The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 425 Gift Giving Skills

Chapter 425 Gift Giving Skills

Lin Hai sneered in his heart. This prefect could even think of so many ways to accept bribes.

I'm afraid what he said was not what the yamen servant wanted to say at all, but what he had specifically explained.

Use two yamen servants to tell the merchants who come to the door and ask them to find the right way to give gifts.

The more people like this are really damned.

"Thank you very much, gentlemen. If this matter can be negotiated, I will thank you very much in the future."

"Okay, Master, for such a cheerful person, there will definitely be no problem."

After Lin Hai said goodbye, they went to the pawn shop together.

This pawn shop is different from others, the layout inside is very neat.

Even the tables and chairs are very particular, all made of mahogany.

There is a stick of sandalwood burning on the table, which makes people take a refreshing breath.

The style here is indeed not low, but the more it looks like this, the more expensive it will be.

"Guests, are you here to pawn or buy things?" A waiter came over and asked.

Although this is a small place, everything in this store is extraordinary.

Even one of the waiters is very well dressed.

"We are here to look at things. I heard that the antiques in your store are quite good. I want to buy two good things as gifts!"

The guy's eyes lit up after hearing this, and his attitude became more respectful.

"Dear guests, please take a seat. I don't know who the guest is giving this gift to!

Maybe I can give you some suggestions! "

As he said this, another waiter brought the tea.

I smell the pleasant tea aroma even before I drink it.

Apparently this tea is the best new tea this year.

Lin Hai was even more surprised by the generosity of this store.

It seems that the prefect has a big appetite and opened such a shop.

It is to make the gift giver spend a lot of money to buy antiques.

After receiving the gifts, put them in the shop and continue selling them.

"We are salt merchants from out of town. We want to sell some salt and need the attention of the prefect.

I wonder what good things you have here that could attract the attention of the prefect! " Lin Hai asked.

"It turns out it was given to the prefect, but the little one can't make the decision anymore.

We have to let our shopkeeper handle it!

Wait a moment, everyone, I'll invite the shopkeeper to come over. "

After the guy finished speaking, he quickly left.

After a while, a man in his 40s came forward.

He cupped his fists and saluted and said: "Dear guests, please invite me. I am the shopkeeper here.

I heard that you want to buy a gift for the prefect. "

"That's right, you are better at this kind of thing than me. You are also a person doing business locally, so you should know the preferences of the Lord Prefect.

What kind of antique calligraphy and painting does he like? You can help me advise him. Lin Hai replied.

"You have found the right person to ask me about this matter, but can you please reveal how much money you have prepared?

I can also recommend good things to you based on your budget. "

Lin Hai smiled and put on a wealthy look.

"It seems that the shopkeeper doesn't believe in my strength. As long as it's something good that can attract the attention of the prefect, you can just bring it out.

The price is not an issue at all. I will ask someone to send the money over. "

When the shopkeeper heard such a loud tone, he was immediately elated.

Seeing that these people are all very young, I didn't expect them to be big customers.

"Since everyone has said so, I will no longer hide it.

The young master is doing a big business, so of course the gift should not be too light.

I have a pair of jade lions here, worth 2 taels of silver.

If you can give this antique to the prefect, I believe that the prefect will respond to your request. "

Lin Hai's expression was calm, but he had already cursed in his heart.

"This bastard has a really big appetite. He dares to ask for 2 taels of silver at a time. He's not afraid that his appetite will be so big that he will eat you up!"

"Then take it out and take a look first!" Lin Hai said lightly.

"Okay, go and get the jade lion, our store's treasure, and let all our guests taste it." The shopkeeper agreed and ordered the waiters.

"Gentlemen, please have tea!"

Lin Hai took a sip of tea, and the fragrance lingered on his lips and teeth!
It was discovered that these tea leaves were actually the tea leaves sold by Yuhua Stone.

I'm still very happy!

Unexpectedly, roasted tea became popular so quickly in Daxia.

It is estimated that in another two years, not many people will drink the tea that will be brewed.

"This tea tastes good!" Lin Hai said with a smile.

The shopkeeper looked very proud after hearing this.

"What this young man doesn't know is that this is the best roasted tea in the capital.

I heard that it was made by the Master of the Yu family, one of the five great aristocratic families.

Nowadays, all the wealthy households in the capital are drinking this kind of tea. "

Lin Hai suppressed his smile and glanced at Yuhua Stone.

He replied: “The shopkeeper really knows how to do business, which is eye-opening.

When I look back, I will also send people to the capital to buy some such tea. "

While he was talking, the guy brought the jade lion over.

This pair of jade lions are carved from white jade and are almost half a foot tall.

Crystal clear, it is indeed a good thing.

"Two gentlemen, please take a look, what do you think of this object?" asked the shopkeeper.

"Yes, it is indeed a good thing! I want it!"

Lin Hai knew that no matter how much the other party offered, it would definitely fall into the hands of the prefect in the end.

The shopkeeper didn't even bother to make a counter-offer when he saw such grandeur.

Becoming more passionate.

"In that case, let's wrap it up for you two!"

"Okay, but I didn't bring the 2 taels of silver. I have to tell my men to get the money."

"Don't worry, Second Young Master can still enjoy tea and snacks.

Just let your subordinates take the money. "

Lin Hai ordered Shi Shi to send the money.

Seeing that the business was done, the shopkeeper also greeted me warmly.

Lin Hai took the opportunity to ask him about gift-giving techniques.

This pawn shop was originally opened by the prefect's family, and its main purpose was to make people buy things and give gifts.

Of course I would not refuse such an inquiry.

He explained a lot about the prefect's temper and character to Lin Hai, and also revealed some businessmen who made a lot of money by giving gifts.

Lin Hai recorded all these people one by one.

Yuhuashi was very angry when he heard the two people talking. Not only were officials corrupt, but profiteers were everywhere.

But I was a little lucky that I hadn't had an attack before.

Through this method, a lot of information was obtained. Not only should corrupt officials be punished, but also those profiteers should be arrested.

After a while, Shitou led someone to bring some silver.

After counting the accounts.

Both parties complete the delivery.

Lin Hai asked someone to collect the pair of jade lions and came to the prefect's Yamen again.

It seems that the news has been received here.

The two yamen guards stood guard with vigor and vigor.

After just a brief announcement, someone led him in.

The backyard is kept very neat and tidy, and the gardening planted there is also very meticulously pruned.

It can be seen that this prefect knows how to enjoy life very much.

(End of this chapter)

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