The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 461 Lin Hai is the Grand Master

Chapter 461 Lin Hai is the Grand Master

Qiao'er's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on her face: "The Queen Mother actually asked you to be a teacher for the Emperor, that's really amazing.

From now on, you will be the Imperial Master of Daxia! "

Qiaoer knew that Lin Hai was very talented in literature, but never thought that he was qualified to teach the emperor.

Apart from being shocked, there was also a look of admiration on his face.

"My husband must be a good king, this is a big deal.

In the future, even history books will record Xianggong's reputation. "

“Haha, looking at you like this, it’s not a big deal.

It's nothing more than the Pope studying to learn how to be a good emperor.

If it weren't for the emperor's special status, others wouldn't dare to care about him. In fact, other people can teach him better than me. Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Then this matter is even more important. If the emperor is a foolish king, the people of the entire Great Xia will be in great hardship.

If Xianggong can teach Daxia a wise king, all the people in the world can follow him and live a good life. "

“This makes sense, and the Queen Mother thinks so too.

Anyway, I will do my best. From tomorrow on, I will no longer be able to sleep in. I need to go to bed on time every day to teach the emperor. "

Lin Hai felt very sorry. Sleeping in was something he enjoyed very much.

I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to sleep in in a short time.

Because in ancient times, a gentleman taught many things.

There was even only one gentleman teaching, and there was no time to rest at all.

"That's fine, my husband's status will be very high. When the emperor comes to take charge, everyone will have special respect for my husband." Qiao'er was very happy.

"I'll have someone make some new clothes for my husband as soon as possible. I won't be able to wear something too shabby when I go to the palace to hand over to the emperor!"

“I already have enough clothes to wear, and I must wear official uniform when teaching.

You don't have to prepare. "

Qiao'er felt that she couldn't be too casual and insisted on making a new official uniform.

Lin Hai tried to persuade her but had no choice but to let her go.

Early the next morning, Qiaoer woke up Lin Hai.

Wait for him to get dressed and finish his breakfast.

Wang Dayong still served as his personal bodyguard and sent Lin Hai to the palace.

Seeing that Lin Hai came to court for the first time, many officials came forward to say hello.

After all, everyone knew that Lin Hai was the most popular person in front of the Queen Mother.

Although his official position in the court is not high, his title has reached the top.

He also holds military power and has just been named the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The power in hand is already very powerful.

Lin Hai never used his official position to pressure others, but everyone wanted to have a good relationship with him.

Everything will be much more convenient in the future.

Especially the people from the aristocratic family have completely regarded Lin Hai as their ally.

Suddenly the whole hall became very lively.

Lin Hai also responded one by one with a smile on his face.

Many officials knew that if Lin Hai came to court, something big would happen.

Everyone came to the side to find out what was going on.

They can also be prepared.

Of course Lin Hai kept silent and said that he had just returned from Haidong and wanted to report some information about Haidong.

After all, the matter of being named Grand Master was just a private discussion between the two of them and had not been made public yet.

It is not convenient to disclose this kind of thing.

Xu Shangqing came over with a smile on his face: "I heard that Mr. Lin has made a lot of achievements in the East China Sea and benefited the people.

What a joy! "

Lin Hai smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Shangshu, for helping me speak so that my wife can get the reward."

Lin Hai remembered his benefits and was very grateful for his kindness. "No, no, it's my duty to relieve the Queen Mother's worries!" Xu Shangqing's smile became even brighter.

Lin Hai's affection for him will be a good thing for him to become an official in the future.

At this time, the eunuch came down and called the Queen Mother to arrive.

All officials quickly stood in their positions.

When she went to court, the Queen Mother emphasized Daxia's laws again and made up her mind to punish corrupt officials.

Especially considering Haidong’s situation as a typical example.

Imperial envoys should be sent to various regions to inspect the situation and deal with corrupt officials.

Now the situation in the DPRK has been stabilized and the troops and horses are strong.

The time has finally come to deal with corrupt officials.

We must investigate the officials below. If there are officials who embezzle money and oppress the people, they will all be dealt with severely.

Many officials have already been mentally prepared for this kind of thing.

Each recommends his own person to fight for the position of imperial envoy.

After all, according to custom, once corrupt officials are executed, the imperial minister has the power to recommend trusted officials.

And most of the recommended people will be reused.

You can just take this opportunity to expand your strength.

Gong Yanwu was not ambiguous and appointed several governors and imperial envoys on the spot.

It is not that easy to investigate local officials. It can take more than a month or several months to investigate evidence.

After these corrupt officials are investigated, we can wait until next year's imperial examination and fill them with these promoted talents.

After confirming the number of imperial envoys.

Gong Yanwu continued: "With the joint efforts of all officials, our Daxia has become more and more powerful.

As long as people can live and work in peace and contentment, tax revenue will naturally increase.

Naturally, the court will not be short of money.

Externally, sooner or later all enemy countries can be wiped out.

But the emperor is young and still refuses to study hard.

This matter cannot be delayed any longer.

After inspection, I believe that Mr. Lin has high literary attainments and has often made great contributions.

The palace conferred him the title of Grand Master, specializing in teaching the emperor how to read. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was extremely shocked.

Even Lin Tiangui didn't expect that Gong Yanwu would choose Lin Hai to teach the emperor.

Although the official position is not high, it has extraordinary significance.

Being able to become the Emperor's Imperial Master is a person who will go down in history in the future.

Those who are qualified for such a position are the most virtuous and respected literary scholars who are well-read in poetry and books.

It's just that the emperor was young and had no one to take care of him. He found many teachers, but they couldn't teach him at all.

The Queen Mother was also very dissatisfied with them.

If this continues, the emperor's study will indeed become a very troublesome problem.

Lin Hai was so talented that he might really be able to find a way to teach the emperor.

But the biggest problem is that Lin Hai is too young.

So far I have only written a few relatively famous poems, although I am quite talented among the younger generation.

However, Lin Hai missed taking part in the imperial examination and had no real fame.

If such a person is allowed to become the Grand Master and the Pope, I am afraid many people will object.

Especially those old scholars, they must be jealous.

I can't even care about face.

Sure enough, as soon as Gong Yanwu announced the appointment, an old civil servant immediately stood up to object.

(End of this chapter)

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