Chapter 445
One round of cannon fire had already wiped out most of the Japanese pirates on the ship.

The other Japanese pirates looked around in panic, not knowing what was going on.

They had never seen artillery.

Hearing such a loud sound, I thought it was the anger of the gods.

Some people even knelt down on the deck to pray and beg God for forgiveness.

"Hurry up and bring the ship up, the archers are ready to shoot!"

Because the power of the artillery was so powerful, Wang Dayong was worried that the ship would be damaged and unable to continue to be used.

After severely injuring the Japanese pirates, they switched to using crossbow arrows.

Shoot all the Japanese pirates on the plywood.

When the two ships approach, put up planks and rush over.

By this time, the Japanese pirates on the ship had lost their ability to resist, and few of them were still alive.

The boat was captured very easily.

The two ships commanded by Cao Fang and Shitou also followed the Japanese pirates and started a battle.

Not surprisingly, after a salvo of artillery fire, most of the Japanese pirates were killed.

Then use the crossbow to fire a volley to destroy all the Japanese pirates.

Then the warship continued to sail to pursue other ships.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Japanese pirates behind turned the boat around and tried to escape.

But they underestimated the warship renovated by Daxia. There were hundreds of people rowing together, and the speed was very fast.

He quickly caught up with them and chased them with artillery.

Lin Hai looked at the one-sided battle and said with a smile: "I didn't expect the artillery's combat effectiveness to be so powerful. You will never encounter any opponents in frontal combat."

"That's right, our people have almost no casualties. We have become the strongest navy in the world.

As long as we have enough warships, I believe we can definitely destroy Goryeo and the Japanese pirates. "

The armies of Goryeo and Japanese pirates were far inferior to the fierce nomads such as Turks and Tubo.

They had no cavalry and could only rely on city walls for defense.

Especially Japanese pirates are short in stature.

Even if the battle is extremely fierce.

But their resources are very scarce.

Many people don't have enough armor.

If it weren't for the sea, they would have been easily wiped out long ago.

It is precisely because Daxia wants to focus its main energy on dealing with the powerful Turks and Tubo.

This caused the Japanese pirates to become extremely arrogant.

Looting the people of Daxia everywhere.

But things are different now.

Daxia's national power is becoming more and more powerful, and it will soon build a powerful naval army.

All enemy countries that dare to invade Daxia have only one way to be destroyed.

The Japanese pirates sent six warships, and in less than a quarter of an hour, they had wiped out all the Japanese pirates on board.

Four other ships were docked next to the pier.

It was originally planned that it would be very easy for two ships to deal with one.

But I didn't expect that the entire army would be wiped out as soon as they made contact.

The Japanese pirates on the shore were stunned and stunned.

He quickly struck the gong to warn the people on the island.

The warships of the Daxia army surrounded the island.

The sound of artillery still sounded in the distance.

After all, all the Japanese pirates' ships were captured, but some Japanese pirates tried to escape in small boats.

Was caught up by the navy and attacked with artillery.

After a shelling, not only all the people on the boat were killed.

Even the boats were broken up.

The power of the artillery was extremely shocking. Even Daxia's own soldiers felt that it was too unbelievable.

With such a powerful weapon, even if you face enemies that are ten times or a hundred times more powerful, you can easily destroy them.

The Japanese pirates on the island quickly organized a team of several hundred people and rushed over from top to bottom with weapons.

After the two sides met, a battle began immediately.

The navy's spear team lined up in front, shouting slogans and stabbing the Japanese pirates fiercely.The people behind were shooting from a distance with crossbows.

Some Japanese pirates are very flexible, rolling on the ground trying to rush forward and fight at close range.

But they still underestimated the Daxia army's ability to form troops.

Once a Japanese pirate approaches, someone will immediately draw a sword and strike hard at him.

Before he could stand up, he was slashed to death.

"Don't be nervous, just follow the instructions. Think about our people in Daxia, they tortured us to a point where life would be worse than death.

We must kill all these Japanese pirates and avenge our people. "

While commanding the army, Cao Qiang loudly encouraged morale.

All the soldiers in the navy are Haidong people.

Many of their relatives were killed by Japanese pirates, and they hated these Japanese pirates deeply.

When I saw the Japanese pirates charging towards me like a tide, I couldn't help but panic.

After all, the psychological impact the Japanese pirates had on them was too great.

Even the hands of some soldiers holding spears were trembling slightly.

If the training hadn't been very strict, they would have been told to follow the rules and prohibitions.

Facing the fierce Japanese pirates, there is a possibility of defeat.

But when I think about my sworn hatred against these Japanese pirates.

Hatred for the Japanese pirates surged in my heart.

The fear has completely disappeared.

Shouting slogans loudly, stabbing forward fiercely.

Gradually, they were no longer afraid of bloodshed, and in their hearts they just wanted to destroy their enemies and avenge their families.

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi also followed under the protection of soldiers.

Seeing the incomparable ferocity of these Japanese pirates, they formed a team to block the navy.

Moreover, these Japanese pirates also carried small shields, which could withstand bows and arrows.

The two sides are locked in a stalemate.

Although Daxia's army had the upper hand, it was only a matter of time before the Japanese pirates were defeated.

Lin Hai didn't want to waste time!
As the saying goes, soldiers need to be quick, so they must wipe out all the Japanese pirates on this island as soon as possible and move on to the next island.

Prevent Japanese pirates from escaping and then deliver the message.

Lin Hai ordered his men: "Go and bring over two of our artillery pieces.

Find a suitable position and attack the Japanese pirates hard! "

The soldiers agreed and quickly ran back, a dozen of them.

Bring over the ship's artillery.

Aim at the Japanese pirates from the side.

Load the gunpowder and light the fuse.

Although the range of small artillery is not as good as that of cannons.

But it was filled with iron sand, and a dozen would be a large piece.

The unprepared Japanese pirates were killed by two cannons and dozens of others were injured.

The organized team was immediately dispersed.

The surviving Japanese pirates nearby looked around in panic.

They had never seen such a powerful weapon.

Starting to get panicky.

The formation was in chaos and could no longer withstand the attack of Daxia Navy.

"Brothers, separate your forces and surround us from both sides. Don't let anyone go!"

Cao Qiang saw hope of victory.

On the one hand, let his men step up the attack from the front, and at the same time start outflanking them from both sides.

The Japanese pirates suffered heavy casualties and began to retreat and flee.

But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't outrun the crossbow.

Especially when they were escaping, their backs were left to the navy, so they could be shot dead easily.

Only a few Japanese pirates who reacted quickly ran into the nearby woods and escaped the crossbows.

"There's no need to chase them, just set all the woods here on fire!" Lin Hai ordered coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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