally.

Although I was very tired, there were blood blisters on my hands.

But I had fun and didn’t care.

And he never cried out in pain.

Looking at the eunuchs and maids next to them, they all felt heartbroken.

The little emperor actually got blood blisters on his hands while working.

If the ministers or the queen mother knew about it, they would not be punished severely.

Someone couldn't help but boldly persuaded him: "Mr. Lin, the emperor is a rich man, how can he do such a heavy work?

The hands were bruised and the dragon's body was bruised, and the little ones really couldn't bear it.

Let others do the work! "

"Don't worry, I will tell the Queen Mother personally about this matter.

The emperor's hands are so tender that it is normal for him to get blisters when he first starts working.

But the emperor worked so hard, and he never cried out in pain.

Don't hold the Emperor back.

Once the calluses form on your hands, there will naturally be no more blood blisters! "

The little emperor was working hard at the moment, thinking of training the bird to be obedient as soon as possible.

Of course he will not listen to the slave's obstruction.

He waved his hands impatiently and said: "You all stand aside and don't talk.

I don't feel any pain from this little injury.

The teacher said that people who fight often get injured, but they never complain of pain.

As the emperor, how can I shrink from such a trivial matter? "

(End of this chapter)

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