The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 429: Chopping melons and vegetables, deciding the case quickly

Chapter 429: Chopping melons and vegetables, deciding the case quickly
“Although what I did was indeed a bit unruly, it didn’t have much impact.

You just have to wait patiently and see how I get hold of all their evidence. Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see!"

At this time, a man came over and saluted with his hands raised: "Reporting to your lord, my men have collected information from the people."

"How is it? Is this what the people say?"

“They all seem to be very scared, worried that if they come to complain, they won’t be able to bring down these officials.

Instead, after the adults leave, they will be retaliated against by these officials. "

"It's exactly what I thought. The people who have been oppressed for so many years have become extremely disappointed with the government.

But this is not difficult.

Put all those officials in shackles and escort them out to parade through the streets.

As long as the people know that these officials have been arrested, some people will naturally dare to come and complain. "

Lin Hai ordered.

Not long after, officials escorted by dozens of prison vans paraded through the streets.

The people saw that all the prefects and county magistrates who were aloof had been arrested.

And they had all obviously been severely tortured.

All of them were covered in scars and looked listless.

Only then did the people believe that the imperial envoy who came this time was really powerful and had brought down these corrupt officials.

He threw what he was holding at those officials.

Venting out the anger they had accumulated over the years.

Next to the parade, there were people who beat gongs and shouted loudly: "Everyone listen, anyone who has been wronged and wants to file a complaint should go to the magistrate's office as soon as possible.

The imperial envoy will make the decision for you.

As long as the evidence is solid, these corrupt officials can be beheaded in public. "

The people heard the shouting and saw these officials parading in the streets.

My heart was finally ready to move.

The brave ones stamped their feet: "I think this imperial envoy can definitely do it. My fields were robbed by the dog officials and those ruffians.

No matter what, I will sue this time. "

"Come on, let's all go over and take a look!"

Hula, a large number of people rushed to the prefect's Yamen.

When he heard someone came to complain, Lin Hai put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "It seems that we will be busy again for a while. Brother Yu, would you like to come over and help?"

Yuhuashi nodded and agreed: "Yes, just so you can see how Brother Lin tries the case?"

Lin Hai came to the lobby and asked people to ascend the hall.

After hearing the complainant's story, he ordered his subordinates and government officials to bring over all the people involved in the case.

Officials have been imprisoned or paraded in the streets.

Those scoundrels from the Salt Gang are still doing hard work.

The person was brought over quickly.

After a beating, everything was explained honestly.

Lin Hai immediately decided the case and returned the stolen fields.And they have to compensate for the losses caused over so many years.

The people who won the complaint knelt on the ground and called the Lord Qingtian.

Only then did the people who were watching realize that Lin Hai was really an upright official.

Immediately they all came to complain.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Lin Hai suddenly slapped the alarm and shouted: "Don't be anxious, even if I don't sleep all night, I will make the decision for all of you.

All line up and come one by one..."

The trial lasted until midnight and a lot of evidence was collected.

People from other counties also saw the notice and heard about the situation here, and they all rushed over to complain.

Lin Hai planned to interrogate all night, and when he got tired, he would just put on the Yuhua Stone.

Anyway, these officials and the people from the Salt Gang have become numb.

Some people came to complain and they refused to admit it, so they were immediately punished.

If this continues, they will be beaten to death without any judgment.As long as there are people who complain, no matter whether they still remember what they did before, they will all admit it one by one.

The subsequent interrogation speeded up a lot.

The incriminating evidence written down has almost piled up into a mountain.

At midnight, Wang Dayong returned with his people.

His arm was actually injured and was wrapped in a cloth, still soaked in blood.

Lin Hai was surprised, "Why are you injured? Let the doctor bandage it quickly."

"Don't worry, adults. It's just a minor injury. It's been bandaged up with medicine. It won't be a serious problem.

The subordinates took Zhuang Kangcheng to get the silver. Unexpectedly, this guy was very cunning.

On the way back, he actually looked for an opportunity to escape and even stabbed his subordinate.

There was really no choice but to kill him. "

Wang Dayong blinked quietly while explaining.

Lin Hai knew that Wang Dayong must have deliberately exposed his flaws so that Zhuang Kangcheng could be let go.

Since Zhuang Kangcheng took the initiative to escape and hurt others, even if he was killed, he would be asking for it.

It doesn’t mean that Lin Hai broke his promise.

"Go and rest quickly! Let the doctor check it carefully." Lin Hai said with great distress.

Wang Dayong agreed and went to the doctor to bandage it.

Lin Hai took a look at the silver that was delivered.

There were more than 50 taels, and people had been sent to seize Zhuang Kangcheng's family property.

Those houses and real estate are worth more than [-] taels of silver in total.

A local snake who has been entrenched here for many years can actually make so much money.

It shows how hard the local people are living.

Of course, the main reason is that selling illegal salt is indeed very profitable.

In the past few years, the court's control over local areas has become weaker and weaker.

In addition, the prime minister and his party are thinking of ways to make money.

The first thing to consider is the salt policy.

This is the excuse for local officials to commit corruption, since there are people above them who are backing them.

They all just have to work hard to make money.

As long as they submit their confessions to the court officials on time, there will be someone to cover them up if anything happens.

The local salt gang is even more vicious, not only selling illegal salt but also plundering people.

As a result, the people are in dire straits.

The prefect doesn't care about these things, as long as he pays him money on time.

After seeing it, Lin Hai had all the money sealed up.

With this large sum of money, not only can Haidong be rebuilt, it will be enough to build several warships.

What's more, these officials are all very corrupt, and even if they confiscate all their property, they can still get a lot of money.

The interrogation lasted for three days and three nights, and all the people who came to complain received satisfactory answers.

Lin Hai then asked people to pull out all these corrupt officials and behead them.

The people of Haidong cheered and encouraged.

Even people from dozens of miles away came over after hearing about it to see with their own eyes how these corrupt officials were killed.

The whole street was crowded with people, and the government officials tried hard to maintain order and left a path for the prison cars to pass.

Lin Hai also wrote a memorial about the situation here and presented it to the court.

Transport excess money back to the capital.

At the same time, a wanted order was issued to arrest the salt merchants who were selling smuggled salt.

Everyone involved in the case will not be spared.

After the local salt policy was rectified, the income of workers drying salt on the beach increased significantly, enough to support the whole family.

Moreover, tax revenue has also increased significantly, and the local economy has gradually recovered!

(End of this chapter)

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