The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 419 Boosting Morale

Chapter 419 Boosting Morale
Lin Hai was waiting at the shipbuilding workshop. It didn't take long before he saw a group of people walking over.

Some people held sticks in their hands, while others held knives directly.

The momentum is quite good.

Ordinary people would have been so frightened that their legs would weaken when they saw this kind of scene.

Zhuang Kangcheng also got off the carriage and led people in front to surround the shipbuilding workshop.

"Whoever has the final say here, come out and answer me." Zhuang Kangcheng pointed at everyone with a machete in his hand and shouted loudly.

The craftsmen were so frightened that they turned pale. They all knew how ferocious the people in the Salt Gang were.

I didn't expect to bring so many people here to find trouble. It seems that things can't get better today.

"Old Cao, what do you think we should do? We detained their people, and as expected, more people came to take revenge.

Such a big shipyard is probably going to be burned down by them. "

Cao Fang didn't panic at all. He saw Lin Hai sitting steadily beside him without saying a word.

Cao Fang smiled slightly and said: "What are you afraid of? With so many people, we can still be afraid of these ruffians!

Even if there are three against one, you can still win, right? "

"Everyone has heard clearly, and those who are not afraid of death will bring their dicks to me.

I don't believe that there are so many of us who can't defeat the Salt Gang.

If our workshop is destroyed by them, we will never find such a good job again.

You have to think clearly about whether you want to resist together. "

After Cao Fang finished speaking, he picked up a stick and walked forward.

The other craftsmen looked at each other.

Finally someone made up his mind.

"I can't bear it anymore and I'll fight them."

"That's right. It took a lot of effort to find such a good owner. We can't let these ruffians ruin it."

"We have so many people, what are we afraid of? We must protect the shipbuilding workshop."

"If anyone dares to ruin my job, I will fight them to the death!"

The older craftsmen are still a little worried, but the younger ones are full of anger.

They all followed with weapons in hand.

Some people just use knives and saws, and those who don’t have knives and saws simply use a wooden stick.

They finally had two good days and had enough food and meat every day.

It wasn't cold at all when I went to bed at night, and there was a heated Kang in the house.

And they will soon ask their husband to read to their children.

If they miss this time, they will never find such a good job in their lives.

More than 1000 people soon gathered, all standing behind Cao Fang.

Cao Qiang has also received the news.

It has only been two days of training, and some people only arrived yesterday.

Cao Qiang was a little worried that the new recruits would be intimidated by the reputation of the Salt Gang.

Give them some encouragement before fighting.

Let everyone gather and line up.

Cao Qiang stood in front of everyone and said loudly: "Since you came here, you have been able to eat enough and your family lives in a greenhouse. Are you satisfied with the conditions?"

"Satisfied!" everyone replied in unison.

"Yes, I am also very satisfied. I was bullied by many people before when I built ships.

Later, I finally met Mr. Lin, and I was able to have enough to eat so that the whole family could live a good life.

But now the people from the Yan Gang don't want us to live well, and want us to go back to the days of not having enough to eat.

I just want to ask you if you are willing! "

"Not reconciled!"

"General Cao, just give the order. Brothers are here to serve as soldiers. I don't believe that we can't defeat those ruffians!"

Someone answered loudly.

Cao Qiang glanced at him and said happily: "I finally made the right choice when I promoted you to be a member of the Hundred Households. We are all here to serve as soldiers, and we will have to deal with the Koreans and Japanese pirates in the future.

If you can't even defeat these ruffians.

It’s better to go home and hold the baby as soon as possible! "

After Cao Qiang finished speaking, he immediately burst into laughter.

"General, please give me an order. None of my brothers is a coward!"

"Well said, I will leave it here today. Everyone must strictly obey this general's order, and no one of you can retreat until you retreat.

If anyone dares to escape, he will be punished by military law! "

After boosting his morale, Cao Qiang shouted: "Let's go and beat him!"

Although the training time was extremely short, the team was already marching in good shape.

Everyone was following orders and seemed quite imposing.

Moreover, each of them used a stick as a spear for practice, so it would be no problem to use it for fighting.

Zhuang Kangcheng originally thought that with the large number of people he brought, he could scare all these people.

I didn't expect that so many people would be called over with one voice.

According to visual inspection, there must be at least 3000 to [-] people.

Some of the subordinates behind him couldn't stand it anymore. They always bullied others with their excessiveness.

It's been a long time since I've seen so many people fighting against them together.

I feel a little guilty.

Zhuang Kangcheng knew that at this time, he could not retreat, but should act very fiercely to enhance his own momentum.

He cursed loudly: "Stand up straight, what are you afraid of when dealing with these people?
So what if there were more of them, I easily defeated them. "

After listening to Zhuang Kangcheng's scolding, the people in the Salt Gang became fierce again.

Anyone who dares to run away during a fight will be punished by gang rules.

Even if you don't die, you still have to endure three swords and six holes, which is no joke.

Cao Qiang walked forward and looked at Zhuang Kangcheng condescendingly.

"I don't care what I say here. If you have any business with me, just let it go!"

Zhuang Kangcheng glanced at Chaoqiang in confusion, then looked at Cao Fang.

Finally recognized them.

"I said who was so arrogant, it turned out to be someone from the Cao family.

I wasn't willing to pay taxes to the Salt Gang before. Isn't it because he has gone to other places?

At this time, he came back and started building the ship without even saying hello.

This is because they are hardened and don’t take our salt gang seriously anymore. "

“You salt gangs are bullying the people everywhere, you should have been punished long ago.

If you don't want to cause trouble, get out of here! "

Cao Qiang will not give them any face now.

Lin Hai was watching from a distance.

If he can't even deal with the people from the Salt Gang, he doesn't have to be a Qianhu.

"Zhuang Kangcheng, I know you are very powerful here. Our shipbuilding here is a serious business, if you bring people to cause trouble.

We are not afraid of you either! "Cao Fang said lightly.

"Hmph, you dare to say that you are a regular businessman? You arrested all my men to work as coolies, do you think I don't know?" The leader of the Salt Gang was extremely angry and shouted loudly.

“They all deserved it, they dared to come over and ask us for money.

I don’t owe them any money!
It would be good for them to teach them a little lesson.

Not all ordinary people can be bullied by them! "Cao Fang said coldly.

"I think you guys are even more arrogant than our Salt Gang. Since we can't continue the discussion, let me show you the real deal.

Let’s see if you guys are better or our salt gang is better! "Zhuang Kangcheng has completely lost his patience.

Today he must establish his authority over these craftsmen, otherwise more people will resist them in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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