The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 409 Strategies to deal with Goryeo

Chapter 409 Strategies to deal with Goryeo

“I have a less mature way to see if I can find some fishermen who go fishing in the deep sea.

There must also be sailing masters among the people.

Grant them official positions and join the army. "

Lin Hai really couldn't think of any other way, so he could only choose the general from within.

Let’s first ensure the safe navigation of the fleet.

"I agree with this approach. It's not just us. Except for Japanese pirates and Goryeo, there are very few countries with navy.

As long as you don't get lost while sailing on the sea, it's enough.

As for how to fight, you can slowly study it.

I think the navy in the early stage mainly transported troops and used artillery to bombard the enemy.

This kind of combat effectiveness is enough. " Yuhuashi said.

"That's right, what we can rely on now is the sharpness of artillery.

But the situation in Goryeo is completely different from that of Tibet and Turks. " Lin Hai explained.

"Oh? Does Brother Lin know Korea very well?"

Yuhuashi was very curious.

They were all about the same age, but Lin Hai knew all the enemy countries around him well.

This made him really puzzled.

Have you been traveling around the world since you were born?

"Tubo, Turks and other small countries all make a living by herding.

There are very few cities in the country.

Even very large tribes live in tents.

Our infantry pushes forward all the way. As long as we can defeat the enemy head-on, we can win.

But there are many cities in Goryeo, which are very similar to our Daxia.

If you want to completely defeat them, you must first capture the city.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult to attack Goryeo, and the advancement speed will be very slow. "

Lin Hai has some worries.

Since ancient times, few emperors have been able to defeat Goryeo, mainly because the road is very far and just transporting supplies is extremely troublesome.

Moreover, their city walls were built very high and only needed to be defended.

You can consume your opponent.

"Brother Lin made powerful cannons, mainly for attacking cities," Yuhuashi asked.

"Yes, that's what I planned.

If you want to transport the cannon there, only a large ship is most suitable.

That's why I wanted to get the boat built as soon as possible.

If several cannons attack the city together, the city wall can be easily broken.

In this way, our soldiers will definitely be able to reduce a lot of damage. "

"I see, I believe that with Brother Lin here, Goryeo can definitely be destroyed.

Although the land area of ​​Goryeo is not large.

But these people are like wolves that have not been raised well, they will take a bite when they see an opportunity.

There is no way to completely defeat them,
Since the founding of Daxia, I don’t know how much food has been spent on attacking them. "

When mentioning Goryeo, even Yuhua Shi was so angry that his teeth itched.

The two of them discussed ways to attack Goryeo, and it took them three days to finally reach Haidong.

“Let’s do the same as last time, let the army camp outside the city, and try not to attract too many people’s attention.

I heard that there are also some corrupt officials and rogues here. We must find all of these people and punish them severely. Lin Hai said.

"Okay, I'll let the general below lead the people to find a place to camp."

After settling in, Lin Hai and others entered Haidong together with the carriage.Before coming here, I had already asked Cao Fang about the most suitable location for building a shipyard.

There is a concave terrain and the water inside is very deep, which is especially suitable for shipbuilding.

Even when encountering strong winds, you can rely on the coast to resist the strong winds and prevent unfinished ships from being destroyed.

Lin Hai led the people along and finally arrived at the dock.

Lin Hai gave Cao Fang 2 taels of silver and asked him to bring the craftsmen to settle down first.

I don't know what's going on.

Looking from a distance, there are a large number of houses built on the seaside.
They all use some yellow mud mixed with things like shells to make walls.

It is said that after drying in this way, it will be very hard, able to withstand hurricanes, and will not collapse for hundreds of years.

“It looks like they did a good job getting the house ready so quickly.

It’s really unexpected…”

Liu Ergou was very surprised.

“These people are all craftsmen, and of course they work quickly.

Moreover, the materials for building houses here can be obtained locally, which is very convenient. "

Lin Hai explained!

Seeing the boundless sea in the distance, Qiaoer and the other women all got off the carriage, wearing thick fur clothes.

Even if the wind is strong at the beach, you will not feel cold.

It's just that the wind blows on the face, which makes it look flushed.

It looks very cute.

"So this is the sea. You can really see it as far as the eye can see!" Princess Chenxi stood on tiptoe and looked at it.

"I heard that there are a lot of fish in the sea, and we can never catch them all!" Qiaoer said.

"How can we fish in such a big place?" Princess Chenxi asked curiously.

"The fish in the sea are very big, some are even several times larger than a human being, but it is difficult to catch such a big fish.

The fishing nets used by fishermen are not very suitable for fishing in the sea, so they do not catch much.

In fact, the biggest income at the beach is from selling salt.

After the salt is dried, it must be sold to the salt administration department of the imperial court, who will transport all the money away.

People can also earn some money for living. " Lin Hai explained.

"So that's it. As long as the local people have work to support their families, it's not bad." Princess Chenxi nodded.

“If the local official is a good official who is honest and caring for the people, of course the people’s life will not be too bad.

I am afraid that I will bully the people everywhere and try every means to make money.

The people will naturally live in poverty! "Lin Hai told the truth with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

He hated those corrupt officials so much that he wanted to kill them all.

While chatting, I heard a fierce quarrel in the distance.

"Hey, something seems to have happened over there!" Wang Dayong stretched his neck and looked forward. He could only hear the sound, but the people were already covered by the house.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

We walked forward quickly together. There were so many people in front of us and it was very confusing.

"What happened?" Lin Hai asked with a frown.

The local people here don't know Lin Hai at all.

An older craftsman sighed deeply and said: "What else can happen is that some ruffians want to drive us away.

They said we occupied space here and had to pay them.

But everyone needs to hand over five taels of silver. How can we come up with so much money!

These land scoundrels are really abominable, why doesn't God just get rid of them all! "

"Don't worry, old man, we will drive away all the ruffians right now!" Princess Chenxi said angrily,

(End of this chapter)

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