The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 454 Fake Surrender

Chapter 454 Fake Surrender
After walking for a long time, no trace of the tribe was found.

Some people who were seriously burned could no longer bear it and fell down and died.

The horses they rode were killed directly and used as rations for the army.

The morale of the entire team was getting lower and lower, and there was no hope left.

The wind and snow are getting stronger and stronger, and it won't take long for everyone to freeze to death outside.

It's becoming more and more lifeless, which is a very scary thing.

Once everyone has lost hope of survival.

There is no way to withstand such a harsh environment.

"Everyone is working harder. Our scouts are searching for traces of the tribe. We will soon find a place to stay and have enough food."

We can definitely survive! "Mo Han shouted loudly to encourage everyone's morale.

"That's right. We still have tens of thousands of troops. At worst, we will kill horses and eat meat. We will definitely not let everyone starve and freeze to death."

“Think more about our tribal families, we can only keep them safe if we survive.

If everyone died here, the fate of all the family members would be extremely tragic. "

The clan leaders of the tribe were also loudly encouraging them to boost their morale.

At this time, a group of fast horses quickly came to the front of the team.

"We found the tribe. There is a large tribe in front of us, with about 8000 or [-] people.

Their livestock alone numbered 10,000+. "

As soon as this came out, the news was exciting.

At the beginning, Mo Han proposed to rob other tribes, but many people still opposed it.

But now they are cold and hungry, so they can't care about these things.

First fill your stomach and survive.

"Everyone listen to the order and launch an attack quickly!"

Mo Han couldn't wait any longer and led the team himself.

Soon I saw a tribe with many tents standing in the distance.

The cattle and sheep were also in the tents that had been set up.

Seeing the Turkic army coming, the people in the tribe did not feel the danger yet.

After all, information is very limited at this time, and many tribes don't even know about the rebellion.

He thought he was one of his own.

The patriarch came to greet him personally with several highly respected people.

He really couldn't understand why there were still people marching in this ice and snow.

Daxia's army has not attacked at all, so what is the use of marching at this time?

In particular, the Turkic war horses were unable to exert their power at all.

"I don't know which general is coming. Let's stop and have a cup of hot tea first!"

Mo Han came to the front of the team and said, "Hand over all your tents and livestock and get out of here.

While I'm in a good mood, I'll spare your life! "

The people in the tribe thought their ears had heard it wrong and looked at Mo Han in disbelief.

"Where do you start talking about this? We are all Turkic tribes and should be protected by the Turkic army.

What's more, our tribe has always been loyal to the Khan and has never had any rebellious intentions.

Why are you robbing our tribe’s livestock? "

A cold evil smile appeared on Mo Han's face: "It is because you are loyal to Khan that you are our enemy.

Because we are rebels and we are about to become the next new Khan.

So you must die! "

Mo Han couldn't wait any longer, so he drew his knife and hacked the tribe leader to death.

Anyway, even if these people are driven away, they will freeze to death.

It would be very detrimental to them if the news got out.

It would be better to kill everyone and then block the news.

Even if something comes out one day.

He has also become the new Turkic Khan. If any tribe dares to resist him again, they will be suppressed directly.The people in the tribe couldn't believe that the army that was supposed to protect them actually attacked them with a butcher knife.

For a time, the entire tribe was like a purgatory on earth.

There were cries and screams everywhere.

But soon all the sounds disappeared.

The rebels hid in tents and killed chickens and sheep.

Feed the horses the fodder saved by the tribe.

I can finally settle down for the time being and wait until I escape the wind and snow before making plans.

The leaders of several tribes all sat together and began to discuss the next plan.

Mo Han had already made up his mind.

I had just interrogated the people in the tribe and found out their location.

After the snowstorm passes, you can return to the royal city.

“We will act according to the original plan and send people to find the Khan to surrender.

As long as he is willing to let things go.

We are willing to continue to obey his orders! "Mo Han said.

"Are we too anxious to do this? We have just lost the battle and have to surrender.

Just because they don’t believe it! "

"We can say it's a bit tragic. There are so many people burned and there's no food.

There is no way to survive this winter and the only way to survive is to surrender.

Each of our clan leaders should write a memorial to apologize, and maybe he can be forgiven.

If all of our big tribes really want to be killed, the Turks will also be severely damaged.

I believe Khan absolutely does not want to see such a result! "

"That makes sense, the acting must be realistic! I can agree to all the requests made by Khan.

Pretend to be desperate! "


A few days later, the messenger sent by the rebels came to the royal city.

When the Turkic Khan saw their surrender letter, he felt very happy and couldn't help laughing.

“We were defeated only once, but we suffered heavy losses and couldn’t bear it anymore.

If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place? "

"Let me report to Lord Khan, all the clan leaders know that they are wrong. Now there are more than ten thousand people who have been burned, and all the food and grass have been destroyed.

If they don't surrender, the entire army will die of cold and starvation.

I hope Lord Khan can forgive me and accept our surrender.

We are willing to agree to any request of Mr. Khan! "The messenger said quickly.

"You can surrender if you want, but you must hand over all your weapons and horses.

In addition, all the food accumulated by these tribes must be handed over.

I’ll send it to you when needed! "Turkic Khan said.

"No problem, this is what should be done. All the clan leaders have said that they are willing to atone for the wrong things they have done.

As long as Lord Khan is willing to take in the tribe and don't vent his anger on the people in the tribe. "

Shaoyao sat next to him, not completely believing the other party's surrender.

This was just one defeat. Although the losses were extremely heavy, there was still a chance for a comeback.

What's more, the rebels still have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the tribe can mobilize tens of thousands more troops.

The lost troops can be replenished quickly.

It was just a setback, so he took the initiative to surrender.

I'm afraid there is a fraud in it.

"Father, it's best to consider this matter carefully. I always feel that they don't really surrender!
If they set a trap, the consequences would be disastrous! "Shaoyao reminded quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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