The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 443: Attacking the Japanese pirate island

Chapter 443: Attacking the Japanese pirate island

"Should one ship fire its cannons, or three ships fire their cannons together?" Wang Dayong asked quickly.

"It's not bad to have three ships firing together. After all, one shot may not be able to hit. A salvo of three cannons is more effective."

"Okay, my subordinates are going to prepare now." Wang Dayong ran back excitedly.

Someone waved flags to the other ships, and the three ships moved forward together, with their cannons aimed at the Japanese pirates on the shore.

When they entered the shooting range, the Japanese pirates still didn't notice anything.

Still cheering loudly.

I thought that going out to rob for so long this time would definitely bring huge rewards.

Wang Dayong stared straight ahead and waved the flag in his hand.

"Fire and kill these beasts!"

The artillerymen immediately lit the fuses.

All I heard was "boom, boom, boom", three loud noises!

Shells fell into the crowd.

The solid shells fired out hit the enemy and shattered them into pieces.

The huge kinetic energy continued to bounce and roll forward.

Knock down all the Japanese pirates in front of you.

The few Japanese pirates who survived were all stunned. What on earth is going on?

Isn't this their own ship?

When did the ship have such a strange weapon that could throw such a heavy iron ball?

Awakened by the screams, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that they were definitely not their own people on the ship.

He quickly pulled the injured person and ran back as hard as he could.

Shouting loudly to warn his own people.

"Two boats docked, and the other boat patrolled around to prevent Japanese pirates on the island from escaping by boat."

Lin Hai had known this result for a long time and calmly issued the order.

The power of the shells is indeed quite good.

Especially when dealing with enemy troops arrayed in formation, artillery shells will bounce forward a long distance after landing on the ground.

At such a high speed, none of the enemy troops blocking the front could escape.

Limbs can be easily broken by the slightest touch.

If it hits the body, death is inevitable.

It's just that under the current conditions, it is still impossible to create cannonballs with gunpowder. If such cannonballs would be more powerful.

However, the current solid artillery shells are sufficient.

Whether it is used to bombard a large number of enemy troops or be used to attack a city, it can easily defeat the opponent.

The big ship quickly approached the dock, and soldiers rushed to the island with weapons in hand.

On the road, some Japanese pirates came to resist with weapons.

There are not many Japanese pirates left with fighting ability. Most of them are the old, weak, sick and disabled who have been eliminated.

It's simply not enough to see in front of the navy.

In groups of five, when encountering Japanese pirates, they directly stabbed them with spears.

There is no single enemy at all.

But those Japanese pirates were still very fierce. Even if they were at a disadvantage, they still rushed over with shouts.

The team moved forward in an orderly manner.

Lin Hai and Yuhua Shi also went ashore and followed the team to check.

This island is not too big, and chasing the Japanese pirates quickly arrived at the place where they lived.

Many thatched houses were built in the center of the island.

I saw someone attacking, and there were women's screams everywhere.

If you encounter a Japanese pirate with a knife, kill him directly.

Those without weapons were asked to squat on the ground with their heads in their hands.

A shivering woman squatted on the ground holding her legs.

Suddenly he pulled out a knife and stabbed the soldier next to him fiercely.

But I found that the knife couldn't penetrate it.

Marines all wear plate armor, which can resist ordinary weapons.

The companion killed the Japanese pirate woman with a backhand knife.

The man who was attacked was startled.

Looking at the Japanese pirate woman's delicate look, she didn't expect that it was all just an act, and her attack was so ruthless.

He quickly reminded everyone loudly: "Everyone, please be careful, these Japanese pirate girls are very cunning. Don't be deceived by their appearance."

They stayed behind to guard these women and tied all their hands. As expected, many weapons were found during the search.

These Japanese pirate women are actually very dangerous.

They were all ready to launch a surprise attack when these soldiers were unprepared.

Fortunately, I was able to detect it in advance.

The soldiers quickly searched the entire island and arrested everyone.

This attack went very smoothly and encountered little resistance.

After all, most of the Japanese pirates' combat effectiveness has been wiped out.

The only ones left who could fight were killed by cannons.

The others are all old, weak and women, and their strength is simply not good enough.

"Sir, come over here and take a look!" Cao Qiang walked forward with a very solemn expression.

"What did you find?" Lin Hai asked.

"It's hard to talk about this kind of thing, so you two adults should see it for yourself!" Cao Qiang hesitated, his face looking very ugly.

Lin Hai and Yuhuashi followed.

The sight in front of them made the two people completely furious.

Some people were tied with iron chains that penetrated directly through the bones of the lute.

There were wounds all over his body, with bones so deep that they were even rotten in some places.

Some women were not fully clothed and had their hands and feet chopped off.

He looked at the visitor numbly.

"You, who are you?" Lin Hai felt his heart tightening, and his voice was trembling slightly.

These Japanese pirates are simply not human beings.

If you want to kill, just kill, just give it a try.

To torture people like this is simply a psychopath.

Hearing Daxia's words, someone's eyes showed a glimmer of hope.

"We are from Daxia and were captured by Japanese pirates!" one person replied.

It looked like he hadn't drank water for a long time and his lips were chapped.

The voice sounded like broken wood.

"Don't worry, we are Daxia's navy and we are here to save you!"

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and save people!"

Lin Hai shouted loudly at his men.

"Please, you must avenge us. What's the use of going back alive like this?"

Someone pulled out the soldier's knife and wiped his neck directly.

"Kill me!" A woman whose hands and feet were chopped off shouted weakly.

So did several people.

The person who was tortured no longer had a human form, so even if he was rescued, it would be meaningless.

Lin Hai did not stop them.

Or death is the best relief for them.

On the contrary, living is the greatest pain.

"Don't worry, I will definitely wipe out all these Japanese pirates and avenge you.

Even the entire Japanese country will destroy them! "

Have people bring clothes and put them on the rescued people.

Together they came to the captured Japanese pirates.

Lin Hai said in a deep voice: "Give them weapons. If anyone bullies you, come and take revenge yourself."

"Thank you, sir!" Several men took the knives and slashed at the Japanese pirates desperately.

The Japanese pirates screamed again and again, screaming and trying to escape.

But they were all tied up with ropes and couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Seeing the men hacking and killing the Japanese pirates, the eyes of several women also burst out with strong hatred.

He took the knife and slashed at the Japanese pirates desperately.

While chopping, he shouted loudly: "Kill you beasts, kill you bastards..."

In an instant, the entire island turned into a Shura field.

Lin Hai just looked at it calmly, without any disturbance in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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