The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 413 Promoting Cao Qiang

Chapter 413 Promoting Cao Qiang
All the remaining members of the Salt Gang were sent out to search for traces of the missing men.

When it was still dark, caravans transporting wood arrived one after another.

After hearing the noise, the craftsmen all got up and started unloading the goods.

The entire construction site became busy.

Everyone is very motivated and works hard to earn wages.

Lin Hai got dressed under Qiaoer's service.

"It's too cold early in the morning. My husband, please wear more clothes! Don't get cold."

"It's okay, my tiger-skin coat is very warm and not cold at all.

Just stay at home and don't go out. Women's bodies are weak. Wait until the sun comes out and it gets warmer before going out. "

"Well, then I won't go out and cause trouble for you!"

Qiaoer nodded in agreement.

Lin Hai came outside, and Wang Dayong came with his guards to protect him.

"Sir, the goods have arrived and we are guarding them. It's so cold, so don't go out."

"It's okay. I just went over to see what the craftsmen are missing. These people are the treasures of our Daxia, and we must take good care of them."

When he came to the place where he was working, Cao Fang saw Lin Hai and hurried over to greet him.

"grown ups!"

"You guys get busy. If you need anything, just ask. We must build four warships as soon as possible!
We will just start making some medium-sized warships, and postpone the largest ships first! "

Cao Fang was very puzzled!
"Why not build the largest warship first?"

"Because it will be used against Goryeo next year, the construction speed of the big ship is too slow!
Only you can know this, and you must never disclose it to others. "

Cao Fang looked solemn!

"I know, and I won't say a word! If we can deal with Goryeo early, the people will all support it!

Although we are often raided by Japanese pirates here, many of them are Koreans disguised as Koreans!

Kill them as soon as possible and avenge the people who were killed! "

Lin Hai nodded and said seriously: "I will give you a task. You must build four medium-sized warships for me next spring!

And the quality must be guaranteed! "

"It's only less than half a year. Isn't the time too tight?" Cao Fang was startled.

"What's wrong? Is there any difficulty?"

"Although we have two thousand craftsmen now, even if we work day and night in turns, we can only build two warships in half a year. It's not bad.

You must know that the warship is not only very large, but every detail must be taken care of!
If you are not careful, it may cause serious consequences!
You can't be fast just by wanting to be fast! "Cao Fang is very embarrassed!

"This is not a reason. If we can build two ships, we can build four ships on time! It's just a problem of too many people and too few!
You send people to recruit more craftsmen. If you can't find skilled craftsmen, recruit more apprentices and teach and learn at the same time!

No matter what the cost, we have to get the ship out!
Money is not an issue, I will give you whatever you want! "

Lin Hai said calmly!
"I know, I will definitely do my best to make sure the boat is built in the spring next year."

Lin Hai nodded and continued: "Whether Daxia can completely defeat Tubo next year depends entirely on you.

If I can do it, I will personally ask the court for a reward. "

"Thank you sir!"

Cao Fang immediately found a few people and asked them to recruit more people.

Some processes do not require skilled craftsmen to do it. Even if you find some young people, you can do it in a few days.

Lin Hai walked forward, and the craftsmen all greeted him one after another.

Lin Hai also responded one by one.

I saw that the hands of the craftsmen were red from the cold, but they were still working hard to cut the wood with saws.

"Ergou, find some people to set up dozens of large pots here and cook rice porridge.

Let these craftsmen drink a few more bowls of porridge while working to warm themselves up.

Do this every morning from now on.

It’s not so cold to work after drinking porridge! Lin Hai ordered.

"Yes, I will make arrangements right away!" "Young master, you are so kind to us. We have been working as carpenters for so many years and we have never met such a good employer."

The craftsmen were extremely moved and could only repay the favor by working hard.

“Everyone can work well only if they eat well and drink well. If you are too tired, take a break before working again.

Although I want to build the ship quickly, I can't tire you out. "

Lin Hai said with a smile.

After inspecting the construction site, everything was in order.

Cao Fang commanded it well, and there were many old craftsmen here, so they hardly needed anyone to direct them when doing the work.

Lin Hai saw Cao Qiang working hard to pull the saw. Although the weather was very cold, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Lin Hai's heart moved, and he had a new desire to train him from the beginning.

Cao Qiang is tall, strong and energetic.

Let him join the army and train, and he will definitely become a fierce general.

"Would you like to follow me?"

Cao Qiang was slightly startled after hearing this, "What do you mean, sir?"

“After building the ship, we still have to build a navy, which is when we are short of talents.

I think you are quite good. I wonder if you have any plans to join the army? "

Cao Qiang was very excited after hearing this, "Are you telling the truth? Can I really work under you?"

"Of course, if you are willing, go gather some young people to train together.

These people are all managed by you.

Just ask Wang Dayong and the others how to train.

They all have thousands of families in the army.

As many people as you can recruit, I will give you as many official positions as possible. "

"Great, of course I am willing. Even if you don't become an official and let me take the lead, that's fine."

"Discuss it with your father. If he doesn't object, you will be a hundred households from now on.

Recruit more young men who are willing to join the army.

Everyone is equipped with weapons, as long as someone from the Salt Gang dares to come and cause trouble.

Catch them all to work. "

Lin Hai ordered.

"Okay, I'll go discuss it with dad right now."

Cao Qiang agreed and quickly ran to find Cao Fang.

Cao Fang was directing the craftsmen to work. When he saw Cao Qiang running over, he frowned and said, "Why are you here if you don't want to work well?"

"My lord asked me to work with him, and even made me a member of the Hundred Household!"

Cao Qiang said excitedly.

"When did it happen?" Cao Fang was very surprised.

"Just now, my lord told me personally. Dad, just let me do it. I don't want to be a craftsman all my life.

I want to go to war with the adults and become a general in the future. "

Cao Fang looked at his very excited son.

"Okay, Mr. Lin is a good official, so you should work hard with him.

If you can achieve military exploits, it will also bring glory to our Cao family. "

Cao Qiang nodded solemnly and said: "Don't worry, Dad, I will do my best.

Lord Lin also asked me to gather some young men.

He said that as many people as possible would be conferred upon me, he would grant me the highest official title. "

"Then why are you standing still? Hurry up and recruit people. If you can become a general, you will really bring glory to our Cao family." Cao Fang kicked him over.

(End of this chapter)

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