The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 452 Defeat the Rebels

Chapter 452 Defeat the Rebels
Seeing Peony approaching, the leading craftsman quickly came over to salute.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness!"

"No need to be too polite here! How many gunpowder bags have been made now? Is it enough to support a big war?"

“More than 300 have been successfully produced, which should be enough for a battle.

It's just that there are too many rebels. If we want to completely defeat them, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

The main reason is that we have too little sulfur and saltpeter, so we can only buy them from Daxia through a few merchants.

Ship secretly, don’t dare to ship too much every time! "The leading craftsman replied.

Shaoyao nodded after hearing this, already very satisfied with these quantities.

"You have done a good job, please check carefully to make sure there are no problems.

If you can defeat the rebels this time, all of you will have done a great job. "

"Thank you for the promotion, Your Highness Princess, we will do our best..."

Two days later, strong winds raged and snowflakes began to fall again.

People in the city hid in their houses and did not dare to go out.

The rebels stationed outside the city were also hiding in tents, leaving only a few to defend in front.

They are not afraid of the army in the city rushing out.

This distance buffer is enough to prepare for everything.

Especially after fighting several battles, they all ended in victory for the rebels.

The morale of the army in the city has been very low, and they have no courage to leave the city and take the initiative to attack.

What's more, it is also very difficult for cavalry to fight in such bad weather.

Unless there is a mental problem, it is impossible to choose this kind of weather attack.

But these rebels never thought that peony had already made gunpowder, waiting for such windy weather.

Once those tents are ignited with gunpowder, the fire will spread quickly, and the people in the tents will not even have a chance to escape.

The city gate was opened, and countless cavalry galloped from the city.

The defending rebels cursed loudly and immediately mounted their horses to prepare the camp.

The entire camp was in chaos, and the generals quickly gathered their troops to prepare for a counterattack.

"Is he crazy? He actually sent troops in this weather. I think Khan has a brain problem due to his age.

As long as we counterattack, we can rush into the city! "

The rebels immediately mobilized their troops and wanted to fight back.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, if you enter the city in one fell swoop, you can capture the Khan alive and control the entire Turks.

The cavalry from both sides collided quickly, and this time the rebels discovered that although they had many people, Khan's army was even more ferocious.

He rushed forward desperately, holding a strange square thing in his hand.

Light the fuse and quickly throw it into the rebel camp.

Only a loud bang was heard.

With the explosion at the center, dozens of people around were knocked to the ground.

The killing range is extremely large, and it can injure people and horses even from extremely long distances.

The war horse was severely injured and fell to the ground neighing. The slightly injured war horse was frightened and ran around.

There was panic everywhere in an instant, and they could no longer form a formation.

This was followed by another explosion, wiping out the rebels in front.

The rebels have a large number of people, but they can't use them.

The rebel general shouted desperately from behind, asking his men to quickly reorganize and surround the Khan's army.

A soldier saw the general's position, lit a bag of gunpowder and threw it towards him.

Only a loud bang was heard, and all the generals and surrounding soldiers were wiped out.

The Khan's army rushed directly to the rebel camp, scattered gunpowder and ignited it directly.

When blown by the strong wind, the blazing fire immediately burst into flames.

The other generals of the rebel army were immediately panicked.

He quickly shouted to his men to retreat quickly.

Many people are hiding in their accounts and if the fire breaks out, everyone will die.

It was too late to move the supplies stored inside.

There was panic everywhere, it had become crowded and there was a stampede.The rebel army's formation was completely disrupted and became a complete defeat.

Turkic Khan and Shaoyao stood on the city wall looking at the battlefield in the distance.

The Turkic Khan was very happy.

"Great, burn these rebels. Make them pay for the stupid things they did."

Shaoyao sighed helplessly, although he could defeat the rebels.

But the entire Turks will also be severely damaged.

In the final analysis, those who were killed or injured were all our own people.

Without enough troops, how can we resist Daxia's attack?
Now that there is heavy snow cover, Daxia's army cannot come to attack.

If we wait until next spring, when the Daxia army attacks again.

I'm afraid it's difficult to resist.

The most important thing is that the Turks are all vast grasslands with few cities to defend.

It is really difficult to withstand Daxia's artillery in frontal combat.

Shaoyao didn't feel happy at all.

My heart is extremely sad.

Seeing that the rebels had been completely dispersed, nearly half of them were consumed by fire.

Some of the remaining rebels lost their horses, and some fled desperately.

Seeing this situation, the Turkic Khan no longer hesitated and personally led all the troops to pursue them.

They pursued for hundreds of miles in one breath and killed countless rebels.

Only then did he lead the army back.

I have been besieged for so many days, and I always let out a bad breath today.

Turkic Khan was in a particularly good mood.

He said to Shaoyao: "The gunpowder you made was really a great achievement.

The rebels have been completely defeated.

After making more gunpowder packets, Ben Khan led the army to completely wipe out the rebels.

Reunification of the entire Turks. "

"I will tell people to do as much as possible, and I have already spent more money to ask the smugglers in Daxia to transport as much sulfur and saltpeter to us as possible.

We Turks cannot find these things and cannot make gunpowder. "

Shaoyao replied.

"It doesn't matter if you spend more money. With gunpowder, you can unify the Turks as soon as possible.

And we still have to deal with Daxia next year.

Gunpowder is indispensable! "

Feeling the power of gunpowder for the first time, the Turkic Khan could no longer live without this weapon.

We plan to do our best throughout the country to obtain enough saltpeter and sulfur no matter what.

Upon hearing the news of the victory, the Turkic people in the city rushed to tell each other.

The crisis was finally resolved, and they were extremely excited.

You must know that once the city is breached, their status will plummet to the bottom.

It's only a little higher than slaves and captives.

No Turk wants to end up like this.

If you win the battle, you will have a chance to completely defeat the rebels.

All the people and money of the rebel tribes were confiscated.

Assigned to other tribes as slaves.

Do the most tiring work, eat the worst food, and when the war comes, you have to be at the front and serve as cannon fodder.

The end was extremely miserable.

Even before that, some people were considering defecting and joining forces with the rebels.

Now that we have won a great victory, the people's hearts have finally been stabilized.

Continue to support Turkic Khan!
(End of this chapter)

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