The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 449 Steam Engine Trial

Chapter 449 Steam Engine Trial

After eating, I continued to draw the drawings. The blacksmith was already in place.

Start building a blast furnace and crafting refined iron at the same time.

Although these blacksmiths have never made a steam engine, they only need to meet the requirements based on the dimensions of the parts drawn by Lin Hai.

Don't worry about other things.

Even if the blacksmith skills here are not good, Lin Hai has already reported to the court and dispatched some top blacksmiths from the Ministry of Industry to support him.

A real steam engine must be built.


Gong Yanwu received the report.

I was very excited.

"This enemy won another battle. In one fell swoop, Daxia's navy was formed.

But he just didn't come back to the capital.

I don't even have anyone to share my joy with. "

Gong Yanwu was very angry.

"Steam engine, what is this? It is actually said that if it is built, the ship can sail quickly without people rowing the boat.

Why have I never heard of it? "

"We are going to come up with a new trick again. I must try it out when I have the chance."

"You have won such a great battle, how should I reward you this time?

What a headache! "

Gong Yanwu pouted, showing her son-daughter mentality.

He read the imperial edict carefully from top to bottom.

Then the eunuch was called, and the ministers were quickly called over.

Discuss how to award rewards.

Lin Tiangui's memorial also recounted what happened in Haidong.

Daxia's navy already has enough combat effectiveness.

Once the four medium and large warships built by themselves are launched next year, they can launch attacks on surrounding enemy countries.

It threatened Goryeo and the Japanese pirates at the minimum cost, so that they did not dare to send troops at will.

Moreover, after the warships are equipped with cannons, they can sail across the sea and become invincible.

Even if Goryeo and Japanese pirates had a large number of warships, their navy was also very large.

But in front of the cannon, it was impossible to exert any combat effectiveness.

Even if there are one against ten, the enemy can be easily defeated.

After a larger warship is built next year, Daxia will be truly invincible.

You can sail across the ocean to conquer further lands.

Lin Tiangui is full of hope and confident about the future of the Navy.

Daxia's territory is about to expand rapidly.

Gong Yanwu felt very proud when she saw this memorial.

Sure enough, with enough force, even the ministers of the imperial court were mediocre.

It won't have much impact either.

Without the threat of an enemy country, we can start to clean up the officialdom.

The biggest threat to the people now is those corrupt officials, and all these corrupt officials must be eliminated.

If the people live and work in peace and contentment, Daxia will become rich and powerful.

Gong Yanwu summoned the officials into the palace and began to discuss how to reward the three armies.

Although it costs a lot to make cannons, new weapons, and warships.

Lin Hai got a lot of money from outside, which is enough for the time being.

When we go out again next year, we will definitely make more money after defeating the enemy country.

The court does not need to worry about money.

Started investing heavily in the manufacture of weapons.

The Turks will definitely be destroyed and a breakthrough will be made next year. As for other small countries such as the Jin Kingdom and Khitan, they are not worth mentioning at all.

A few days later, the built cannons were transported to Haidong and began to be equipped on warships.

In order to prevent heavy rain from affecting the firing of guns during the war.

Many heavy crossbows were also built and equipped on the ship.

All circumstances must be considered.

After all, there are many rainy days at sea, and once the artillery loses its effect.It is very likely that the enemy will take advantage of it.

Therefore, you must not become complacent just because you have won a battle. Instead, you must be more cautious.

Lin Hai still knows the truth that arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

It seems that the New Year is coming in more than half a month.

Gong Yanwu often sent letters to urge Lin Hai to return to the capital early to spend the New Year with her.

Every line is full of thoughts about Lin Hai.

Very resentful towards Lin Hai, the steam engine can be built in the capital.

It’s not like you have to stay at the beach.

Lin Hai could only reply to comfort her.

After the steam engine is built, he will definitely return to the capital to celebrate the New Year with her.

A month later, with the efforts of all craftsmen.

Finally, the first steam engine was successfully built.

He is almost as tall as a person and weighs more than 400 kilograms.

After adding water and boiling it, the crankshaft is driven to rotate.

Continue to add coal to it and keep the fire burning brightly.

The rotation speed is also getting faster and faster.

The driven propeller rotates rapidly.

The people next to me looked extremely shocked.

"This iron knot is really powerful. It turns so fast and has a lot of strength!" Lin Tiangui stood beside him and said with a look of shock.

“The effect is good and the steam engine can be installed on the ship.

Test whether the propeller thrust is enough. I think it must be much faster than a human rowing boat.

The key is that as long as the water keeps boiling, the boat can keep sailing. "

Lin Hai opened the vent valve, the steam was released, and the steam engine stopped.

Bearings are specially added to the connection area, which can increase the service life of the transmission structure.

In order to bring out the true performance of the steam engine, a small boat was specially built.

The ship is 15 meters long and more than three meters wide.

It can accommodate more than 30 soldiers, with artillery added on top.

A place specially set aside for the steam engine.

A dozen craftsmen lifted the steam engine up and fixed it firmly.

All parts are installed.

Lin Hai gave an order and started adding coal to the steam engine to boil water.

Wait until the water boils.

The boat began to move slowly.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, the speed of the ship is getting faster and faster.

When the performance of the steam engine was fully exerted, the ship was speeding on the sea at extremely fast speeds.

"My God, this boat is so fast! It's no slower than a horse.

Wouldn't it only take more than a day to reach Goryeo and the Japanese pirates? Lin Tiangui was stunned and stunned.

This has completely exceeded his imagination.

Logically speaking, even if it is sailing with the wind, the speed of the ship cannot be compared with that of the war horse.

But looking at this situation, it's really not much slower than a horse.

The key is that the steam engine can keep sailing without stopping at all.

"Brother Lin, this thing you made is really amazing. If it were placed on a big ship, it would be invincible." Yuhuashi said with great emotion.

This is just a small ship. If a larger ship is built, it can transport more goods.

A ship can carry tens of thousands of kilograms of cargo, and its sailing speed is still not slow.

"Technology is the primary productive force!" Lin Hai smiled and said something that no one understood.

“Our craftsmen must be protected and all information must not be leaked.

The manufacture of steam engines is in our own hands only. Lin Hai said very seriously.

"Yes, this is a big killer. With this thing, we can deploy our troops much faster than the enemy's imagination.

It must not be leaked to the enemy! "Lin Tiangui can imagine the importance of steam engines.

Whoever owns this thing can dominate the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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